Showing 151 results

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British Columbia. Forest Branch
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3 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Gerald Smedley Andrews fonds
Gerald Smedley Andrews fonds
Registers of timber leases and royalties
Registers of timber leases and royalties
Special Timber Licenses
Special Timber Licenses
Special use permits
Special use permits
Railway belt lot registers
Railway belt lot registers
[Canoe River]
[Canoe River]
[Larch case borer]
[Larch case borer]
[Mountain pine beetle : pupa, larva and young adult ]
[Mountain pine beetle : pupa, larva and young adult ]
[Ogden Point, loading lumber and paper ; Beacon Hill Park]
[Ogden Point, loading lumber and paper ; Beacon Hill Park]
[Radio communications montage]
[Radio communications montage]
[Crossing rivers and liferaft]
[Crossing rivers and liferaft]
[Hazard sign, Langford]
[Hazard sign, Langford]
[Loading boxes maple leaves]
[Loading boxes maple leaves]
[Helicopter drops supplies by parachute]
[Helicopter drops supplies by parachute]
[Air views and air photo plane, Victoria and Crofton]
[Air views and air photo plane, Victoria and Crofton]
[Budworm project : [general footage]
[Budworm project : [general footage]
[Sayward-Menzies : trees, zoom air shots]
[Sayward-Menzies : trees, zoom air shots]
[Stand treatment]
[Stand treatment]
[Frost protection, Duncan]
[Frost protection, Duncan]
[Helicopter hemlock looper spraying]
[Helicopter hemlock looper spraying]
[Lookout towers, Menzies and Elk Falls]
[Lookout towers, Menzies and Elk Falls]
[Prince George pulp mills and log trucks on Willow FDR]
[Prince George pulp mills and log trucks on Willow FDR]
[Deer -- Fort Rodd Hill and Francis Park]
[Deer -- Fort Rodd Hill and Francis Park]
[Fire suppression]
[Fire suppression]
[Air base scenes ; mixing fire retardent]
[Air base scenes ; mixing fire retardent]
[Life jacket demonstration]
[Life jacket demonstration]
[Mountain pine beetle emerging from tree, etc.]
[Mountain pine beetle emerging from tree, etc.]
[Styroblock, Surrey]
[Styroblock, Surrey]
[Rappelling from helicopter]
[Rappelling from helicopter]
Results 1 to 30 of 151