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Frederick Dally fonds Dally, Frederick
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Frederick Dally papers

The series consists of records created by Frederick Dally including correspondence and letters of introduction; notes on his voyage from London (1862), a trip around Vancouver Island on H.M.S. SCOUT (1866), a journey to the Cariboo and his witness of the Barkerville fire (1868), First Nations people of British Columbia, and various other topics; printed items relating to his training as a dentist and later life in England. Records are arranged into three thematic groups, correspondence, miscellaneous documents, and printed items.

Frederick Dally fonds

  • PR-1380
  • Fonds
  • 1862-1883

The fonds consists of Dally's correspondence and photographs.

Dally, Frederick

Musqueam encampment on Fraser River

Item consists of a photograph of Musqueam camp on the bank of the Fraser River. Additional explanatory notes are included in the caption of this photograph in Dally album 5 (MS-3100.5): "Native woman examining a child's head (which moved) for native runners and immolating them when found between her teeth. Mosqueem [Musqueam] Indian encampment on the Fraser River. Queens Birthday Visitors 1865." The 1865 date appears in Dally's hand in the album caption, however it may be incorrect; Dally visited New Westminster in 1867.


The series consists of photograph albums and loose photographs created primarily by Frederick Dally. File MS-3100.11, Accession 198611-001, also contains photographs by Richard Maynard and possibly Oregon Hastings. All prints, whether loose or in albums, are black and white, created between 1866 and ca 1879.

The photographs contain Victoria streetscapes, Vancouver Island landscapes, the San Juan Island British Camp, and visiting Royal Navy ships and crews. As an amateur ethnographer, Dally photographed indigenous peoples in his studio, in coastal villages and through the Interior.

Photographs also include shots of the British Columbia interior including the Cariboo Wagon Road, isolated road houses and the gold rush town of Barkerville with portraits and views of miners posed at their placer gold claims and mining camps amid deforested hills.

Since photographers often sold their original glass plate negatives to other photographers when they went out of business, some of these original views may have been taken by other photographers, e.g. Carlo Gentile, but for the most part the images were shot and printed by Dally.

Sooke man, side view

Item consists of one studio portrait (mid-length) of an unidentified Sooke [T'souke-e] man. Photograph has been cropped into an oval and adhered to album page. "Sooke Indian. Side face." is written by hand below.

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