This series consists of a variety of operational records created by the Campbell River Forest District, a division of the Vancouver Forest Region, from 1990-2001. This includes land and resource management records, range tenures, and procedure files.
The series includes the following types of records:
Records relating to Land and Resource Management Plans (LRMP) consider all resource values within a given area of land. This area of land can consist of a TSA, a forest district, or other areas as designated. Each plan is prepared by an Interagency Planning Team in consultation with the public. These plans can be further subdivided into resource units and resource management zones. The participants in the planning process may build scenarios that include a set of resource management objectives and strategies both for the entire planning area and for each of the smaller units it contains. This primary includes the development, monitoring and review and amendment of plans for specific areas, and input from the public. The series includes terms of reference for the establishment of LRMPs.
Records relating to Local Resource Use Plans (LRUPs) to resolve resource use conflicts in specific areas at the local level. Includes records relating to data concerning a specific area - usually a watershed or other distinct resource management unit.
Utilization records regard the guidelines followed by the Ministry of Forests concerning the harvesting of timber
and the resulting affects on fish habitat. Includes guidelines, audits of licensees to ensure compliance with
guidelines, action/assessment plans.
The series also includes one district inventory program file and a range tenure file. There are also procedures related to engineering, road damage, forest service roads, district program planning, nurseries silviculture obligations and silviculture treatments.
The ministries responsible for creating these records, and the years that they were responsible, are:
Ministry of Forests (1988-2005)
The records were classified as 12380-25, 12440-20, 12600-20, 15700-20, 19910-20, plus several procedure files ending in the secondary "-02" in the Forest Operational Records Classification System (ORCS).
British Columbia. Campbell River Forest District