This series consists of a variety of financial records created by the Cariboo Government Agent and its successors from 1860-1948. Records are related to locations throughout the Cariboo and Chilcotin region, including, Quesnel (Quesnelle Forks or Quesnelmouth), Lightening Creek, Barkerville and Richfield. Records include collectorate cash books, waste books, records of payments of pre-emptions, assay office expenses, a mineral tax register, liquor sale records, a Bank of British Columbia bank book, a company stock journal, a tax assessment book, handwritten notes and invoices, and a list of arms borrowed from the Government Agent at Quesnelmouth. There is also a record book documenting supplies, equipment, memoranda's, and some records from the Lightening Creek Gold Commissioner's Court.
Collectorate books record the collection of various fees by the government agent. Such as trade licences, liquor licences, marriage licences, pre-emption records, water records, mining records, fines such as “Indian fines”, deposits and rent.
British Columbia. Government Agent (Cariboo District)