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Only top-level descriptions Land settlement--British Columbia
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Records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Similkameen Division

  • GR-0825
  • Series
  • 1905-1920

This series consists of records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands, Similkameen Division, Yale District, 1905-1920. Records include two volumes of declarations for Certificates of Improvement, nos. 1-182 and 183-561. The declarations give a description of improvements made on preempted lands. Some certificates are from Osoyoos Division, Yale District. There is an index at the back of each volume. Some records may relate to Vernon and Fairview as well.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Yale District

  • GR-0826
  • Series
  • 1859-1886

This series consists of the records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Yale District, 1859-1886. Records include 5 volumes of pre-emption records and one volume of certificates of improvement.

Volume 1, nos. 1-392 (1859-1872)
Volume 2, nos. 275-312 and 1-24 (1870-1871)
Volume 3, nos. 25-279 (1871-1884)
Volume 4, certificates of record of unsurveyed land, nos. 250-294 (1874-1885)
Volume 5, certificates of record of unsurveyed land, nos. 292-295 (1883-1886)
Volume 6, certificates of improvement, nos. 1-27 (1870-1873)

Volumes 1 and 4 have nominal indexes. Note that these volume number have been added by the BC Archives; they are not the original volume numbers applied by the creator.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence index to lands files

  • GR-0993
  • Series
  • 1980

The series consists of indexes to correspondence files relating to the administration of Crown lands and natural resources. The records were created in 1980 from a computer print-out of various departmental indexes and includes references to files created by various branches of the Dept. of Lands and Works (1872-1908), the Dept. of Lands (1908-1945), the Dept. of Lands and Forests (1945-1962), the Dept. of Lands, Forest and Water Resources (1962-1975) and the Ministry of Lands, Parks and Housing. It provides access to active, microfilmed and obsolete O series files and pre-1918 files.

The records consist of one subject index and two lists which can be used to identify and locate Lands Correspondence files. They are not comprehensive, as they do not cover all the correspondence files created between 1871 and 1986.

The index and lists may be used to locate a file number for a subject area of interest, or to determine the subject of a file when only the number of the file is known.

Note that a listing in these documents does not necessarily mean that the file is held at the BC Archives. Many active files remain with the Crown Land Registry.

British Columbia. Surveys and Land Records Branch

New Westminster township register

  • GR-1699
  • Series
  • [ca. 1873]-1908

This series contains a township register of New Westminster district. The register is arranged by section number and township. It shows the date of registration, name of landholder, acreage, crown grant number, date of crown grant, and status with regard to royalty.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

Railway belt lot registers

  • GR-1719
  • Series
  • ca. 1890-1930

This series contains records from the Department of the Interior particularly General Township Registers for the Coast (also called New Westminster) Division of the Railway Belt. The records are annotated by Forest Branch, ca. 1927, to show forest reserves. Vol. 1 covers W.C.M., E.C.M., and W.7th; vol. 2 covers W.6th. The registers, arranged by legal description, indicate the nature of the grant, the number, date of entry, file number, patent approval date, and name of grantee.

British Columbia. Forest Branch

Disposal of Crown Lands to Sons of Freedom

  • GR-0073
  • Series
  • 1959-1975

The series consists of files created by Judge William Evans dealing with disposal of crown lands to members of the Sons of Freedom sect of Doukhobors. The records cover the period 1959 to 1975 and contain correspondence, maps, registers, and accounting material. The maps were transferred to the Archives Map Division (see photocopy of map accession slips attached to print finding aid).

British Columbia. Lands Branch

Certificates of purchase

  • GR-1521
  • Series
  • 1859-1944

This series contains acknowledgements of moneys received by the Lands Department pursuant to the pre-emption or sale of crown land. These certificates of purchase include district, legal description of land, acreage, date and terms of payment, name of payer, pre-emption record number, certificate of improvement number, crown grant number and departmental file numbers. The certificates are divided into four series.

SERIES 1. CERTIFICATES OF PURCHASE BY LAND DISTRICT, 1859-1913. Volumes have alphabetical indexes.
SERIES 3. CERTIFICATES OF PURCHASE, SERIES 4. CERTIFICATES OF PURCHASE, 1907-1944. Vancouver Island certificate books.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Stewart townsite auctioneers agreements

  • GR-2601
  • Series
  • 1910

The series consists of records created by the Department of Lands in 1910. It contains a volume of Cassiar Land District auctioneers agreements of sale for Stewart townsite lots 1-232, subdivided from District Lots 466 and 468. Information in the certificates may include the date of sale, name and address of highest bidder, amount bid, deposit, and terms of sale. The certificates are arranged randomly and no index is available.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Coast Land District, Range 2 land register

  • GR-2603
  • Series
  • 1882-1923

The series consists of records created by the Department of Lands between 1882 and 1923. It contains a Coast Land District, Range 2 lot register for lots 1-693. The register lists the lots in numerical order and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchaser, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. The volume contains an alphabetical name index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

New Westminster District auction sale records

  • GR-2615
  • Series
  • 1906-1908

This series consists of duplicate auctioneers records for auction sales of Crown land in the New Westminster Land District. Sales include: Hastings townsite District lot 540, 1906; North Vancouver, District Lot 2027 in Group 1, 1906; and in 1908, a further sale of lands in North Vancouver. Information may include date of sale, name and address of highest bidder and amount bid, deposit, and terms of sale. Also included is a copy of the brochure detailing the forthcoming sale and a summary of receipts for the 1906 sale.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

New Westminster Land District forfeiture certificates

  • GR-2617
  • Series
  • 1915-1957

This series consists of New Westminster Land District forfeiture certificates of lands reverted to the Crown from 1915-1957. Records relate to the Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows and Matsqui Dyking Districts. The certificates are arranged chronologically without regard to Dyking District. Information may include the legal description of the land, the plan number, the date it was subject to forfeiture, the date of the end of the period of grace, and the date of forfeiture. Certificates are indexed alphabetically by owners name, and numerically by plan to folio numbers.

Coquitlam Dyking District lies within the limits of the City of Port Coquitlam, and the Municipality of Coquitlam.

Pitt Meadows No.2 Dyking District lies within the defined boundaries of the Municipality of Pitt Meadows, and is situated 1 1/2 miles north of the Dewdney Trunk Road at the confluence of the Pitt and Alouette Rivers.

Maple RIdge Dyking District lies within the boundaries of the Municipalities of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, including the Townsite of Hammond.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Alberni Land District lot register

  • GR-2622
  • Series
  • 1872-1947

This series consists of an Alberni Land District lot register for lots 1-291 on Vancouver Island. The earliest entries are from 1872 and the volume was superseded by 1947 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1947). The register lists lots in numerical order and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. A summary of the auction sale of subdivided lots from the Eastern portion of District Lot 1, is shown on pp. 86-90. The volume contains an alphabetical index of names.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Comiaken Land District land register

  • GR-2626
  • Series
  • 1859-1885

This series consists of a Comiaken Land District land register for Range 1, Section 1 to Range 3, Section 19 on Vancouver Island. The volume date 1859-1885.

The register is arranged numerically by Range and Section and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments and reference numbers to correspondence and field books. The volume includes an alphabetical name index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Comox Land District land register

  • GR-2627
  • Series
  • 1862-1933

This series consists of a Comox Land District land register for Sections 1-113 and lots 1251 on Vancouver Island. Earliest entries are from 1862 and the volume was superseded in 1933 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1933). The land is listed numerically within the sections or lots and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and number of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. The volume contains an alphabetical name index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Cowichan District land register

  • GR-2630
  • Series
  • 1872-1929

This series consists of a Cowichan Land District land register, Sections I- 21 (including Saturna Island) on Vancouver Island. The earliest entries date from 1872 and the register was superseded in 1929 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1929). The register lists the sections in numerical order and record the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issue (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. The volume contains an alphabetical name index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Correspondence and other material

  • GR-1047
  • Series
  • 1918-1920

Records relate to the Soldiers' Homestead Act, the Soldiers' Land Act, and the B.C. Returned Soldiers' Aid Commission. Types of records include correspondence, reports and memoranda; includes a proposal for soldier settlement in Stuart Lake District.

British Columbia. Land Settlement Board

Cariboo Land District town lot registers

  • GR-2594
  • Series
  • 1914-1949

This series consists of Cariboo Land District town lot and townsite registers. This includes subdivision lot registers for Fort George, Summit Lake, Red Pass, and a McBride townsite register with a list of reverted lots offered for sale by public auction in 1923. Earliest entries dated 1914 and all volumes were superseded by 1949 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1949).

The registers list lots in numerical order and record the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, auction, etc.). Information may include name of purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and references to correspondence files and field books. Upset prices are also listed. There is an alphabetical name index in each volume.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Coast Land District, Range 5 land registers

  • GR-2606
  • Series
  • 1873-1923

The series consists of records created by the Department of Lands between 1873 and 1923. It contains 14 Coast Land District, Range 5 lot registers covering lots 1-7008. The registers list lots in numerical order and record the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchaser, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Lillooet district land registers

  • GR-2612
  • Series
  • 1860-1943

This series consists of Lillooet Land District lot registers for lots 1-3000. The earliest record was entered in 1860 and all volumes were superseded by 1943 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1943).

The registers list lots in numerical order and record the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. There is an alphabetical name index in each volume.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Lands records

  • GR-0767
  • Series
  • 1858-1863

This series consists of land records from the Colony of British Columbia Lands and Works Department, 1858-1863. Most records are related to the sale of town lots at Langley, 1858-1859, and New Westminster, 1860-1862, including records of exchanges of lots at Langley for lots at New Westminster. The series also include various other land records related to New Westminster, Douglas, Hope, Yale, Lytton and Lillooet, including pre-emptions, lot registers, accounts for sales of town and suburban lots, and lists of deeds issued.

British Columbia (Colony). Lands and Works Dept.

Records with regard to Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway belt lands

  • GR-0791
  • Series
  • 1916

This series consists of the records of the Commission of Inquiry Into Certain Claims Respecting Lands Situated Within the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Land Belt, 1916. This commission was also known as Settlers' Rights Commission. Commission records include correspondence, claims submitted by settlers to the Commission and other miscellaneous records. No report has been found.

British Columbia. Commission of Inquiry Into Certain Claims Respecting Lands Situated Within the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Land Belt [1916]

Records relating to the South African War Land Grant Act

  • GR-1173
  • Series
  • 1901-1903

This series contains papers relating to the South African War Land Grant Act. It includes statutes with notations, published nominal rolls of Canadian contingents for special service in the field in South Africa, and lists of applicants for land pursuant to the Act.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Crown Lands records

  • GR-1088
  • Series
  • 1877-1980

This series includes correspondence files relating to the administration, management, conservation and development of Crown lands and natural resources. Series 1: early chronological series (files created, 1877-1911). Series 2: 1912 series (files created, 1912-1917). Includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, plans, 1877-1980.

British Columbia. Surveys and Land Records Branch

Lands correspondence

  • GR-0360
  • Series
  • 1896-1936

This series consists of selected correspondence files from the several branches of the Department of Lands and works, and its successor the Department of Lands: Lands, Surveys, Water Rights, and Forests. Records include requests for information concerning the availability of land in British Columbia, Water Rights Branch correspondence concerning various power projects and irrigation, forest fire reports, and files on Forest Branch launches. Note: "WRB" refers to Water Rights Branch.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Certificates of Improvement

  • GR-0211
  • Series
  • 1869-1932

The series consists of certificates of improvement [13 vols.] for diverse land recording districts created by the Lands Branch between 1869 and 1932. They generally include declarations by pre-emptors concerning the nature and valuation of improvements. Volume 14 contains unused, tripartite certificate of improvement forms.

Volumes 1-3 and 6-13 contain an index to names. Volume 4 is missing.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

Pre-emption applications

  • GR-0214
  • Series
  • 1900-1916

The series consists of 12 volumes created by the Lands Branch, of pre-emption applications for the Osoyoos, Similkameen, and Yale land districts from 1900 to 1916. The records are arranged numerically by application number. Volumes 6, 7, 8 and 9 include an index to names.

Records usually include a sketch map of the pre-emption applied for and declarations as required by the Land Act.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

Sumas land application declarations

  • GR-0312
  • Series
  • 1887-1888

This series consists of declarations in support of applications for land formerly within the limits reserved for purposes of the "Sumas Dyking Act, 1878", for the years 1887-1888. Each declaration is related to one individual. Declarations would have been submitted as part of the process of applying to pre-empt land in the Sumas area.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

Land settlement records for Peace River block

  • GR-1656
  • Series
  • 1918-1945

The series consists of seven files created by the Department of the Interior at the Pouce Coupe Dominion Lands Office. These files relate to Peace River block land and seem to be applications for land grants started in the Grande Prairie, Alberta Dominion Lands Office before being transferred to the Pouce Coupe office.

File 10617, 1923
File 15243, 1930
File 16652, 1930
File 16654, 1930
File 16656, 1930

There are also two files numbered 0319000 (old file numbers 6875 and 1547) which relate to the settlement of World War I veteran soldiers in Townships 78 and 79, Range 18, West of the 18th meridian.

Canada. Department of the Interior

Results 1 to 30 of 131