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Okanagan district (B.C.)
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Records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Yale District

  • GR-0826
  • Series
  • 1859-1886

This series consists of the records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Yale District, 1859-1886. Records include 5 volumes of pre-emption records and one volume of certificates of improvement.

Volume 1, nos. 1-392 (1859-1872)
Volume 2, nos. 275-312 and 1-24 (1870-1871)
Volume 3, nos. 25-279 (1871-1884)
Volume 4, certificates of record of unsurveyed land, nos. 250-294 (1874-1885)
Volume 5, certificates of record of unsurveyed land, nos. 292-295 (1883-1886)
Volume 6, certificates of improvement, nos. 1-27 (1870-1873)

Volumes 1 and 4 have nominal indexes. Note that these volume number have been added by the BC Archives; they are not the original volume numbers applied by the creator.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Similkameen Division

  • GR-0825
  • Series
  • 1905-1920

This series consists of records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands, Similkameen Division, Yale District, 1905-1920. Records include two volumes of declarations for Certificates of Improvement, nos. 1-182 and 183-561. The declarations give a description of improvements made on preempted lands. Some certificates are from Osoyoos Division, Yale District. There is an index at the back of each volume. Some records may relate to Vernon and Fairview as well.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Okay Angler's fishing maps

File consists of three guide maps for fishing in British Columbia published in 1987 by Okay Angler's. They include information on fishing and businesses related to sport fishing in British Columbia. The maps cover the following regions:
Vancouver Fraser Valley
Kamloops area includes Shuswap Lake

Registers relating to Crown Grants

  • GR-1129
  • Series
  • 1900-1924

This series includes registers relating to Crown Grants, Similkameen Division and Osoyoos Division, Yale District (2 vols.) Volume 1 is a register of Crown Grant applications forwarded to Victoria and includes date and disposition of application, name and address of applicant, legal description of land, Crown Grant number. Volume 2 is a register of Crown Grants and includes date of notice, number of grant, legal description of land, payment schedule, disposition and Grown Grant number. The registers are arranged chronologically.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Records of the Government office in Fairview, B.C.

  • GR-1674
  • Series
  • 1905-1914

This series contains applications to purchase crown land in the Similkameen district, 3 vols. Records of the Government office in Fairview, B.C. Related to GR-0214 and GR-1675.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

Records from the Vernon Government Agent office

  • GR-4172
  • Series
  • 1875-1904

This series consists of various records transferred from the Vernon Government Agent's office. Many of the records were created by predecessor Government Agents who worked in Yale, Osoyoos or other parts of the Okanagan District before an Agent was stationed in Vernon. The majority of the records are tax assessment rolls for the Okanagan District from 1880-1884. Other records include applications for the sale of unsurveyed land and pre-emption records; reference material likely from the sessional papers, including bills; cofferdam contract; and a statement of collectors of revenue; and an indexed register of collected taxes.

British Columbia. Government Agent (Vernon)

Pre-emption applications

  • GR-0214
  • Series
  • 1900-1916

The series consists of 12 volumes created by the Lands Branch, of pre-emption applications for the Osoyoos, Similkameen, and Yale land districts from 1900 to 1916. The records are arranged numerically by application number. Volumes 6, 7, 8 and 9 include an index to names.

Records usually include a sketch map of the pre-emption applied for and declarations as required by the Land Act.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

Penticton Supreme Court letters of administration with wills annexed

  • GR-3230
  • Series
  • 1927-1976

The series consists of Penticton letters of administration with wills annexed from the County Court, 1928-1946 (Form 157) and from the Supreme Court, 1927-1976 (Form B).

The 4 volumes comprise: County Court letters of admin with wills (1928-1946), numbers 20-448; Supreme Court letters of admin with wills (1927-1952), numbers 78-1282; Supreme Court letters of admin with wills (1952-1967), numbers 1272-3356 and Supreme Court letters of admin with wills (1967-1976), numbers 3362-5426.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Penticton)

Penticton Supreme Court letters of administration

  • GR-3227
  • Series
  • 1910-1976

Penticton grants of letters of administration from the County Court, 1910-1911; 1919-1922; 1928-1957 (Form 156) and from the Supreme Court, 1925-1976 (Form C). An item list is available for the records from the Supreme Court. The volumes include: Volume# Contents Number Range Date range Penticton County Court letters of administration 1910-1911 Penticton County Court letters of administration 1919-1922 Penticton County Court letters of administration 1928-1939 Penticton County Court letters of administration 1939-1945 Penticton County Court letters of administration 1945-1954 Penticton County Court letters of administration 1956-1957 1 Penticton Supreme Court letters of administration 49-415 1925-1938 2 Penticton Supreme Court letters of administration 418-781 1938-1946 3 Penticton Supreme Court letters of administration 787-1169 1946-1951 4 Penticton Supreme Court letters of administration 1173-1571 1951-1955 5 Penticton Supreme Court letters of administration 1572-1999 1955-1958 6 Penticton Supreme Court letters of administration 2009-2489 1955-1958 7 Penticton Supreme Court letters of administration 2497-3001 1961-1965 8 Penticton Supreme Court letters of administration 3004-3637 1965-1968 9 Penticton Supreme Court letters of administration 3641-4230 1968-1971 10 Penticton Supreme Court letters of administration 4233-4919 1971-1974 11 Penticton Supreme Court letters of administration 4923-5472 1974-1976

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Penticton)

Oliver probate/estate files

  • GR-3578
  • Series
  • 1996-2002

The series consists of probate/estate files from the Oliver court registry.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Oliver)

Registers of brands (cattle and horses)

  • GR-1487
  • Series
  • 1873-1914

This series contains registers of brands (for both cattle and horses) kept by district recording offices prior to 1914. Registers pertain to brands registered in Cariboo, Similkameen, Okanagan, and Nanaimo districts. In most cases, the registers show the name and address of brand owners, the date and certificate number of the brand registration, and a description of registered brands and markings. Registers pertain to both cattle and horses. Since the districts covered by the registers were not rigidly defined, researchers may have to consult more than one volume to locate specific brands or brand owners. This series may be used in conjunction with GR-0409 and GR-0412 (Registers for Cariboo, Lillooet, and New Westminster) and with GR-1488 (post-1914 brands registers and indexes).

British Columbia. Recorder of Brands

Library Services Branch records

  • GR-1387
  • Series
  • 1919-1979

This series contains correspondence, statistical returns, and reports of the Public Library Commission (PLC) and its successors, the Library Development Commission and the Library Services Branch. The series includes files of PLC pioneers Helen Gordon Stewart, H.N. Lidster, and C.K. Morison, plus records of PLC members at Provincial Library and Archives. The records also contain documents relating to regional libraries in Fraser Valley, Okanagan district, and Vancouver Island, along with correspondence pertaining to provincial library schools and associations.

British Columbia. Library Services Branch

Vernon Supreme Court orders

  • GR-1853
  • Series
  • 1901-1930; 1958-1959

The series consists of orders issued by the Supreme Court in Vernon between 1901-1930 and 1958-1959. Researchers should note that orders for the period 1931 to 1957 are missing. Some may be found in GR-2256 (1916, 1918, 1926-1949). Orders are the formal expression of the ruling of the court and judgements are the final orders issued in a case. Records relate to a variety of civil matters including divorces, bankruptcies, foreclosures, and some adoptions.

Microfilm reel B16147 contains volume 1 (May1901-November 1916) and volume 2 (October 1916-July 1920) of the orders. Container 831041-0001 contains original paper copies of orders as well as several indexes, although it is unclear to which orders these refer. They appear to index more than what was transferred in the box. When the records arrived at the Archives, they had been divided into folders based on year, and are arranged in rough chronological orders. Records relating to the same case can be found across several folders. The paper records also contain a small number of interfiled judgments.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Vernon)

Kamloops and Vernon water districts information book

  • GR-4289
  • Series
  • 1920-1925

This series consists of one informational binder related to various irrigation districts in the Kelowna water district and the Vernon water district from approximately 1920-1925. Records include financial records such as expenditures and payment schedules into conservation funds; information on irrigation construction and maintenance projects; proclamations; maps of irrigation districts; and general information about the district.

Records relate to the following irrigation districts: Black Mountain, Ericson, Grand Forks, Glenmore, Heffley, Kaledon, Malcolm Horie, Naramata, Oyama, Peachland, Penticton, Robson, Rutland, Scotty Creek, Southeast Kelowna, Vernon, Vinsulla, and Westbank.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Kelowna County Court naturalization register

  • GR-3170
  • Series
  • 1923-1966

Series consists of one Kelowna County Court naturalization register for 1923-1966. Entries include name, occupation, former country, current address, and details of the naturalization certificate. Naturalization is the process through which immigrants acquire Canadian citizenship.

British Columbia. County Court (Kelowna)

Royal Commission on the Tree-Fruit Industry of British Columbia

  • GR-1292
  • Series
  • 1950-1959

This series contains records relating to the Royal Commission on the Tree-Fruit Industry of British Columbia.

The series consists of hearing and meeting transcripts, exhibits, research surveys, studies and reports, correspondence, administrative files and a final report. Missing are a number of the formally registered exhibits however correspondence and geographically arranged files appear to contain copies of similar briefs or information. Receipts indicate that some exhibits containing business records were returned to submitters.

British Columbia. Royal Commission on the Tree-Fruit Industry of British Columbia

Penticton Supreme Court orders and judgements

  • GR-2705
  • Series
  • 1922-1941

Series consists of original civil orders and judgements created between 1922 and 1941 by the Penticton Supreme Court. Orders are the formal expression of the ruling of the court and judgements are the final orders issued in a case. Records relate to a variety of civil matters including divorces.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Penticton)

Vernon County Court firm declaration records

  • GR-3506
  • Series
  • 1898-1964

The series consists of nine volumes of firm declarations from the Vernon area. Unindexed ledgers are complete from 1898-1964. Indexes of firm names exist for the 1901-1950 time period, and indexes of individual names exist for 1922-1957. The series documents a wide variety of businesses, including general merchants, hotels, and metallurgists and assayers.

British Columbia. County Court (Vernon)

Vernon County Court bench books

  • GR-3508
  • Series
  • 1890-1953

The series consists of nine volumes of judges’ bench books from the Vernon County Court and the County Court of Yale holden at Vernon. The series includes both civil and criminal court cases and includes two 1934 volumes of the records of County Court Judge J.D. Swanson.

British Columbia. County Court (Vernon)

Vernon County Court process books

  • GR-3507
  • Series
  • 1913-[195-?]

The series consists of one unindexed process book dating from 1913 to 1916 and two process index books. The indexes appear to be for much later records and likely date to the 1950s. A typical entry shows the date received, plaint number, plaintiff, defendant, nature of process, amount, court issued from, name of solicitor, date of return, nature of return and remarks.

British Columbia. County Court (Vernon)

Vernon County Court conditional bills of sale

  • GR-3505
  • Series
  • 1930-1953

The series consists of ledgers of conditional bills of sale for the Vernon area. A typical entry includes the names of both parties involved and a bill number. Most ledgers are indexed. Ledgers date from 1930 to 1953.

British Columbia. County Court (Vernon)

Penticton County Court and Supreme Court orders and judgements

  • GR-2332
  • Series
  • 1914-1938

Series consists of original civil orders and judgements created between 1914 and 1938 by the Penticton County Court and Supreme Court. Orders are the formal expression of the ruling of the court and judgements are the final orders issued in a case. Records relate to a variety of civil matters including divorces.

British Columbia. County Court (Penticton)

Report to the Minister of Finance by the Civil and Hydraulic Engineer

  • GR-1023
  • Series
  • 1916

Series consists of a report to the Minister of Finance of the Province of British Columbia on the Physical and Financial conditions of irrigation projects in the Vernon and Kelowna Districts, created by A.R. Mackenzie, Civil and Hydraulic Engineer. 2 parts.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Vernon Supreme Court cause book

  • GR-1851
  • Series
  • 1914-1937

This series consists of one cause book from the Vernon Supreme Court for civil cases between Sep 1914 and May 1937. Cause books provide the skeletal framework for Supreme Court civil action proceedings and may include the names of parties, the dates when proceedings occurred, and can be used to determine a volume and folio number for locating final orders. Subjects include a variety of financial matters, divorces, probates and estate administration, adoption orders, and other civil cases.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Vernon)

Vernon Supreme Court civil cause books

  • GR-3787
  • Series
  • 1901-1916; 1954-1958

The series consists of civil cause books from the Vernon Supreme court covering 1901-1916 and 1954-1958. Cause books provide details such as the name of parties involved, the names of their solicitors, nature of the claim and a listing of proceedings in the case. Subjects include a variety of financial matters, divorces, probates and estate administration, adoption orders, and other civil cases.

Volume one does not include an index, and several files are noted to be “from Vancouver registry.” Volumes two and three have indexes. Volume two has two separate indexes: a large index at the front of the volume and a smaller separate index tucked in the front cover of the volume. These two indexes have overlapping information, but some information may be unique to each index.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Vernon)

Okanagan Region Fish and Wildlife Branch oral history interviews

  • GR-3374
  • Series
  • 1967-1974

The series consists of 27 audio recordings, on 33 audio cassette tapes. There are also 38 interview summaries, including 11 additional interviews for which tapes were not received. Interviews are with Fish and Wildlife Branch officials, trappers, hunters, fishermen, and other Okanagan residents regarding the fish and wildlife populations of the Okanagan Region.

The interviews were recorded by Donna Butler and Jill Pruden. The project was supervised by Jack N. Bone, Wildlife Technician for the B.C. Dept. of Recreation and Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Branch, Okanagan Region.

British Columbia. Dept. of Recreation and Conservation

Project files

  • GR-0880
  • Series
  • 1949-1976

This series consists of records of the Ministry of Environment (previously the Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water Resources), Power and Special Projects Division. Records include correspondence, feasibility studies, consultants' reports, engineering studies, application hearings, submissions, progress reports, contract drawings and tender documents regarding hydro-electric projects, water licenses, flood control, petroleum refinery pollution, sewerage treatment plants, fisheries and wildlife, and environmental impact, 1949-1976.

The collection largely contains materials relating to Arrow Lakes Dam, 1949, 1954-1969; the Jordan River redevelopment project, 1968-1972; the Babine Lake development (Fulton River dam), 1967-1970; the Columbia River Mica Dam project, 1954-1970; the Duncan Lake storage development, 1971-1973; the Kootenay canal development, and the Portage Mountain development (Peace River W.A.C. Bennett Dam), 1958-1967. It also includes hearings and submissions regarding the Iona Island sewage treatment plant, 1957-1959; records of Canada - B.C. Consultative Committee on the Okanagan basin agreement, 1970; B.C. Comptroller of Water Rights hearings regarding Nechako River, 1949; various B.C. Research Council reports, 1966-1973; and International Joint Commission (U.S. and Canada) hearings, 1955.

Boxes contains the following material:
Box 1 : Hydro-electric projects, miscellaneous reports and correspondence
Box 2: Tsitikia-Schoen Resource Study Hearings (Date: 1975)
Box 3: B.C. Hydro and Power Authority Reports, Mica, Arrow Lake, Duncan Lake Dams, 1965-1973; Recreation in Columbia River basin, 1961; Soil Convention Papers, 1964; Committee on International Hydro decade (Dates 1961, 1964-1973)
Box 4: Water License, Dam Applications, Hearings and Submissions (Dates 1949-1976)
Box 5: Fraser River (Dates 1957-1974)
Box 6: B.C. Research Council Reports (Dates 1966-1973)
Box 7: Okanagan Valley, Kettle Valley (Date 1975)
Box 8: Sewage Disposal, Iona Island (Dates 1957-1959)
Box 9: Wildlife and Fisheries (Dates 1965, 1969)
Box 10: Petroleum Refineries Pollution, Solid Waste Disposal
Box 11-13: Jordan River Redevelopment Project (Dates 1968-1972)
Box 14-28: Arrow Lake Dam (Dates 1958-1969)
Box 29-30: Babine Lake Development (Fulton River Dam) (Dates 1967-1970)
Box 31-39: Columbia -River Hydro-Electric Projects (Dates 1954-1966)
Box 40-45: Duncan Lake Storage Development (1961-1973)
Box 46-51: Kootenay Canal Development (Dates 67-1973)
Box 52-72: Portage Mountain development (W.A.C. Bennett Dam, Peace River) (Dates 1958-1968)
Box 73-86: Miscellaneous Contract Drawings and Tender Documents
Box 87: Additional Jordan River Redevelopment reports (Dates 1968-1969)
Box 88: Author and title catalogue cards

British Columbia. Power and Special Projects Division

Results 1 to 30 of 160