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Similkameen district (B.C.)
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Hunter, Jessie R. Princeton.

Meteorological registers at Princeton, March 1, 1902 - June 22, 1942. A list of Meteorological Service of Canada international symbols for the designation of weather phenomena is filed at front of collection.

Hunter, Jessie

Robert H. Nichols records

Notes, essays and clippings on various aspects of British Columbia history including Fort Steele, Jim Buckman, Kootenay and Creston, Wild Horse Creek, the Police, Similkameen and Granite Creek, Cariboo packers and the East Kootenay.

Princeton and District Chamber of Commerce.

Minute book, 1968-1969; records of the Princeton Board of Trade, 1945-1949, including minutes and correspondence, British Columbia Southern Interior Associated Boards of Trade, 1946-1949, and minutes of the Council of the Associated Boards of Trade of British Columbia, 1948.

Princeton and District Chamber of Commerce

Princeton County Court civil case files

  • GR-2241
  • Series
  • 1915-1953

Civil case files. For an index to these files use the indexes in GR-2139, Princeton plaint and procedure books.

British Columbia. County Court (Princeton)

Princeton Small Debts Court case files

  • GR-2508
  • Series
  • 1944-1950

Case files. [See also GR- 2781, Kelowna Small Debts Court as some files from 1950 and 1951 were first entered in the Princeton registry.]

British Columbia. Small Debts Court (Princeton)


  • GR-2683
  • Series
  • 1900-1966

Firm index 1948-1966; Partnership index and individual index 1900-1953.

British Columbia. County Court (Princeton)

Partnership declarations and other material

  • GR-2684
  • Series
  • 1942-1968

Partnership declarations, 1964-1966; list of firms, 1942-1966; and a circular letter to County Court Registrars, July 18, 1968, explaining that Partnership registrations should be made to the Registrar of Companies.

British Columbia. County Court (Princeton)

Correspondence and other material

  • GR-2837
  • Series
  • 1903-1953

Correspondence, memos, circulars, audits, returns, ledger sheets and tax forms from the office of the Official Administrator.

British Columbia. Official Administrator (Grand Forks)

Calendar from the Corporation of the City of Grand Forks

  • GR-3078
  • Series
  • 1903-1928

Calendar from the Corporation of the City of Grand Forks showing date and hour, name, age, place of birth, religion, trade, literacy, use of liquor, charge, office charging, name of officer charging, plea, name of presiding magistrate and details of the sentence (Duration, fine, costs). There are no entries for 1921.

British Columbia. Police Court (Grand Forks)

Grand Forks Police Court record books

  • GR-3083
  • Series
  • 1926-1948

Provincial Police Court record books showing name of prosecutor, name of defendant, nature of the charge, costs, name of arresting office, name of gaol or lockup, order or conviction, amount of fine, name of presiding magistrate or justice and "remarks", 1926-1936 and 1937-1948.

British Columbia. Police Court (Grand Forks)

[Mining Association of British Columbia : miscellany]

Footage. A selection of miscellaneous footage from various films produced by Parry for the Mining Association and some of its member companies. Includes footage of Boyles Brothers (manufacture of diamond drills); BC Research labs; Cominco labs and smelter; geological surveys; "Kimberley smelter" (?); Nickel Plate mine at Hedley (abandoned buildings); oil refineries and tank farms; Phoenix mine; Pine Point; Similkameen Mining Company operations; Sullivan Mine; Trail; various unidentified mills and mine operations; Western Canada Rolling Mines (steel mill); Western Mines (construction of mill and other facilities).

[Survive -- follow-up]

News item. Plane crash coverage. Aerial shots showing the rugged mountainous area around the Hope-Princeton highway and the Similkameen River. Other footage shows interior and staff at the CFB Comox, Search and Rescue Division. Spokesman explains that an electronic search was undertaken first, but no signal was received, so a visual search was implemented. The crash survivor walked out to highway through deep snow.

Giant Mascot

Industrial film. The growth and development of Giant Mascot Mines Ltd. -- especially the Giant Mascot Mine near Hope, which re-opened in 1971 after a serious fire. Includes mine and concentrator operations, lab tests, planning of future work, etc. Also shows the company's geological survey and test drilling operations in the area and in the Northwest Territories. Vancouver scenes include shots inside the Vancouver Stock Exchange.

Giant Mascot : [out-takes]

Out-takes. The growth and development of Giant Mascot Mines Ltd. -- especially the Giant Mascot Mine near Hope, which re-opened in 1971 after a serious fire. Includes mine and concentrator operations, lab tests, planning of future work, etc. Also shows the company's geological survey and test drilling operations in the area and in the Northwest Territories. Vancouver scenes include shots inside the Vancouver Stock Exchange.

McConnell, John P. Aspen Grove.

Notebook containing draft agreement for extending terms of payment for the Golden Sovereign Group of copper claims, situated near Aspen Grove, copies of telegrams sent by McConnell, and notes of assay records together with estimated production rates and costs for various mines.

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