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100 Mile House Forest District operational records

  • GR-3932
  • Series
  • 1970-2005

This series consists of resource management plans and procedures from the 100 Mile House Forest District, 1970-2005. The 100 Mile House Forest District is part of the Cariboo Forest Region. Note that their exact boundaries may have changed over the years.

The majority of files relate to the development of Integrated Resource Use Plans which are designed to resolve resource use conflicts in specific areas at the local level. Each file includes records relating to data concerning a specific area - usually a watershed or other distinct resource management unit. Types of plans include Resource Folios, Coordinated Access Management Plans (CAMP), Coordinated Resource Management Plans (CRMP) and Integrated Watershed Management Plans (IWMP). Files may include correspondence, reports, maps, photos, meeting minutes, community and indigenous consultation, and a variety of other records which may document the creation of plans, the annual review of plans by stakeholders, and the execution of the plan.

Procedure files relate to timber harvesting, silviculture treatments, stumpage rates, trespass, timber sale licences and harvesting weight scales. There is also a file related to road damage and an access study for English Lake.

The ministries responsible for the Forest and Range Districts, and the years that they were responsible, are:

British Columbia. Dept. of Forests (1975-1976)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1976-1986)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests and Lands (1986-1988)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1988-2005)

Records are classified under numbers 11200-08, 11050-20, 12600-25, 12600-30, 12600-35, 12600-40 and 12600-60 in the Forest Operational Records Classification System (ORCS). Procedure files are classified with the secondary -02.

British Columbia. 100 Mile House Forest District

Aboriginal liaison and First Nations consultation case files for the Cariboo Region

  • GR-3902
  • Series
  • 1985-2008

This series consists of Aboriginal liaison and First Nations consultation case files, primarily for the Cariboo region, from 1985-2008. These records document the Ministry of Environment and its successors' resource management involvement with First Nations groups and consultation with respect to resource management plans. Each file documents consultation and communication with a particular First Nation, Tribal Council or other Indigenous group regarding a variety of issues and practices related to resource management and use. File may be related to land claims, land use planning, the creation of sustainable resource management plans (SRMPs) and sub-regional area plans, or specific resource management and land management issues, including forestry, water rights, wildlife management and hunting, mining, protection of parks and cultural sites, and the creation of roads.

The files in this series were titled and organized in most instances as case files, based on the name of the First Nation involved in the consultation process. Many files document the creation and finalization of various kinds of agreements between the Ministry and First Nations groups. Files also include the planning and execution of joint projects, workshops and meetings to consult First Nations about the creation of resource management plans or to address specific resource management issues.

Files may include correspondence, reports, memorandums of understanding, agreements, financial records, business records of the relevant indigenous group, consultation protocols, maps, and newspaper articles and government responses to them.

Most files regard a particular indigenous group, mostly from the Cariboo and surrounding region, including: 'Esdilagh (Alexandria Band), Alexis Creek, Tl'etinqox Government (Anaham), Llenlleney'ten (High Bar), Bonaparte, Tsq’escen (Canim Lake), Stswecem’c/Xgat’tem (Canoe Creek), Carrier-Sekani Tribal Council, Carrier Chilcotin Tribal Council, Cariboo Tribal Council, Northern Secwēpemc te Qelmūcw (NStQ or Northern Shuswap Tribal Council), Esketemc (Alkali Lake), Hamatla Treaty Society, Homalco, Lhoosk’uz Dene (Kluskus), Lheidli-Tenneh, Nazko, Nuxalk Nation Government, Lhtako Dene (Red Bluff), Saik’uz, Skeetchestn, Shuswap Nation Tribal Council, Xat’sūll (Soda Creek), Simpcw (North Thompson Indian Band), Yunesit'in Government (Stone Indian Band), Tsilhqot’in National Government, Tl'esqox (Toosey First Nation), St'át'imc, Ts'kw'aylaxw, Ulkatcho Nation, Whispering Pines/Clinton, T'exelc (Williams Lake Indian Band), and Xeni Gwet’in First Nations. Other Indigenous groups may be mentioned within files.

Note that some of these files were reviewed as part of the following litigation: Xeni Gwet’in First Nations Government v. Her Majesty the Queen et al.

Ministries responsible for the creation of this series, and their dates of the responsibility, are:
Ministry of Environment (1988-1991)
British Columbia. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (1991-2001)
British Columbia. Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management (2001-2005)
British Columbia. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (2005-2010)

Records in this series are covered by ORCS 17020-20 and 17730-25 of the Resource Management ORCS (schedule 144100).

British Columbia. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

Approved plans, studies, and terms of reference

  • GR-3839
  • Series
  • 1991-2008

This series contains approved plans, studies and terms of reference produced as part of land use planning in British Columbia, particularly Land and Resource Management Plans. The records document the initial scopes of the plan and provide the framework and ground rules to which all plans adhered. The records provide evidential and informational value in regard to scope and mandate of the plans, as well as planning teams’ participant roles, responsibilities and authority.

Types of records in this series include the actual approved plans and terms of reference from different planning regions, as well as publications of planning strategies. Records also cover specific topics such as biodiversity and timber impacts, completion studies, and project feasibility studies that would impact the planning process.

The records are arranged according to the Resource Management Operational Records Classification System (schedule 144100) using the following primary numbers:

17000: Resource Management – General
17550: RMP – Land and Resource Management Plans
17580: RMP – Landscape Unit Plans
17670: RMP – Regional Land Use Plans
17730: RMP – Sustainable Resource Management Plans
And the secondary numbers -01 (general), 02 (approved plans), 03 (terms of reference), 06 (resource management studies and information releases)

This series currently contains records from the Fort St. John, Kamloops, Lillooet and Okanagan-Shuswap LRMP tables. The records from the associated accession(s) cover all types of land use and resource planning, including landscape unit plans, sustainable resource management plans, land and resource management plans, local and regional resource use plans, and other land and/or resource use plans as they were all part of a greater land-use strategy.

British Columbia. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

Approved resource management plans for the Cariboo region

  • GR-3903
  • Series
  • 1969-2006

This series consists of approved resource management plans (RMPs) primarily from the Cariboo and surrounding region, from 1969-2006. These records document the creation of the approved, published versions of the ministry’s various kinds of resource management plans and terms of reference.

Ad hoc RMPs are developed as necessary to fulfill unusual or unexpected planning needs. Files include issue specific plans for protected area strategies and road access plans. The majority of these files are lakes classification files which record the characteristics and uses of specific lakes.

Approved lake classification files may contain maps, photographs, aerial photographs, copies of fishing licenses, fish analysis, meeting minutes, reconnaissance surveys, reconnaissance lake inventories, and a brief report describing the size, shape, location, and uses of the lake. Most files list the uses of the lake and immediate area for timber, silviculture, range, engineering, fishing, recreation, commercial use, wildlife use, and First Nations use. Any commercial interests on the lakes such as traplines, guides or resorts may be listed. Files may also include correspondence regarding lake classification from government employees or interested third parties.

Ad hoc coordinated access management plans allow for the construction of roads and other infrastructure to increase access to wilderness areas. Files include letters from interested third parties impacted by the plan, alongside maps, reports, meeting records, and comments on draft plans by members of the public.

Sustainable resource management plans (SRMPs) cover a relatively small area (usually under 100,000 hectares), referred to as a landscape unit, and address the specific resource management issues in the area. This series includes records related to the 100 Mile House SRMP, including terms of reference and planning team documents used in drafting the plan.

Local resource use plans (LRUPs) were replaced by SRMPs between 1999 and 2003 and functioned similarly. The series includes LRUPs for several areas. Files may include planning team records, final approved plans, and a variety of other records which may document the creation of plans, the annual review of plans by community members and stakeholders, and the execution of the plan. Files address issues such as the construction of infrastructure, land management and various kinds of land use in the areas, particularly managing grazing land through the use of burning and fence construction.

The series includes two water use resource management plans, one for Clinton Creek and another for Michelle Creek near a Nazko Indian Reserve.

The series also includes a coastal RMP for Kyuquot Sound, a copy of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District regional growth management strategy, a regional land use plan (RLUP) for the Cariboo Chilcotin land use plan (CCLUP) and two higher level RMPs, one for the CCLUP and one for Kamloops.

It is unclear exactly which Ministries may have been responsible for the creation of these records before the 1990s. The likely Ministries responsible for the creation of this series, and their dates of the responsibility, are:
Ministry of Environment (1988-1991)
British Columbia. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (1991-2001)
British Columbia. Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management (2001-2005)
British Columbia. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (2005-2010)

Records in this series are covered by ORCS 17430-02, 17610-02, 17610-60, 17730-03, 17730-60, 17670-02, 17790-02, 17520-02 and 17460-02 of the Resource Management ORCS (schedule 144100).

British Columbia. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

Canada Land Inventory maps

  • GR-4287
  • Series
  • [1969-1983]

The series consists of published Canada Land Inventory (CLI) maps showing land use potential in British Columbia. This includes capability for land areas to sustain wildlife, agriculture, forestry and recreation. Land inventory maps were collected and compiled by the Provincial Archives of British Columbia in the 1970s and 1980s. The maps are arranged alphabetically by geographic region within each land usage classification. 1:1,000,000 scale maps are overviews of the entire surveyed area and provide an index to the 1:250,000 scale maps, which show land capability for geographic sub-sections of the province.

Provincial Archives of British Columbia

Cariboo Forest Region resource management plans

  • GR-4028
  • Series
  • 1993-2001

This series consists of records related to resource management and use planning from the Cariboo Forest Region, 1993-2001. Records currently relate to the following Forest Districts within the Forest Region: Williams Lake and Horsefly. In 2003 these two Forest Districts were amalgamated to form the Central Cariboo Forest District.

Records relating to the development of Integrated Resource Use Plans by the Ministry of Forests and Range which are designed to resolve resource use conflicts in specific areas at the local level. Records relate to the use, management and access to various resources.

Plans include the Churn Creek Local Resource Use Plan (LRUP) and lake classification records. Records include correspondence, maps, reports, data, reports, meeting minutes, and consultation with the public and First Nations.

Ministries responsible for the creation of this series, and their dates of the responsibility, are:
Ministry of Forests 1988-2005

Classified as 12600-20 and 12600-60 in the Forests Operational Records Classification System (ORCS).

British Columbia. Cariboo Forest Region

Cariboo Region land and resource management committee files

  • GR-3933
  • Series
  • 1990-1998

This series consists of land and resource management committee files and executive records from the Cariboo Region, 1990-1998. Records relate to a variety of environmental and land use issues in the Cariboo Chilcotin area, including: wildlife management, water, use of range land, Taseko Mines proposal, fishing, land and resource management plans (LRMPs) and the development and implementation of the Cariboo Chilcotin Land Use Plan. Records include correspondence, reports, minutes, reference material and briefing notes.

Executive records include referral replies, files of reference material and some files regarding specific issues and projects involving the Minister and other Executives.

Records include minutes and other operational records of several different committees. Most records are from the Cariboo Regional Interagency Management Committee and Commission on Resources and Environment (CORE). There are also related files from the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Resource Board, Cariboo Chilcotin Land Use Committee and meeting files from various regional mangers and executive groups.

Files may include consultations with and comments from community groups, resource users and First Nations regarding the development of management plans, land use and environmental issues.

Records have been selected for permanent retention and are scheduled under Administrative Records Classification numbers 204-20, 280-30 and 102-20.

British Columbia. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks

Consultation case files

  • GR-3834
  • Series
  • 1991-2004

The series contains records relating to consultations conducted as part of the Land and Resource Management Planning process. These consultation case files include interactions with different agencies of the provincial government, local governments and the general public. Provincial government files mainly pertain to statements of interest from different ministries (in relation to natural resources and land use). Local government files include municipalities, regional boards and district representatives discussing their interests, concerns and how the land and resource management plans affect them (e.g. in relation to water systems, landfills, roads, park and rec programs, sewer, insect and weed control, zoning and drainage). Public consultation files consider the concerns of non-profit groups (e.g. wildlife protection groups), companies and local businesses as well as the general public.

The records include news releases and publications announcing the start of the planning process and calling for participants. The records include correspondence between public servants and others setting up meetings and open house dates. There are a number of refusal and agreement letters from prospective participants.

Throughout the files are various materials meant to inform discussions about land use and resource management. These include government reports for considerations as well as copies of legislation. There are also guideline books to help public servants with their duties and to explain the consultation process to all types of participants.

The records also include draft goals, presentations, meeting notes, status reports and reviews from those involved in the coordination of the consultation process. Finally, there are letters received from various activist groups, companies and members of the public explaining their interests in the land and resources of the region.

The records are arranged according to the Resource Management Operational Records Classification System (schedule 144100) using the following primary numbers:

17550: RMP – Land and Resource Management Plans
17730: RMP – Sustainable Resource Management Plans
And the secondary number -20 (consultation case files).

This series currently contains records from the Kamloops, Lillooet and the Okanagan-Shuswap, Cariboo Chilcotin and Kootenay tables. The records from the associated accession(s) cover all types of land use and resource planning, including landscape unit plans, sustainable resource management plans, land and resource management plans, local and regional resource use plans, and other land and/or resource use plans as they were all part of a greater land-use strategy.

British Columbia. Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management

Crown Lands records

  • GR-1088
  • Series
  • 1877-1980

This series includes correspondence files relating to the administration, management, conservation and development of Crown lands and natural resources. Series 1: early chronological series (files created, 1877-1911). Series 2: 1912 series (files created, 1912-1917). Includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, plans, 1877-1980.

British Columbia. Surveys and Land Records Branch

Development case files

  • GR-3835
  • Series
  • 1989-2008

The records in this series document the development of Land and Resource Management Plans and provide evidence of the nature and evolution of the planning process.

The records are mainly organized by topic and region. They cover discussions on specific areas and subjects of concern, such as wildlife, tourism, recreation and conservation. Many of the files include discussions about existing legislation to guide plan development. The records also include other reference material such as documents related to the Protected Areas Strategy with summaries of different forest districts, literature reviews, studies, reports (particularly those about the Protected Areas Designation Process) and interim management direction statements from BC Parks. Many files relate to the LRMP table discussing possibilities to designate new protected areas through land use planning. The records also include various working group plans and recommendations, framework plans for a coordinated approach to planning, as well as guidelines to help participants write these plans.
There are also several folders organized by Resource Management Zone (RMZ) with printouts of maps depicting the area, as well as separate files for interests submitted by the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Ministry of Forests, BC Assets and Land Corporation, and Ministry of Transportation and Highways.

The records are arranged according to the Resource Management Operational Records Classification System (schedule 144100) using the following primary numbers:

17550: RMP – Land and Resource Management Plans
17730: RMP – Sustainable Resource Management Plans
And the secondary number -30 (development case files).

This series currently contains records from the Kamloops, Lillooet LRMP and the Okanagan-Shuswap LRMP tables. The records from the associated accession(s) cover all types of land use and resource planning, including landscape unit plans, sustainable resource management plans, land and resource management plans, local and regional resource use plans, and other land and/or resource use plans as they were all part of a greater land-use strategy.

British Columbia. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

Dominion Land Agent files related to the Peace River Block

  • GR-4173
  • Series
  • 1911-1969

This series consists of records related to the administration, management and alienation of land in the Peace River Block from 1911-1969. The records were primarily created by the Dominion Land Agent stationed in Grand Prairie, Alberta. Later records may have been added to files by the provincial Government Agent or Land Commissioner located in Pouce Coupe. The majority of these records are homestead files created by the Dominion (Canadian) government. These files contain information about homesteaders, their applications and the process of obtaining title to land. Some files may relate to land in Alberta.

Records include: applications for pre-emption, purchase or lease; land classification reports; declarations of occupation and permanent improvement on pre-emption claims; applications for homestead entry, cancellation, and abandonment; homestead Inspector’s reports; affidavits in support of an Application for Entry; land sales records; correspondence with settlers and other government officials; patents; Crown Grants; certificates; forms; maps and plans; financial records including receipts and cheques; court records, such as probates; survey records; notices of sale or cancellation; and sale agreements. Some records may also relate to the use of Crown land for timber or grazing range purposes.

Files may cover a wide time period and may be associated with multiple individuals or companies, as land rights were often transferred to others or cancelled and reapplied for. Only the name of the first individual listed on the file is included in the file list. This means there may be additional names associated with files not included on the file list. The file list may also only include part of the legal description of land in cases where the description was exceptionally long, or included many different pieces of land. Single individuals may also have multiple files for each piece of land they are associated with.

Canada. Dominion Land Agent

First Nations land use planning agreements

  • GR-3881
  • Series
  • 2002-2006

This series contains various types of final agreements between the Province of British Columbia and First Nations related to land-use planning. The records come from the Integrated Land Management Bureau (Strategic Initiatives). Types of agreements include general protocol agreements, contribution agreement letters, strategic land use agreements, land use planning agreements and agreements-in-principle, and operational land use planning memoranda of understanding.

Agreements concern the two parties’ cooperation in identifying an overall approach for government-to-government discussions to finalize land use planning and implementation and to enhance First Nations participation in the economy.

Each file is titled with name of the First Nations group involved in the agreement, except in cases where many groups have signed collectively as was the case with the Coastal First Nations joint agreement and the KNT First Nations.
Coastal First Nations include Haida Gwaii, Gitga’at, Haisla, Heiltsuk, Kitasoo/Xaixais, Metlakatla, Wuikinuxv.
KNT First Nations include Mamalilikulla-Qwe’Qua’Sot’Em, ‘Namgis, Tlowitsis, Da’naxda’xw Awaetlatla, Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw, We Wai Kai, We Wai Kum, Kwiakah, Quatsino, Kwakiutl, Comox, Tlatlasikwala.

Some files also have copies of correspondence and decision notes signed by the minister to approve or ratify agreements.

British Columbia. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

Fort Fraser Government Agent land records

  • GR-4200
  • Series
  • 1911-1980

This series consists of records related to land use, management and alienation in the Range IV Coast District, Range V Coast District and the Cariboo Land District. The records date from 1911-1980. The records were created by various government officials stationed in Fort Fraser and Burns Lake.

The series includes subject files and correspondence files with settlers discussing the pre-emption, lease and purchase of specific parcels of land.

Other records include certificates of pre-emption; lists of pre-emptions, crown grants, cancellations, purchases and leases; Cariboo country lands registers; Atlin Townsite land register; Endako townsite land register; registers of pre-emption records; register of purchased land; Fort Fraser hay and pasture lease register; one volume of government agent record of receipts and payments financial records; and one file of Smithers mining recorder correspondence.

British Columbia. Government Agent (Fort Fraser)

Fort St. James Forest District records

  • GR-4134
  • Series
  • 1960-2007

This series consists of records created by the Fort St. James Forest District from 1960-2007. The majority of records are related to timber tenures such as forest licences, timber sale licences, timber sale harvesting licences, woodlot licences, cutting permits, free use permits, burning permits, special use permits, and tree farm licences. Licensees were required to apply for a forest licence or similar tenure and cutting permits in order to harvest timber. Records may regard the issuance, evaluation, administration, monitoring, planning, replacement, cancellation, deletion and extension of these timber tenures.

The files may consist of records such as applications, ministry approvals, copies of the permit or licence, revisions, correspondence, legal documents, annual reports, operations information, development plans, charts, procedures, audits, reviews, photos, development plans, timber cruise compilations, stumpage rates, appraisals, cruise cards, survey notes, photos, and maps.

Other records unrelated to timber tenures include road permits, hay cutting permits, range use permits, fire prevention and control records, and tree planting.

The ministries responsible for creating these records, and the years that they were responsible, are:

Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water (1962-1975)
Dept. of Forests (1975-1976 )
Ministry of Forests (1976-1986)
Ministry of Forests and Lands (1986-1988)
Ministry of Forests (1988-2005)

The records were classified as 19500-45, 19600-45, 19710-20, 19720-20, 19720-25, 19720-50, 19720-55
in the Forest Operational Records Classification System (ORCS).

British Columbia. Fort St. James Forest District

Implementation and monitoring case files

  • GR-3836
  • Series
  • 1995-2006

The series contains records pertaining to the implementation and monitoring of strategic land use plans, including the development of such procedures.

The records cover a range of activities, from advisory committees, public gatherings, monitoring tables, member appointments and invitations, as well as inventories on range, wildlife, old growth forests, habitats and archaeological sites among other topics. Records particularly pertain to feedback received on approved plans prior and during implementation in order to identify issues and suggest amendments. Many of these comments come from Open House sessions with the general public. The series also includes a copy of a Implementation and Monitoring Framework as well as Terms of Reference for monitoring table duties.

The series also includes Protected Area Orders for areas chosen and approved to be protected areas under the Park Act. These orders are accompanied by maps of the area in question.
The records are arranged according to the Resource Management Operational Records Classification System (schedule 144100) using the following primary numbers:

17550: RMP – Land and Resource Management Plans
17730: RMP – Sustainable Resource Management Plans
And the secondary numbers -40 (effectiveness monitoring case files) and -50 (implementation case files).

This series currently contains records from the Kamloops, Lillooet LRMP and the Okanagan-Shuswap LRMP tables. The records from the associated accession(s) cover all types of land use and resource planning, including landscape unit plans, sustainable resource management plans, land and resource management plans, local and regional resource use plans, and other land and/or resource use plans as they were all part of a greater land-use strategy.

British Columbia. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

Inquiry into Six Mile Ranch, Kamloops on the Lake Resort fonds

  • GR-3383
  • Series
  • 1996-1998

In addition to commissioner David Perry's report, the fonds consists of public submissions, studies, reports, memoranda and administrative records dealing with land use issues at Kamloops Lake including the proposed real estate development Six Mile Ranch, Kamloops on the Lake Resort by Pagebrook Inc. and the functioning of the Agricultural Land Commission Act.

British Columbia. Inquiry into Six Mile Ranch, Kamloops on the Lake Resort

Integrated Land Management Bureau correspondence referral replies

  • GR-3877
  • Series
  • 2006-2008

This series contains correspondence referrals and replies from the Integrated Land Management Bureau. Currently, this series contains the records from two offices that reported to the Bureau, the Species at Risk Co-ordination Office (SARCO) and Strategic Initiatives Division. The files contain letters received from the public about species at risk, notably mountain caribou, spirit bear and spotted owl, and the public’s desire to protect those species. Some correspondence also addresses actions taken to protect species, such as closures of snowmobiles areas. Other files group correspondence from a variety of topics, from land use recommendations, BC Parks recreation and conservation, First Nations consultations, appointments and budgets.

Correspondence files contain the original letter received by government, a referral slip asking the concerned office to draft a reply or to keep a copy of the correspondence for informational purposes. Files appear to be arranged by topic and then by referral number. Some files are arranged by geographic location for letters received from outside the province.

The files are classified under the Administrative Records Classification System (Schedule 100001) under the primary and secondary numbers 280-30: Executive correspondence referrals. One file possibly misfiled alongside the other records belongs to 280-40 : Executive issues and includes reports from the Coast Sustainability Trust.

British Columbia. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

Integrated Land Management Bureau executive issues

  • GR-3884
  • Series
  • 2001-2008

This series contains subject files from the Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and its predecessor bodies including the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management. Classified under ARCS number 280-40: Executive issues, these records are a collection of information on issues being dealt with by the Bureau.

Most files pertain to First Nations groups as the date of the majority of the records coincide with a period in which the strategic land and resource management program was directed to complete outstanding LRMPs through negotiations with affected First Nations who had not participated, or who did not agree to support the LRMP table recommendations. The ILMB was an important agent in addressing land and resource issues with First Nations and facilitating First Nations decision-making and consultation capacities. Some files deal with broader issues such as mining, power projects and the Protected Areas Strategy (PAS). The records document which issues were being monitored and handled by the Bureau.
The files contain a variety of records on selected topics. Most records are arranged into files by First Nations group or by topic, however there are also general First Nations issue files. Types of records that can be found are correspondence, presentation slides, briefing notes, meetings, agreements, agenda, minutes, plans, guidelines, frameworks, workshop materials, and copies of project charters. The main topics that are covered in the records are land use on traditional First Nations territories and terms of consultations.

These records do not contain any records documenting actual consultations with First Nations in relation to land and resource use. For these records, please see GR-3697: LRMP First Nations consultation case files.

British Columbia. Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management

Kamloops Government Agent land records

  • GR-0522
  • Series
  • 1877-1977

The series consists of the business records, 1877-1977, of the office of the Kamloops Government Agent, including the records of several additional positions usually held by the same individual: Gold Commissioner, Mining Recorder, and Land Commissioner for the Kamloops Land District. The series also includes records of the Canadian Department of the Interior; most created and received by the Dominion Lands Agent at Kamloops as part of the administration of the Railway Belt.

Record types and subject matter include, but are not limited to the following: land alienation through pre-emption or purchase from the provincial government and homesteading or purchase from the federal government; a variety of leases of Crown land; other more general types of records; and records regarding Indigenous peoples and Indian Reserves.

Records related to land alienation include: applications for pre-emption records; land classification reports; forms completed by land inspectors of the Department of Lands Inspection Branch; declarations of occupation and permanent improvement on pre-emption claims; applications for homestead entry, cancellation, and abandonment; homestead Inspector’s reports; affidavits in support of an Application for Entry for a homestead, pre-emption or purchased homestead; land sales records including applications to purchase and certificates of purchase.

Records related to a variety of leases and other uses of Crown lands include: grazing leases; foreshore leases; dredging leases; indentures to reassign leases; special use permits; timber permits; water records including conditional water licenses, and permanent water licenses; applications for irrigation schemes; petroleum and natural gas leases; quarry leases; bar leases; coal leases; mining leases regarding surface and subsurface rights; applications for lease of crown-granted mineral claims; applications for placer leases under the Placer-Mining Act; and the lapse of a lease or forfeiture of a mineral claim to the Crown.

Other more general types of records include: correspondence regarding Crown grants; inquiries about land availability; surveyor’s reports; preliminary plans and correspondence for the surveys of townships; Soldier Settlement Board records including forms, correspondence and records of soldier land grants; attestation papers and discharge certificates; naturalization papers; personal correspondence; correspondence files on specific topics such as hay permit regulations or precipitation measurements; records regarding taxes; and business records of the office, including inter-department correspondence, circulars, and memorandum related to matters of land administration.

Files also exist for specific Indian Reserves, and can include correspondence; water records; surveys; and inspection reports created in the process of allotting new, and canceling existing Indian Reserves. Some files document instances of overlapping land use and conflict between settlers and Indigenous peoples on specific parcels of land.

Files are generally either correspondence files on a particular subject, or a variety of records related to a particular piece of land. Many files cover a wide time period and may be associated with multiple individuals or companies as land rights were often transferred to others or cancelled and reapplied for. Only the name of the first and last individual listed on the file is included in the file list. This means there may be additional names associated with files not included on the file list. The file list may also only include part of the legal description of land in cases where the description was exceptionally long, or included many different pieces of land. Single individuals may also have multiple files for each piece of land they are associated with.

Cartographic materials, consisting of blueprints and hand-drawn maps or plans, indicating the parcels of land relevant to the file, are commonly found throughout the records.

No file list or indexes were transferred with these records from the Kamloops Government Agent. Most files only included numbers with no clear names, so titles were created by the archives based on the contents of the files or by transcribing information on relevant file backs.

A fire on 17 September 1893 at the Dominion Lands Office in Kamloops destroyed some files. The contents for these files are marked [empty]. Files marked as [file back only] were likely destroyed in the fire, but then had their titles and some additional information transcribed by Lands employees onto file backs from letter books or other surviving records which were not transferred with these records.

British Columbia. Government Agent (Kamloops)

Kootenay District resource management plans

  • GR-3936
  • Series
  • 1973-2010, predominantly 1994-2010

This series consists of resource management plans created primarily by the Kootenay-Boundary Inter Agency Management Committee (IAMC), from 1994-2010. IAMCs coordinate and direct all aspects of the development of resource management plans, as well as coordinate the implementation of the plan. This work can involve a variety of different government Ministries and stakeholders.

Resource management plans include regional land use plans (RLUP). RLUPs span large geographic regions and generally provide: broad land use zones defined on a map; objectives that guide management of natural resources in each zone; and strategies for achieving the objectives.

The majority of files in this series are specifically related to the protected areas strategy (PAS) and caribou management. Protected areas are set aside in order to protect the province’s natural features and diversity, including rare and endangered species, critical habitats, and outstanding or unique botanical, zoological, geological, and paleontological features, as well as outstanding or fragile cultural heritage features and recreational features such as trails. Records relate to planning, conducting studies of the area, consulting with interested parties and creation of the strategy. Records include correspondence, maps and reports. There are also meeting minutes and other records from the Southern Rocky Mountain Advisory Committee.

This series is classified under ORCS numbers 17670-30 and 17730-30 of the Resource Management ORCS (schedule 144100).

British Columbia. Land Use Coordination Office

Kootenay Lake Forest District timber tenure records

  • GR-4015
  • Series
  • 1976-1992

This series consists of timber tenures from the Kootenay Lake Forest District from 1976-1992. Some early records may have been created by the Nelson, Creston and Kaslo Forest Ranger.

Forest tenures in this series include non-replaceable timber sale licence cutting permits. Records regard the application, issuance, maintenance, administration, monitoring and cancellation of these tenures pursuant to the Forest Act.

Record types include legal documents such as permits and licences, correspondence, appraisals, stumpage rates and maps.

Records in this series are covered under ORCS numbers 19620-25 and 19620-45 in the Ministry of Forests records schedule (number 881261).

The ministries responsible for the creation of these records, and the years that they were responsible, are:

British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1976-1986)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests and Lands (1986-1988)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1988-2005)

British Columbia. Kootenay Lake Forest District

Land and resource management committees

  • GR-3793
  • Series
  • 1982-2009

This series contains records relating to land use management in various parts of the province. The records document the creation and activities of various committees established by the planning region to address specific projects as needed.

The records represent the work of committees dedicated to the management of planning teams, emergency and disaster responses, information sharing, consultation guidelines, information management, safety, construction projects and communications.

Part of the series includes the Vedder River Management Committee which was chaired by the Water Management Branch. Other members included representatives from the Engineering Section of the Water Management Branch, Fisheries and Oceans, Fish and Wildlife Management, Inspector of Dykes, Ministry of Agriculture and the District of Chilliwack.

The records from the Peace Managers concern land management committees in the Northern Interior region as well their sub-committees. The records come from the office of Don Roberts of BC Parks; Peace Liard District who was the chair of Peace Managers (IAMC) and the Peace Manager's Oil and Gas Committee. Andy Ackerman, Manager of Environmental Stewardship, later succeeded him as chair.The Omineca Peace Interagency Management Committee's role oversees and guides the implementation of Cabinet approved Land Resource Management Plans and government corporate land use policies. There are representatives from various provincial agencies including : Ministry of Forests, BC Environment, Ministry of Energy and Mines, BC Parks, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, BC Assets and Lands Corporation, Oil and Gas Commission, Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Land Use Coordination Office and Muskwa-Kechina (Program Manager).

The Deputy Minister's Committee on Drought was established in 2003 following a severe drought in British Columbia that put pressure on many water resources. This multi-agency committee and task force conducted studies on precipitation, temperature and ground water conditions in addition to proposing several action plans and programs to help with water conservation. Their records relate to presentations and tours on water conservation, proposals and a list of options for consideration, as well as update reports. The committee disbanded in 2005 however many of the programs continued to be monitored.

The records in this series also show other forms of land management including projects to build dykes, remove gravel, establish campgrounds, restore natural habitat (particularly for salmon species), build infrastructure and grant land leases for farming, public works and other initiatives. Records include memos, meeting minutes, lease guidelines and copies, maps, blueprints, correspondence, expense reports, approvals, invoices and project reports.

Another part of the series includes committees established to encourage and maintain meaningful consultation with various First Nation groups during Land and Resource Management planning. These records include the grants for funding, protocols, strategic plans, work plans and meeting minutes.

British Columbia. Commission on Resources and Environment

Land and resource management planning teams

  • GR-3810
  • Series
  • 1991-2009

The series contains records relating to the development, implementation, monitoring and amendment of land and resource management plans (LRMPs). LRMPs are sub-regional integrated resource management plans that are large scale and cover a number of resource sectors (tourism, forestry, mining, etc.). There may be one to a half dozen LRMPs for each region of the province. Regions are divided into smaller management areas called sub-regions.
The records were produced by Interagency Planning Teams whose aims were to initiate and implement the management plans. This included preparing terms of reference, conducting research and assessments, compiling and analyzing data, consulting with interested parties, writing plan drafts and making changes prior to their approval. Types of records included in this series include meeting minutes, glossaries of resource planning terms, interest statements, working group documents, draft plans and comments, regional studies, briefing notes, correspondence, training materials, presentations, reports and other accompanying documents.
Accession 95-6853 contains records related to the Northern Region’s land and resource management plans. They include documents from several sub-regions including Dawson Creek, Fort St. John, Fort Nelson, Prince George region and Peace region. These particular records were produced and accumulated by planning team members from the Ministry of Forest. Accession 96-7598 contains records from the Lillooet, Kamloops and Okanagan-Shuswap planning teams.

The records are arranged according to the Resource Management ORCS (Schedule 144100) and fall under the primary number 17550 : RMP – Land and Resource Management Plans and the secondary number -60 (planning teams).

These records are different to the series Land and Resource Management Committees (GR-3793) which are classified under ARCS Schedule 100001 and primarily deal with records relating to the overseeing and implementing Land and Resource Management Plans following approval from Cabinet.

British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1988-2005)

Land records related to leases

  • GR-0385
  • Series
  • 1865-1955

This series consists of records of the Department of Lands and Forests, Lands Service, primarily relating to leases of Crown land for various purposes. Records include cancelled or expired leases for oyster beds (including leases by the Government of Canada), hay meadow, summer resort, stone quarry, mill, coal mining, grazing, agriculture, cattle ranching, and pastoral purposes. This series also includes final agreements for sale and purchase under Soldier's Better Housing Scheme for City of Victoria lots (includes rebate applications and discharge certificates) and licences of occupation.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Forests. Lands Service

Land Use Branch executive services

  • GR-3866
  • Series
  • 1994-1996

This series contains executive correspondence referrals and executive briefing notes from the Land Use Branch of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Most records relate to individual Commission on Resources and the Environment (CORE) land use plans for the various regions of BC and include letters from other ministries, non-profit or non-governmental organizations, municipalities, First Nations governments, corporations and the general public. The correspondence documents the public response to land use planning initiatives during the CORE land-use strategy which was announced in 1994 and dissolved in 1996. The CORE strategy was replaced by Land and Resource Management Plans (LRMPs).

The records are significant as they document the public’s concern over how land in British Columbia should be managed and protected. Letters typically express support or disagreement with proposed plans, or offer opinions on specific topics or sections of the plans.

The records are classified under the Administrative Records Classification System (ARCs Schedule 100001) and use the primary number 280 – executive services. More specifically, files appear to be arranged by region or topic. They are further arranged into files for letters received for informational purposes (i.e. letters on which the Branch was copied to but need not reply directly to) and files for letters in need of reply by the Branch.

British Columbia. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks

Land Use Branch planning files

  • GR-3865
  • Series
  • 1992-1997

This series contains administrative files relating to CORE planning activities kept by the Land Use Branch and its predecessor the Integrated Land Policy Branch of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. The dates of the majority of the records coincide with the existence of the Commission on Resources and Environment (CORE) which lasted from 1992-1996.

The records appear to have been kept for informational purposes, with a large portion of the records being copies received by the Branch from other agencies, mainly CORE and LUCO (Land Use Coordination Office). It is possible that some staff from the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks kept these records in their capacity as Senior Policy Advisor or member of the Integrated Resource Planning Committee.

Types of records include correspondence regarding policies and legislation reviews, information issues, LUCO decision notes, memos, cabinet submissions, technical reviews and analysis reports related to a variety of topics covered under CORE plans, comments on reports, participant interviews about CORE plans, summary of workshops as well as summaries of decision options. Other records include copies of terms of reference and minutes of meetings, particularly of ratification meetings and planning process meetings.

The records are classified using the Administrative Records Classification System (ARCS schedule 100001).

British Columbia. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks

Land Use Committee files

  • GR-4049
  • Series
  • 1981-1986

This series consists of land use committee files created by the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources from 1981-1986. These copies of the committee files were created and used by the representative from the Ministry’s Petroleum Resources Division. The series includes records of three committees: the Ministry wide Land Use Committee as well as two subordinate committees, the Land Use Coordinating Committee and the Omineca-Peace Regional Resource Management Committee (RRMC).

The records cover a wide variety of issues. The primary objective of the committees was to establish a ministry position for presentation to the Environment and Land Use Committee (ELUC) of Cabinet. This included the creation of a ministry wide land use policy and procedures.

Other issues referenced in the series include: the review and approval of land use projects, including energy or mining projects within the ministry and providing feedback on projects from other ministries such as forest uses or the creation of new parks; creation of protocol agreements with other ministries to address conflicting land use requirements; reviewing the provincial land use strategy; investigating legal issues such as surface and sub-surface rights; reviewing recreation corridors and changes to parks; and establishing mine guidelines.

Records include meeting minutes, agendas, correspondence, reports, research, cabinet submissions, policy documents, and maps. Many of the records are copies sent to all committee members for reference.

The records are arranged by committee, then chronologically by meeting date. The records were transferred under one time schedule number 880193.

British Columbia. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (1978-1996)

LRMP financial records

  • GR-3887
  • Series
  • 2001-2008

This series contains financial records pertaining to land and resource planning programs and initiatives. The records cover business expense approvals, accounts payable invoices, budget allocations, journal and travel vouchers, copies of contracts, transfer payments, payroll reports and credit card statements. Some files are accompanied by correspondence to give context to the financial records.

British Columbia. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

LRMP First Nations consultation case files

  • GR-3697
  • Series
  • 1993 - 2009

The series consists of records relating to the development of land and resource management plans (LRMPs) vis-à-vis the consultation that occurred with First Nations during the planning process. Land and Resource Management Planning was developed in British Columbia in the 1990s as an integrated, sub-regional, consensus-building process to produce plans for review and approval by government. The plans established direction for land use and specified broad resource management objectives and strategies. LRMPs covered a number of resource sectors -- natural or social resources such as tourism, forestry or mining. The process included development, implementation, monitoring and the amendment of land and resource management plans.

The files in this series were titled and organized in most instances as case files and based on the name of the First Nations involved in the consultation process.

The records relate to the development of the consultation process between ministries and First Nation groups for LRMPs which included preparing terms of reference, conducting research and assessments, compiling and analyzing data, consulting with interested parties, presenting plan drafts, taking the proposed plan through the approval process, and monitoring after implementation.

Record types include correspondence, memoranda, recommendations including legal advice, discussion papers, draft agreements for discussion, presentations, community meeting records, maps, plans, drafts of agreements between the Province and First Nations, briefing notes prepared for the Minister and Deputy Minister, forest company information, among numerous other types of records.

The Archives has retained these records because they provide evidence of provincial policy advice and direction for the management of public lands and resources, and evidence of the consultation that occurred with First Nations groups during the resource planning process.

British Columbia. Ministry of Environment (2005-2017)

Ministry correspondence and briefing notes

  • GR-3817
  • Series
  • 1999-2007

The series contains the executive services records of the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management and its successor the Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB). Records include briefing notes for distribution (including information notes and decision notes) to executives of the Ministry regarding a variety of topics related to land use planning and implementation while ILMB records have a strong focus on First Nations issues as they relate to land use planning. Records also include executive correspondence and referral replies. Correspondence is between the Ministry and the public or organizations/associations and covers mostly the same topics as in the briefing notes.

The records are classified according to the Administrative Records Classification System (ARCS) schedule 100001. The records are arranged for the most part by year and then by topic.
The majority fall under ARCS primary number 280: Executive Services. The primary numbers -20 and -30 correspond to Executive Briefing Notes and Executive Correspondence Referrals respectively. There are however a very small number of documents from accession 95-9631 that were filed alongside executive services documents that are included in this series as misfiles. These records may also be closely related to the correspondence files and complement the detailed responses from the Ministry in regard to matters concerning LRMPs in the region. Records from accession 95-9631 relate to the monitoring process of the Skeena Region following the approval of its Land and Resource Management Plans (LRMP). The majority of the records come from the Regional Director’s office of the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management in Smithers, B.C. Earlier records came from the Kispiox Forest District of the Ministry of Forests who chaired the implementation and monitoring process of the region’s LRMP prior to those responsibilities being transferred to the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management in 2001.
Furthermore, these records document the creation of the LRMP monitoring committees and the Ministry’s involvement with monitoring and making changes to the Skeena Region’s Land and Resource Management Plans. Committee files include terms of reference, presentations and a series of invitations, nomination forms, recruitment letters, newspaper ads and contributions, correspondence, meeting minutes and draft recommendations.
There are also a small number of plans and programs for the region proposed by the Ministry, which include resource inventory, resource assessments, habitat mapping, recreation opportunities, timber, environmental assessments and other related data studies. Records relating to agreements surrounding these projects detail appointments, contracts and funding provided by the ministry.

British Columbia. Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management

Results 1 to 30 of 59