Federal Building and Post Office, Prince Rupert, BC
- J-08022
- Item
- [ca. 194-]
The item is a black and white photograph of the Federal Building and Post Office in Prince Rupert, possibly taken in the 1940s.
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Federal Building and Post Office, Prince Rupert, BC
The item is a black and white photograph of the Federal Building and Post Office in Prince Rupert, possibly taken in the 1940s.
The item is a black and white photograph of Prince Rupert taken around 1942. The photograph shows a view of a park with a fountain in the foreground, and the sea in the background.
Photos of Prince Rupert and Nanaimo
The file consists of 15 black and white photos taken in Prince Rupert and Nanaimo in the 1940s. They appear to have been taken by a few different unknown photographers, though one photograph was taken by William Walker Wrathall, a Prince Rupert photographer. Some of the photographs have titles handwritten in French, while others are printed in English.
SS Prince Rupert in Prince Rupert Harbor
The item is a black and white photograph of the S.S. Prince Rupert sitting in Prince Rupert Harbour, possibly in the 1940s.
The item is a black and white photograph of the Court House in Prince Rupert, possibly in the 1940s.
Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, BC
The item is a black and white photograph of Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, possibly in the 1940s. The photograph shows a street scene featuring people and cars.
The item is a black and white photograph of Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, possibly taken in the 1940s. The photograph is of a street scene and was taken by William Walker Wrathall.
General View of Prince Rupert, BC
The item is a black and white photograph showing a birds-eye view of Prince Rupert, possibly in the 1940s.
Part of Archives cartographic collection
Item is a visitor's guide to the Port of Prince Rupert issued by the Prince Rupert Port Corporation in the 1980s. It shows a basic layout of the town and surrounding areas with connecting ferry routes. It includes a section of historical notes about the region and the contact information for various services.
J.R. Anderson family papers and memoirs
Part of James Robert Anderson fonds
The series contains diaries, 1879-1927; notes and correspondence on the Anderson family; the manuscript of his memoirs with notes and correspondence and the typescript entitled "Notes and comments on early days and events in British Columbia, Washington and Oregon..."; the manuscript of his Trees and shrubs: food/medicinal, and poisonous plants of British Columbia; botanical notes; MS. articles on history, natural history, place names, First Nations legends; and accounts of trips to the Queen Charlotte Islands and to Prince Rupert and up the Skeena in 1909.
Anderson, James Robert, 1841-1930
Correspondence, clippings and reports
Part of John Christie Goodfellow fonds
Files kept by J.C. Goodfellow, secretary of the British Columbia Conference Historical Committee ca. 1930 containing correspondence, newspaper clippings and reports relating to the history of the United Church in the Prince Rupert Presbytery of British Columbia.
John C. Goodfellow was a United Church minister and a historian. He wrote many articles on the history of the Similkameen area and on other topics.
This microfilm is a copy of the files Goodfellow kept which relate to the history of the United Church in the Prince Rupert Presbytery. The files contain correspondence, clippings and reports relating to the history of the communities and the churches in the communities. The files are in alphabetical order by place name.
Part of Thomas Dufferin Pattullo fonds
Private and official correspondence, speeches, accounts, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, reports, memoranda and miscellaneous items. The papers consist of 84 document boxes [volumes 1-84] of private and official correspondence, inward and outward, speeches, accounts, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, reports, memoranda and miscellaneous items. Among the papers is correspondence inward and outward of John Oliver and John Duncan MacLean relating to Liberal party affairs. The Pattullo papers divide into two series. Series I [vol. 1-61] contain papers related to private and public activities of Pattullo from 1892-1956, but contains only five volumes [54-58] of papers related to the years 1933-1941 when Pattullo was Premier of British Columbia. Pattullo's filing system, based on subject categories, has been maintained. Papers within each file are arranged in chronological order. A few files contain papers for more than one year. For instance, a file relating to one insurance policy might cover the years 1929-1933. All such files have been placed in the volume for the earliest year. A list of the dates, form and subject of each file is given in the finding aid below. Series II [vol. 62-84] contains papers related to Pattullo's tenure as Premier. Material within files is in chronological order. Most of letter analysis is given unless the entire file relates to one subject. In Series II it is not possible, as it is with Series I, conveniently to begin and progress through the papers year by year because the whole body of papers 1933-1941 is filed exclusively on a subject basis, hence more: than one year's correspondence may be in any one file. The filing system is that devised by the Premier's Office. Files are: classified as C" - Confidential [vols. 62-65], "D" - departmental [vols. 66-67], "F" - federal [vols. 68-71] and "G" - general [vols. 72-73]. Volumes 74-76 contain alphabetical files. Volumes 77-84 contain newspaper clippings related to the years 1933-1941. Most of the pamphlets from the Pattullo papers have been removed and catalogued in the British Columbia Archives Library. Many of the remaining pamphlets are duplicates. Restriction: Researchers are requested to use the microfilm for conservation reasons. [reels A-01796-A01811, A01959-A01963]. Files containing oversize material were filmed at a later date and are on reels A01959-A01963. The text of a radio speech delivered on 19 Feb 1941 in Prince Rupert was presented by UBC Library in 2008 (box 65, file 14).
Pattullo, Thomas Dufferin, 1873-1956
Records relating to foreshore leases
This series contains records relating to foreshore leases, including expired and canceled leases. It consists of a register to foreshore leases (1 vol.), lease indentures, sketches, plans and material relating to leases for Prince Rupert foreshore, fish plants, fish traps, and fishing stations, and to lands formerly comprising the Songhees Indian Reserve, Victoria.
British Columbia. Dept. of Lands
Deckhands unloading fish at Prince Rupert.
Part of M.M. Stephens fonds
The recently completed Bank of Montreal; Prince Rupert
Part of M.M. Stephens fonds
First post office in Prince Rupert
Item consists of one postcard entitled "First Post Office in Prince Rupert". The postcard depicts a building covered in tarps with two men standing outside the front door. The building is directly next to the railway tracks.
Morrow's Butcher Shop, Prince Rupert
"Dr. Chang Kan Jen and party at Prince Rupert, B.C."
"Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B.C."
C.H. Orme drugstore on the left. Prince Rupert Steam Laundry wagon on the right.
Part of Imbert Orchard fonds
SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Arthur Morrow : boyhood memories of Port Essington PERIOD COVERED: 1900-1907 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Arthur Morrow recounts his father's (George W. Morrow) meat business and the start of his store in Port Essington, memories of George Frizzell and the establishment of "Morrow and Frizzell" meat store, his father's role as Indian agent and opening the first meat store in Rupert. Arthur Morrow recalls childhood memories of Port Essington, an excursion to the hot springs up the Ecstall River, the Essington community, "Frenchie", the police force, Wiggs O'Neill and his bakery, the Chinese residents, the bear incident, social activities, Robert Cunningham, tennis and outdoor garden parties and tugboats and the fishing curfew. TRACK 2: Arthur Morrow continues with recollections about the tugboats, fishing boats, the fishing curfew, the fishing regulations, "Wiggy Johnson", A. Ragstad ;and his jewelry store, Dr. Wilson and his wife, sports day, childhood memories and dangers of the river.
Fulton Street and the water tank, Prince Rupert.
"First building, Prince Rupert."
Part of Imbert Orchard fonds
SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): James Flynn recounts his life in Northern B.C. from 1910 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: James Flynn talks about his experiences in northern B.C. from 1910. He was born in Newfoundland in 1888. He offers his reasons for leaving Newfoundland in 1903, coming out west in 1907; arri;vied in Prince Rupert in 1910, working for the Grand Trunk Railroad and Prince Rupert Waterworks. He describes Price Rupert as it was in 1910, going to Stewart in 1911, working on the telegraph to the; Nass country in 1910-1911, prospecting, starting a farm on Porcher Island, fishing on the Skeena in 1914, logging near Port Clements on the Queen Charlotte Islands in 1914, working on a pile driver and an accident is described in detail, an incident while working on a logging camp, harvest in Alberta, trapping on Nass River. One incident of burning down a telegraph cabin by accident is recalled. TRACK 2: Flynn continues with the incident: rebuilding the cabin, getting injured on the trap line, farming in the Nass, settlement on Porcher Island, settlers at Alice Arm, Captain John Irving's place there, the "Esperanza", life as a prospector near Alice Arm from the mid 1940s to the date of the interview and miscellaneous rambling comments about Alice Arm.
Part of Imbert Orchard fonds
SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Arthur Lee Clore : the Skeena River region, c.1910 PERIOD COVERED: 1910-1914 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: This interview begins with a long lead in of harbour sounds, misc. sounds and a bell tolling. Arthur Clore speaks about coming to the Skeena country from Ketchikan, Alaska in 1910. He talks a;bout his impressions of Prince Rupert, offers of work, the Kitselas Hotel Bar, George Kerr, Kitselas' importance, Indian battles, the Kitselas townsite c.1910, steamboats -- Foley, Wells and Stewart a;nd qualities of the local inhabitants. He describes a journey from Kitselas to Telkwa and stories of Copper City. TRACK 2: Arthur Clore continues with recollections of the trail to Telkwa, the wreck ;of the "Mount Royal", Kitselas, a Hazelton bank robbery, the Skeena River, sighting "Haley's Comet", memories of Alaska and the volcanic activity of 1913.
Hotel and other buildings; wooden walkway; recently cleared land.
A family at their home in Prince Rupert.