ʔatušmit transformed into a deer
- PDP06192
- Item
ʔatušmit transformed into a deer
Part of Forest Service photographs
Zymoetz River flowing into Skeena
The item is a b&w photograph of the Zymoetz River flowing into the Skeena River.
Zymoetz River Falls, 10 miles from Copper City
The item is a b&w photograph of the Zymoetz River Falls, 10 miles from Copper City.
Zymoetz River entering Skeena River
The item is a b&w photograph showing the confluence of the Zymoetz and Skeena Rivers near Terrace.
The item is a b&w photograph of Zymoetz Lake.
Zwicker, Gilbert : Mission City
Zuefle, Kathryn Mary Theresa : Victoria
Zuchiarte Channel survey photograph
Item is a glass plate photographic negative created by a topographical surveying party headed by A.G. Slocomb, B.C.L.S. The photograph depicts a view NW from Mt. Albermarle towards Zuchiarte Channel.
Zoo, Beacon Hill Park, Victoria
Part of Frank Peters Boucher fonds
Zlet's trapping camp near Finlay Forks.
Zionists and Hebrew Aid picnic at Bowen Island.
Zionist Executive, Vancouver, BC.
Zink, Franz Philip : Chilliwack
Part of Film and Photographic Branch travel industry and tourism photographs
Part of Film and Photographic Branch travel industry and tourism photographs
Part of Film and Photographic Branch travel industry and tourism photographs
"Zinc thickeners, CMS Co. concentrator, Kimberley, BC."
Part of Film and Photographic Branch travel industry and tourism photographs
Part of Film and Photographic Branch travel industry and tourism photographs
Zinc ingots from Cominco, Trail.
Ziegler, Helen Isabella : White Rock