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Agriculture today : items and out-takes Irrigation--British Columbia
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Agriculture today : reel 1, part 2

The item consists of a reel of 16 mm film which includes the following items:
D. At Cawston, an entire unprofitable apricot orchard is cut down. The cut trees are shredded and dispersed as mulch. At Revelstoke, three deep wells are being drilled to provide water for irrigation and domestic use.
E. Orchard scenes.
F. The golden nematode, a pest of tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants, infested Vancouver Island in 1965. The plant protection of the federal Department of Agriculture eradicated the threat using quarantine, soil preparation and fumigation.
G. The federal Department of Agriculture's national potato-breeding program. At a research station in Fredericton, researchers select the best varieties for each region of Canada.

Agriculture today : reel 20, part 1

The item consists of a reel of 16 mm film which includes the following:
Tractor pulling irrigation pipes in orchard. Sprinklers at work. Controlling growth of fruit trees for effective watering [?]. Horses, barn, old steam tractor, corral. River, cattle, corral. People gathering at ranch house. A field day; presentation of prizes from Southern Interior Stockmen's Association and B.C. Livestock Producers Co-Op Association. People at indoor meeting.

Agriculture today : reel 20, part 2

The item consists of a reel of 16 mm film which includes the following:
Measuring depth and weight of snow for water resource estimates. Use of measuring equipment. Taking stream-flow measurements from a bridge. A wooden flume system; escaping water. Building a new asbestos-cement pipeline. Opening a dam. Testing water from a hand pump. Checking outdoor instruments. Man climbing down a manhole.

Agriculture today : reel 28, part 1

The item consists of a reel of 16 mm film which includes the following:

  1. Sorting apples; fruit processing machines. Laboratory for research on preparation of fruit products, new equipment, and packaging. Label: "Sun-Rype Sliced Fresh Peaches". Apple-peeling machine. Apple pulp press. Grinder. Sign: "Barkwills Ltd. Fruit Processors". View of plant. Peach canning operation, including processing machinery and boxing. Boxes marked "Royal City Peaches Halved" and "Brentwood Peaches Sliced".
  2. Automatic sprinkling system: control panel; sprinkler heads in operation. Various orchard sprinkler systems.

Agriculture today : reel 29, part 2

The item consists of a reel of 16 mm film which includes the following:
C. The Kamloops area is well-suited for raising beef cattle. Bill Hubbard [?] of the federal agricultural research station at Kamloops explains how to increase hay production on a "three-cut" basis; the right variety of forage; soil preparation, fertilizer, watering. Irrigation and sprinkler system. Cutting and stacking. (00:05:50)
D. Showing bulls. An indoor cattle auction. Sign: "Kelowna Ranches". Showing a bull. Auctioneers and bidders. Sign: "Polled Herefords". Bull in outdoor corral. (00:11:17)