Blasting out ledge in Deserters Canyon on the Finlay River.
Running the Parle Pas rapids.
Finlay Forks from Island Camp.
Survey crew running the Peace River at Parle Pas Rapids.
Christening a canoe at Nanika River.
Southwest arm of Morice Lake.
Signal at southwest arm of Morice Lake.
Swannell survey; crew christen their new dugout canoe.
A surveyor taking a canoe across a beaver dam.
Tatchi River, running the Grand Rapids.
Survey crew portaging a canoe up a rriverbank on the Cheslatta-Nechako trail.
Canoe in bad water on the Cheslatta River.
Cheslatta River; Swannell survey.
Tatchi River, running the Grand Rapids.
Tatchi River, running the Grand Rapids.
Lower rapids on the Tatchi River.
Portaging down a cataract on Cheslatta River. [NOTE: H-NUMBER IS INCORRECT*]
Survey team's freight wagon loaded with a canoe on the Ootsa-Cheslatta trail; Knox and McLean.
Canoe and crew, with their dog, Mike, on Intatah Lake.
Bob Stranack in tipping canoe.
Surel River, Musclow and canoe
Survey canoes at Teta Chuck Falls.
Price and Crawford in canoe.
Canoe on Eutsuk Lake near Maroon Island.
Surel River, canoe above falls.
Surel River, canoe above small falls.
Surel River, canoe at log jam.
Surel River, Musclow and canoe
Charlie Musclow in the bow of a canoe
Teta Chuck Rapids.