Nanaimo Supreme Court probate cause books
- GR-2282
- Series
- 1923-1954
Probate cause books (indexed) from Supreme and County courts.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Nanaimo)
Nanaimo Supreme Court probate cause books
Probate cause books (indexed) from Supreme and County courts.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Nanaimo)
Nanaimo Supreme Court letters of administration
Letters of Administration and Letters of Administration with Will annexed for estates handled by the Official Administrator at both the Supreme and County Court levels, 1895-1955.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Nanaimo)
The series consists of various Nanaimo County Court partnership indexes including:
Partnership index, 1894-1941.
Individual index, 1894-1906.
British Columbia. County Court (Nanaimo)
The series consists of partnership declarations done through the Nanaimo County Court, 1894 to 1947.
British Columbia. County Court (Nanaimo)
Nanaimo civil case files and Van Anda tax assessments on mines and minerals
Series consists of 2 cm of textual records related to government activities in Nanaimo from 1890-1901. Records include court summons, store tabs, and court orders. The bulk of these appear to be case files to settle disputes on debts owing between James Young (plaintiff) and Alex Crombie (defendant). The remainder are tax assessments related to mining and smelting operations in Van Anda, Texada Island, sent to Mark Bate acting as tax assessor.
British Columbia. County Court (Nanaimo)
Nanaimo County Court naturalization records
Series consists of Nanaimo County Court naturalization records for 1883-1913. Records for 1883-1890, 1903, and 1911 consist of Oaths of Residence and Naturalization Certificates. Records from 1911-1913 consist of notices of the intention to apply for naturalization at the next sitting of the Nanaimo County Court. Naturalization is the process through which immigrants acquire Canadian citizenship.
British Columbia. County Court (Nanaimo)
Nanaimo County Court criminal case files
Series consists of 1881-1913 and 1918-1933 Nanaimo county court criminal case files. Cases were heard under the Speedy Trials Act, and crimes were committed in: Alberni, Brechin, Campbell River, Cedar, Chemainus, Comox, Cortes Island, Courtenay, Cowichan, Cumberland, Denman Island, Departure Bay, Duncan, Extension Mines, Fort Rupert, Koksilah, Kuper Island, Hornby Island, Ladysmith, Malahat, Mud Bay, Oyster, Port Alberni, Quadra Island, Qualicum Beach, Quatsino, Union, VanAnda, and Wellington.
British Columbia. County Court (Nanaimo)
Nanaimo Supreme Court probate/estate files
The series consists of probate/estate files from the Supreme and County courts from Nanaimo and district.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Nanaimo)
Nanaimo County Court plaint and procedure books and cause books
The series consists of plaint and procedure books created between 1876 and 1881, and 1885 to 1977. Volumes until 1955 are partly indexed, and volumes between 1955 and 1965 contain indexes in the front of the volume. Volumes created between 1966 and 1977 do not include indexes. Series also includes naturalization lists for 1892-1900.
British Columbia. County Court (Nanaimo)