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Dally, Frederick British Columbia--Militia With digital objects
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Hayne's Band, Victoria

The item is a poor quality photographic reproduction on paper, probably cut from a magazine around 1940. It is of the Victoria Volunteer Rifle Corps Band (established 1864) at Clover Point in Victoria. William Haynes (former Royal Engineer) was the first bandmaster. The band later became the 5th (BC) Field Regiment Band. The original photograph was probably taken by Frederick Dally on August 4, 1866, as noted in the British Colonist newspaper on August 4, 1866.

Part of Professor Haynes band in camp on Beacon Hill, 1882 [sic], Victoria, B.C.

The item is a modern photographic reproduction, probably made around 1968. It is of the Victoria Volunteer Rifle Corps Band (established 1864) at Clover Point in Victoria. William Haynes (former Royal Engineer) was the first bandmaster. The band later became the 5th (BC) Field Regiment Band. The original photograph was probably taken by Frederick Dally on August 4, 1866, as noted in the British Colonist newspaper on August 4, 1866.