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British Columbia. Dept. of Lands Vancouver Island (B.C.) Railroad land grants--British Columbia--Vancouver Island
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Cowichan District land register including various Gulf Islands

  • GR-2628
  • Series
  • 1891-1928

This series consists of a Cowichan Land District land register for various lots on Vancouver Island and other islands, including: Galiano Island, Mayne Island and Pender Island. The entries are arranged numerically by lots within local areas, i.e. individual islands. Records date from 1891 onwards and the volume was superseded in 1929 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1929).

This volume is a continuation of an unknown previous register and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. The volume contains an alphabetical name index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Records of crown grant applications

  • GR-1405
  • Series
  • ca. 1904-1928

This series contains lists of Vancouver Island settlers who made Crown grant applications under provisions of the Vancouver Island Settlers' Rights Act, 1904, and subsequent amendments. Information includes name, acreage, and legal description of lands.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands