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Mental health services--British Columbia
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Angus Mackie interview

SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Angus MacKie discusses public health inspection PERIOD COVERED: 1947-1975 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1976 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Starting with the City Health Department; location, staff, duties, etc.; sections of mental hygiene division; becoming public health inspector, duties, public relations; quarantine division 1947, duties, facilities, ambulance, public relations, incidents; changes, functions, attitudes; change to specialist section functions; duties with specialist section; functions. TRACK 2: Duties with specialist section; regulations; marina; rats; pollution; beaches etc.; public relations; changes 1973 to 1975; facilities; standards; salmonella; watershed; water quality control.

Beverly Hopkins interview

SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Mental Hygiene Division : early years, 1948-1954 RECORDED: West Vancouver (B.C.), 1976-03-18 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Personal background; education; psychology graduate from UBC in 1948; joined Mental Hygiene Division in 1948; description of staff; Dr. Gundry; interest in mental health; clinical set up; educational functions; work in well-baby clinics; relationship with Public Health Nurse; counselling; publications and flimsies; training at Toronto Sick Children's Hospital in play therapy and speech therapy; descriptions; various testing guides; work in schools; referrals; PTA; concern for 7-12 year olds; relationship with provincial organisations and other community groups. TRACK 2: Community services; special facilities for the emotionally handicapped; community work in PTA and at UBC, Clinical role of the psychologist: the set-up, tests, counselling, conferences, and public health follow-up. Ideas about mental health in the early years; Vancouver the provincial leader. Growth of Mental Hygiene Division, staff, information, acceptance and awareness of problem. Summary: results of work; publications for reference.

Bob McClelland : [press conferences, etc., February-July 1977]

CALL NUMBER: T2689:0001 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bob McClelland : On heroin legalization and cabinet parole procedures RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977-02-15 & 1997-03-21 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Minister of Health Bob McClelland rejects a proposal from the John Howard Society to legalise heroin, 15 February 1977. TRACK 2: McClelland says the cabinet decision to release accused murderer Ronald Ingram was a very difficult one and one that should be made by a judge rather than cabinet, 21 March 1977. CALL NUMBER: T2689:0002 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bob McClelland : On mental illness and Okanagan weed spraying RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977-03-30 & 1977-06-20 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Minister of Health Bob McClelland discusses the problems of treating suicidally inclined mental health patients. Says that locking them up for their own safety is not a solution, 30 March 1977. TRACK 2: McClelland denies that he was attempting to muzzle the Okanagan Health Officer on the issue of using 2,4-D against Eurasian milfoil weed in the Okanagan lakes, 20 June 1977. CALL NUMBER: T2689:0003 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bob McClelland : On Okanagan milfoil weed program RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977-07-05 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Health Minister Bob McClelland discusses the 2,4-D control program for Eurasian milfoil weed on the Okanagan lakes, 5 July 1977. [TRACK 2: blank.]


  • GR-2854
  • Series
  • 1928-1959

The series consists of certificates from the American Hospital Association, the American College of Surgeons and the American Psychiatric Association Hospital Service to the Provincial Mental Hospital and Crease Clinic of Psychological Medicine.

British Columbia. Mental Health Services

Colquitz applications for employment and other material

  • GR-0645
  • Series
  • 1919-1964

This series includes records of the Colquitz Provincial Mental Home, 1919-1964. Records include applications for employment, record of number of patients, newspaper clipping books regarding mental health work, and signatures of persons attending closing ceremonies.

Provincial Mental Home, Colquitz

Commission on the Hospital for the Insane at New Westminster (1901)

  • GR-0731
  • Series
  • 1901

The Commissioner, C.K. Clarke, M.D. of the Rockwood Asylum for the Insane (Kingston, Ontario), was appointed to inquire into all matters connected with the general administration of the Hospital for the Insane at New Westminster. Records include the Commissioner's 14 page report in which he called attention to certain administration defects and offered recommendations. He also noted advances and advocated changes in the treatment of patients.

British Columbia. Commission on the Hospital for the Insane at New Westminster (1901)

Correspondence and other material

Series consists of records that reflect the public life of Scott Wallace during his tenure as leader of the Progressive Conservative party in British Columbia, 1973-1977. The records deal primarily with the public issues with which Wallace was involved and contain very limited references to party administration and activities.

Wallace, George Scott, 1929-2011

Dept. of Health and Welfare executive records

  • GR-0117
  • Series
  • 1948-1966

The series consists of the office files of Alex Porteous, the administrative assistant to the Minister of Health (later the Associate Deputy Minister of Mental Health Programs) created between 1948 and 1966. His job description included public relations for the Ministry and the files relate mostly to public relations work for the B.C. Hospital Insurance Service, but also to the Mental Health Services and the Social Welfare Branch.

The files contain speeches of senior ministry officials, press releases, internal publications of several of the branches and divisions and general subject files of research material.

British Columbia. Dept. of Health and Welfare

Doris Mellish interview

CALL NUMBER: T1988:0001 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Doris Mellish, General Medicine, Vancouver PERIOD COVERED: 1920-1970 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1976-01-08 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Personal background; nurses training and early job experiences; life on the northwest coast of Vancouver Island; health care on the northwest coast of Vancouver Island; involvement with the Vancouver Health League; mental health; amalgamation of city health and school health; start of Mental Health committee; description of Parent Teachers Association; parent education courses. TRACK 2: ; Description of courses; formation of Vancouver Health League and the Community Chest; Council of Social Agencies; smallpox epidemics of 1919 and 1932; vaccinations for small pox; school vaccination; Cancer Foundation; BC Cancer Society; Tranquille. CALL NUMBER: T1988:0002 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Doris Mellish, General Medicine, Vancouver PERIOD COVERED: 1950-1976 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1976-01-08 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Community program takeover by government; choosing members of family service organisations; payment for services by government; availability of services throughout BC; care of aged; nutrition; results of Conference of Aged; law resulting from the study of facilities; nutrition in Vancouver; fluoridation. TRACK 2: Fluoridation; water pollution; registry of disabled children; handicapped aids; building codes for handicapped; residential treatment for disturbed children. CALL NUMBER: T1988:0003 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Doris Mellish, General Medicine, Vancouver PERIOD COVERED: 1940-1976 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1976-01-08 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Vancouver Health League; mental health; house for residential treatment; mentally retarded; formation of BC Mental Health Association; volunteers for mental health centres; preventorium; Sunnyhill; formation of Victoria Order of Nurses; industrial health in Vancouver; Community Chest organisations. TRACK 2: Community Chest; changes and budget deficits; opinions of resource boards; Community Chest; future.

Executive records

  • GR-2649
  • Series
  • 1963 1979

Ministry of Health executive records. This collection includes the files of J.W. Mainguy (Deputy Minister of Health 1975-1978), W.J. Lyle (Deputy Minister of the Hospital Insurance Service 1972-1975 and Deputy Minister of Medical and Hospital Programs 1975-1977), and Chapin Key (Deputy Minister of Health 1978-1981). It also contains files of outgoing correspondence of Dennis Cocke (Minister of Health 1972-1975), and R.H. McClelland (Minister of Health 1975-1979). These files were transferred from the Ministry of Health in 1987. There are four series: 1.Subject files of the Deputy Minister of Health, J.W. Mainguy (1975-1978), followed by Chapin Key (1978-1981). Boxes 1-23, 1963-1979. 2.Subject files of the Deputy Minister of Medical and Hospital Programs (W.J. Lyle). Boxes 24-27, 1964-1978. 3.Binders re Conferences of Ministers and Deputy Ministers. Boxes 27-28, 1974-1977. 4.Daily correspondence files (outgoing) Boxes 29-30. -Minister of Health - (Dennis Cocke), 1974-1975. -Minister of Health - (R.H. McClelland), 1976-1977. -Deputy Minister of Medical and Hospital Programs (W.J. Lyle), 1974-1977.

British Columbia. Dept. of Health Services and Hospital Insurance

Federal-Provincial cost sharing agreements

  • GR-3976
  • Series
  • 1976-1985

This series consists of federal-provincial cost sharing agreement histories for services provided by the provincial Ministry of Health, Ministry of the Attorney-General and Ministry of Human Resources. Agreements were between the federal government and the relevant ministry from 1976-1985.

The records document the development and operation of a variety of health and social services, including the Canada Assistance Plan (CAP), Vocational Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (VRDP) program, and the Young Offenders Act (YOA) agreements. These programs provided social and medical supports, including mental health services and drug and alcohol treatment programs.

Records include meeting agenda, minutes, audit reports, correspondence, paylists, policies, procedures, draft agreements, legislation, treasury board submissions, cabinet submissions, financial records, and subject files relating to direct services funded agencies. The subject files in boxes 9 and 10 are arranged by the name of the agency or group that provided the funded services, then by year. Subject files are organized with separate sub-folders for related records of approval, working papers, backups, and claims and “form M”.

These records were transferred under one time schedule number 870458.

British Columbia. Ministry of Health (1976-2001)

Films and videos

This series consists of films and videos held by the Provincial Mental Hospital, Essondale (later Riverview Hospital). Film dates range from 1930-1963 and videos as late as 1994, though many are undated. The majority of films seem to have been created by the hospital as records of operations and events, or as visual aids for medical studies. There is little to no information about the creation of these films or their contents. A few films have sign out cards in their cannisters, indicating staff were able to check them out and view them. All films have titles and some have dates or additional technical information. There may be multiple short films on a single reel or tape; each part has been identified with it's own title in the item list when possible.

Many films cover hospital events, such as patient dances, carnivals, graduations, parades, sports days and the opening of the Crease Clinic. There are films recording the Essondale grounds and building construction. There are also films regarding pathology, some of which are recorded in the GR-3420 index of pathological photographs. These films record various physical or mental conditions. They were generally filmed for particular doctors studying a condition or patient.

The series also includes a few commercial films likely used by the hospital for instructional purposes, and a copy of the National Film Board documentary titled "Breakdown".

Many of the films have video copies which may be more easily accessible. Films were not reviewed by archives staff. The existence of a video copy for particular films is estimated based on film descriptions and the contents of videos. Possible copies are indicated in the item list.

Gary Mavis interview

SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Crisis centre and health care RECORDED: Vancouver (B.C.), 1976-04-08 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Personal background; got interest in crisis centre in 1969 as trainee; had worked at Oakalla from 1966 to 1969; worked as a phone helper for a year then went on the flying squad; 1972 hired by doctor at VGH to initiate Safer program to follow up suicide failures; 1972 took registered social worker courses at night and summer school; been director at crisis centre since 1975; how crisis centre came into being in Vancouver; 1 July 1969; fund raised through mental health organisation; junior league, and churches; initially was 24-hour line for people in crisis; funded now by United Way and the government, VRB and donations; youth line set up in 1970; senior line set up for homebound older people; youth line now disbanded; youth bus traveled around to rock concerts etc., involved with post partum counseling first before it was taken over by VRB; present staff 8 people in main office; publish directory of community social services and 7 people work there; directory is sold; approximately 100 volunteers; training program designed; 600 calls per month first year; peaked at 3,000 calls and gone down to 2,500 per month; information line gets 1,000 calls per month; keep lists of calls as to type, i.e. alcohol or drug abuse; depression calls, lonely calls, few crank calls; language barrier problems. TRACK 2: Feels there is a need for multilingual centre; function as crisis prevention, has emergency beds, flying squad LIP; not controlled by centre but may become so when grant runs out; Vancouver highest suicide and alcohol problem; reasons for this; other crisis services available in Vancouver; state of crisis services in Vancouver; recommend integration; would try to alter by increasing telephone lines, attempted suicide counseling team; emergency night counseling; flying squad to keep going; face to face counseling should be available; boarding homes available; try to keep ahead of community needs.

Hospital Insurance Service research files

  • GR-2585
  • Series
  • 1953-1977

These are files of the Research Division of the British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service. In 1948 an "Act to provide for the Establishment of Hospital Insurance and Financial Aid to Hospitals" was passed. Accordingly, the B.C. Hospital Insurance Service was established as a third branch of the Department of Health and Welfare and tasked with administering the premium payment plan which provided hospital care benefits for acute illness at the standard ward level to residents of the province. The role of the B.C.H.I.S. quickly grew to include hospital financing, inspection, and advisory services related to hospital construction. The name of the branch changed from British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service to Hospital Programs in 1975, as part of a reorganization within the Ministry of Health. In the early years the B.C.H.I.S. was also responsible for the administration of the Welfare Institutions Licensing Act (transferred to the Dept. of Social Welfare in 1950) and the Provincial Infirmaries (transferred to the Health Branch in 1964). The Research Division was created in the second year of operation of the B.C.H.I.S. In the annual report of BCHIS for 1950 the responsibilities of the Research Division are listed as "this branch of the Service supplied all statistics necessary to the Service, which included compilation of progress and annual reports, surveys, and other information". In the 1951 annual report this description is broadened slightly, "maintained monthly progress reports, compiled statistics concerning hospitalization experience, and conducted special studies on matters related to the Service". There are two series of files, one series containing correspondence with individual hospitals and one series containing subject files. The first series in this unit, the bulk of these files, relate to individual hospitals and contain correspondence of the division with the hospitals, news releases of the ministry relating to the hospital, reports of the division relating to the individual hospitals and other research material relating to individual hospitals. The bulk of this series is from 1953-1965, with some material as late as 1975. The second series of files are subject files of the Research Division on such topics as rehabilitation, mental health, indian affairs, morbidity, social welfare, and pediatrics. The bulk of this series is from 1953-1962, with some material as late as 1977. Individual Hospital Series (Boxes 1-12) Subject Files (Boxes 12-15)

British Columbia. Hospital Insurance Service

John Cumming interview

SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): A social psychiatric overview of Vancouver RECORDED: Vancouver (B.C.), 1976-02-10 SUMMARY: The first in a series of eight seminars at UBC on the social and human problems in Vancouver, BC, Canada and the world. Chaired by Lila Quastel, a professor at the UBC School of Rehabilitative Medicine. TRACK 1: Introduction by Professor Quastel, giving Dr. John Cumming's background. Overview of child abuse, chronic mental illness, suicide, addiction. Outline of what he wishes to cover in talk. Pathology: what it is, what causes it, where it exists. Sets press release about charge cards into perspective. Definition of pathology comes from the symptoms caused by syphilis, epilepsy, pellagra. Senility or brain changes not included, as they do not fit the facts. Psychoses: diseases based on genetics and bio-chemistry. Evidence of inherited predisposition, though may not manifest in itself. Studies referred to that back up this statement. Small numbers of people involved. Equates his arthritis with psychoses. State of Vancouver services; suicide numbers and facts. TRACK 2: Definition of addiction and why Dr. Cumming believes our society is vulnerable to it. Definition of "neurotic paradox". The advantage taken by power-hungry and money-hungry to place temptation in the way of others, preying on the human condition. Lila Quastel takes over for group discussion.

Lenore Patterson interview

SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Co-ordinator of Health Care Services, Vancouver Resources Board RECORDED: Vancouver (B.C.), 1976-04-14 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Background; brief career as a dietitian here and in UK; involvement in dental care; came to Vancouver and became a nutritionist with Catholic Child Care; last year, 1975, became the head of dietetics in the Vancouver Resources Board. Health care as it was before integration last year; decentralisation (see Foulkes Report) responsible for reorganisation of social services; mandate of Resources Board; 14 local offices and 5 special offices; Mincome delivered at Dunsmuir Street office; advent of resources boards, and their disbandment; definition of health care according to resource boards, defined by programs: old people's care and children. Staff of specialists in psychiatry department, to help children; work closely with all community resources; public health nurses' duties. Adult; care resource homes: Taylor Manor and Kinna Mair. Nutritionists help recipients and community groups to budget food and balance with goodness; also help baby home. Children in care of the Resources Board present with a variety of health problems. One medical clinic under Resources Board; one full-time physician and a part-time pediatrician. Dental health arranged. Post-partum group handles new mothers with problems; program for counseling these women. Types of problems handled. Men's group started. Child abuse dealt with. TRACK 2: Other programs of Resources board: nutrition program for healthy babies; drug and alcohol abuse an ongoing problem. Taylor Manor, for adults with mental and physical problems who are not able to function in the community, and are not expected to get into the community; 894 new contacts in 1974 under the psychiatric counseling. Taylor Manor has 58 beds and a waiting list; government pays for all. Per diem rate for five levels of care, set by government. Relations with other community health services. More involvement with Attorney-General's Department hoped for. Future of Resources Board.

May Humphreys interview

CALL NUMBER: T2013:0001 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Health care and social assistance PERIOD COVERED: 1928-1960 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1976-02-20 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Brief personal introduction with a description of UBC in 1928 and the decision to go into nurses training at VGH in 1929; includes a description of courses, hours, and discipline; job shortages of the Depression years and the decision to study public health at McGill from 1931 to 1933; work in Family Services in Montreal; description of service; religious divisions, problems in Griffintown; juveniles and comparison with Vancouver; job offers and the return to Vancouver; out-patients at VGH in 1936, with a description of buildings, patients, dental clinic, staff, volunteers and cup of soup; joined the City Relief Department in 1937 and describes the staff under the direction of Dr. Jack Muscovitch. TRACK 2: Social workers and the medical section with mention of responsibilities and services; effects of the Depression on people, allowances, violent attitudes; reporters; unique service of medical section; doctors services and medical histories; post-war years; employment on the Sea Wall; mental assessments; placement program growth out of VGH overcrowding; problems in regulating; lack of staff; numbers of clients; anecdotes on persuading people to enter boarding homes; atmosphere at placement institutions; night school courses; private homes, problems associated with uprooting and adjustment of elder clients. CALL NUMBER: T2013:0002 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Health care and social assistance PERIOD COVERED: 1935-1976 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1976-02-20 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Conclusion of anecdote; role with alcoholics and Salt Spring Farm; hospital; drunk tank; need for a cleansing station; social life in boarding houses; sitting room regulations; recreation and; the role of volunteer organisations; effects of the Second World War and the reduction in staff; changes in public attitude; rise in young people on relief; increase in professional social workers; involvement in rationing and accompanying anecdote; changes in the services; dental plan; appliances; caseloads; increases in allowances; clothing allowances; nutrition services; referral resources; relationship with the Metropolitan Health Department; consultation, referrals, overlapping interests; geriatrics. TRACK 2: Gradual acceptance of geriatric centres; trends in services; attitudes of staff and public; customer orientation of building and furniture; medical aspects of the social assistance program; 60% of clients; promotes health problems; problems of single men; staff experiment living on an allowance; effects on social assistance and trend to younger people in the 1960s and 1970s; lessons learned about human nature with examples of New York and Sweden and the nature of Canadians; summary of medical program; services; abuse; payments.

Mental Health Branch executive records

  • GR-0133
  • Series
  • 1936-1972

The series consists of central office files of the Directors of Mental Health Services and the Deputy Ministers of the Mental Health Branch created between 1936 and 1972.

This is a set of central office files of the Directors of Mental Health Services (MHS) and the Deputy Ministers of the Mental Health Branch. Before 1959 the Director of Mental Health Services (under a variety of titles), reported to the Deputy Provincial Secretary. Between 1959 and 1968 the positions of Director and Deputy Minister were held by the same person. In 1968 the positions were separated, with Dr. H.W. Bridge as the Director of Mental Health Services, located in Vancouver, and Dr. Tucker as the Deputy Minister, located in Victoria. In September 1971 the position of Director of Mental Health Services was terminated. The statutory obligations of the Director were assumed by the Deputy Minister.

Between 1872 and 1959 MHS was part of the Department of the Provincial Secretary. In 1959 MHS joined the [Public] Health Branch and the Hospital Insurance Service in the new Department of Health Services and Hospital Insurance.

The records include a few files of Dr. Arthur L. Crease, who retired as Director of Mental Hygiene and Psychiatry in 1950 after 16 years at the helm of the Mental Health Services. The bulk of the files were created during the tenures of Dr. A.M. Gee (Director, 1951 58) and Dr. A.E. Davidson (Director and Deputy Minister, 1958 67). Dr. Fred G. "Tommy" Tucker was the Deputy Minister between 1967 and 1975.

Also included are files of the Deputy Director (Dr. Tucker), the Nursing consultant to the Branch (Miss Lonergan), and the Coordinator of Adult Psychiatric Services (Dr. H.W. Bridge).

The time period which these records represent includes many major developments in terms of treatment, insulin shock therapy (1937), electric shock therapy (1942), lobotomy (1945), penicillin and many other drugs. It also includes many new developments in care delivery, new Homes for the Aged in the 1940s and the Crease Clinic of Psychological Medicine in 1949, and the development of community mental health care centres in the 1960s.

British Columbia. Mental Health Services

Mental Health Branch records

  • GR-0377
  • Series
  • 1947-1969

The series consists of the records of Mr. Matheson, Business Manager (later Comptroller) of the Mental Hospitals. It includes agendas and minutes of the assessment committee from 1947 to 1965, outlining assets of the patients and their immediate family to determine their ability to pay to stay in mental health facilities. The series also includes records relating to branch staff conferences (1960-1968), meetings and records of the core committee for the planning of mental health facilities (1964-1965). Additional file subjects include visit to the California Neuropsychiatric Institute, Mental Health Centre Conference, Comptroller's monthly reports, and BC Government Employees Associate strike committee. Records related to Woodlands and Essondale.

British Columbia. Mental Health Services

Mental Health Services executive records

  • GR-0379
  • Series
  • 1948-1971

These are the files of the Deputy Minister of Mental Health Services, primarily for the period 1968-1970. The files include some material from the previous Deputy Minister and Directors of the Mental Health Services under the Provincial Secretary.

The records are arranged in a subject classification system. Files that begin with I-4 and I-5 are Professional files. Files that are in the range I-6 to I-20 are Technical files.

British Columbia. Dept. of Health and Welfare

Mental hospital records

  • GR-1754
  • Series
  • 1872-1962

The series consists of records created by the Provincial Mental Health Services between 1872 and 1962 and includes
admission registers (1872-1902 and 1913-1960), case histories (1887-1908), patients registers (alphabetical lists of patients) (1900-1913 and 1922-1946), probation records (1911-1939), a patient transfer book (1918-1962) and a book of medical certificates of death (1911-1915).

The series also includes the journal of W. Mackie (February 8 - March 2, 1935), who accompanied 65 Chinese patients who were deported to China in 1935. The journal lists the names of the patients and gives information about their voyage. The annual report of the mental hospital for 1935 (Sessional Papers 1936) mentions that 65 Chinese patients were repatriated that year.

The registers contain useful information, including age, sex, marital status, paying or free, date of admission, religion, country of birth, present residence, duration of mental malady, diagnosis, supposed cause, number of attacks, occupation, degree of education and bodily state on admission. The admission registers are an index to the patient files because the register number assigned at admission was used as the patient file number.

British Columbia. Mental Health Services

Minister of Health records

  • GR-0118
  • Series
  • 1953-1965

The series consists of records created by the Dept. of Health Services and Hospital Insurance between 1953 and 1965.
They contain the executive files of the Minister, Eric Martin and include files relating to Woodlands, the Provincial Mental Hospital, Valleyview, Dellview, Skeenaview, Tranquille, the Crease Clinic, various mental health centres, and legislation relating to mental health. The files also include monthly reports on the activities of the various branches of the Mental Health Services for the years 1960-1964.

British Columbia. Dept. of Health Services and Hospital Insurance


This series consists of a variety of newsletters created for hospital patients and the public from 1947-2008. These records were created by Provincial Mental Hospital, Essondale (later Riverview) and Crease Clinic staff and patients. Patient newsletters provide an account of the events and activities which occurred at Riverview from a patient perspective. These newsletters provide valuable insights into patient life at Riverview from a non-clinical perspective. Several different newsletters are included:

The Leader was a weekly publication of the provincial mental hospital and Crease clinic, Essondale BC. Prepared by the Department of Recreational Therapy and other hospital staff with the help of patients. In later years the newsletter was primarily created by patients. Drawings and articles were contributed by patients throughout the years. The size and content varies over time, but often includes information on recreational activities available to patients, weekly movies, outings, church information, puzzles, new additions to the library, updates for each ward, some photos and articles on a variety of topics. Dates range from 1947 to 1976.

The Riverview Reporter, New Horizons and Penn Hall Chronicles include writing, poems and art from patients, as well as general information for patients on health, wellness and hospital amenities. Dates range from the 1980s to early 2000s.

Riverview Hospital Connections is a more public facing newsletter providing information on the operations of the hospital, staff spotlights, and research being done. Dates range from 1993 to 2002.

Operational records

  • GR-0960
  • Series
  • 1946-2010

This series consists of Mental Health Services operational records. Records include agendas and minutes, correspondence, personnel files, and reports for a variety of mental health facilities across the province. The records were created between 1946 and 2010 and document the changing nature of mental health service delivery in the province. The series includes the admissions and discharge register for Hollywood Hospital for the years 1968 to 1973, and also consists of plans and policy documents for the transition from a institutional model of care to one centered on community-based boarding and group homes.

The series was originally arranged into 16 subseries in the 1990s. Further accruals were arranged to fit the existing model with one additional subseries added to accommodate financial records. Several of the existing subseries were merged in 2016 to simplify and streamline the arrangement. Subseries that were merged include “Mental Health Centres : monthly reports” and “Victoria Mental Health Centre,” which became “Mental Health Centres.” The “Glendale Lodge/Hospital” and “Skeenaview Hospital” subseries were merged to become the “Other facilities and services” subseries. The scope of the original “Meetings” subseries was expanded to include the records of a variety of committees, and the “Reports” subseries was expanded to include policy and planning documents, including those relating directly to patient care. The series is now arranged into 13 subseries : Boarding home and group home programmes; comptroller records; correspondence; facilities : Riverview Hospital; facilities : other mental health facilities and services; finance, grants, and budget; meetings and committees; mental health centres; Mental Health Services branch; miscellaneous; personnel; reports, programs, and planning; and youth mental health.

The Boarding Homes subseries (accessions 88-0056 and 93-4010) documents the shift towards de-institutionalization and the provision of mental health services within the community. The subseries consists of monthly reports and planning and policy documents.

The Comptroller subseries (88-0056) consists of monthly reports written between 1970 and 1972.

The Correspondence subseries (88-0056, 93-4010 and 95-4372) includes correspondence outward, with attachments, from the Mental Health Branch. It also includes material addressed to, or coming from the Health Minister and circulated through the Branch for action or information. Most correspondence on the Branch side is from the Deputy Minister of Mental Health, the Assistant Deputy Minister of Mental Health, and a Branch Administrative officer.

The Riverview Hospital subseries (88-0056, 93-4010, 95-4372, and 96-7394) consists of correspondence, monthly reports, planning documents and statistical files. The records date from the early 1970s until just prior to the hospital’s 2012 closure. Records include the statistical schedule of the 1971 census (no nominal or personal information is included), monthly reports, correspondence, and a set of redevelopment planning files from the 1990s and 2000s.

The Other Facilities and Services subseries (88-0056, 93-4010, 95-4372, and 95-9744) consists of minutes, correspondence, and monthly reports pertaining to Glendale Lodge, Skeenaview Hospital, Valleyview Hospital, Dellview Hospital and Skeleem Lodge, in addition to records documenting home support, outreach and mental health care in smaller communities. The series also consists of the 1968-1973 admissions and discharges register of Hollywood Hospital.

The Finance, Grants and Budget subseries (93-4010) consists of correspondence and other records regarding community grants, lottery fund grants, and general finances for mental health facilities.

The Meetings and Committees subseries (88-0056, 94-4010, 95-4372, and 95-9744) consists of meeting agendas and minutes for a variety of committees. The subseries also consists of records pertaining to various related organizations, such as the Alcoholic Foundation of BC and the BC Medical Association.

The Mental Health Centres subseries (88-0056 and 93-4010) consists of records pertaining to a variety of small facilities and sub-offices located across the province. The records are arranged in alphabetical order by location. The Skeena Mental Health Centre files contain additional reports such as those describing meetings, physical plant proposals, etc.

The Mental Health Services branch subseries (88-0056 and 93-4010) consists of records relating directly to the branch’s operation. The series includes records relating to staff meetings and the branch’s establishment.

The Miscellaneous subseries (88-0056 and 93-4010) consists of copies of legislation and research conducted by staff at the Mental Health Services branch. Records also include proposed amendments and improvements to the mental health diagnostic code.

The Personnel subseries (88-0056 and 93-4010) consists of staff personnel files, files for post-graduate training, and files documenting the appointment and resignation of physicians. Personnel files from accession 93-4010 are arranged in alphabetical files organized by the first letter of the surname.

The Reports, Programs and Planning subseries (88-0056, 93-4010, 95-4372, 95-9744, and 96-8412) consists of monthly reports from other government departments in addition to research reports used by the branch for policy development. Records dating to the 2000s include policy development, government responses to crises such as crystal meth and other drug addictions, and best practices for treatment.

The Youth Mental Health subseries (88-0056, 93-4010, 95-4372 and 95-9744) consists of monthly reports, statistics, and correspondence regarding programs for youth and the BC Youth Development Centre “The Maples.”

The series is covered by ORCS 36100-20. However, a small number of records are also covered by ORCS 36200-20, 36300-40, and 36400-30, as well as ARCS 280-30 and 350-25. Due to the interrelated nature of the records and the existing arrangement structure, it was decided to keep all records within the same series.

British Columbia. Mental Health Services

Operational records

This series consists of a variety of operational records created by various provincial mental health institutions from 1882 to 2005. These records were created by mental health institutions including: New Westminster Provincial Asylum (later Public Hospital for the Insane or Provincial Hospital for the Insane), Essondale (later Riverview), Home for the Aged Coquitlam (later Valleyview), Home for the Aged Terrace (later Skeenaview), Home for the Aged Vernon (later Dellview), Crease Clinic, Colony Farm, Colquitz, Woodlands School and other medical facilities.

Together these records provide details of the hospital's operations from their creation to closure. Internal records document the mandate and goals of the hospitals and how they changed as the government and society's attitudes regarding mental health care shifted over time. External documents such as articles written by Riverview staff demonstrate how the hospital chose to publicize information about its treatment practices and research.

There are many different kinds of records in this series intermingled together. Many of the reports and studies were held by the Riverview Hospital Medical Library. These may be identified by library call numbers or stamps. The records are grouped into subseries. Note that there may be some overlap and repetition between them due to the physical arrangement of the records. The following subseries are included:

  1. Publications. Includes copies of published articles in a variety of academic psychology and medical journals written by hospital staff from 1955-1979.

  2. Reports, programs, and procedures. This includes many different types of records which address topics such as: treatment methods; patient care; rehabilitation; patient services; the creation, evaluation and implementation of various programs; facility management; patient rights; general policies for medical staff; staff bylaws; staff training and orientation; child guidance (including original papers and speeches by Dr. Crease on multiple subjects); geriatric care; staffing; and the administrative review of the hospital’s organization. The bulk of the records include policies, procedures, manuals, unpublished studies, statistics, strategic plans, training materials, forms, pamphlets, and surveys and questionnaires from staff, patients and patient’s relatives.

  3. Conference and Committee Records. Includes records of the Provincial Mental Health Services Headquarters monthly or bimonthly conferences held by branch executives. Records include agendas, meeting minutes, budgets, copies of reports, statistics and other records discussed at the conference. Riverview Hospital medical advisory committee records include minutes and some reports or other records discussed in meetings. There are also some additional records included related to legislation and the Civil Defense Committee.

  4. Miscellaneous records. Includes records related to facilities, finances, correspondence and early hospital records. This includes some of the earliest records related to the creation, construction and operations of the hospitals and Colony Farm, such as financial records recording the purchase of supplies, maintenance of facilities or grounds and staff perquisites. There are correspondence or subject files on a variety of topics, including: Mental Health Services headquarters; Provincial Secretary Collection Office; the operation and construction of the Boy’s Industrial School; and Indian Affairs regarding Indigenous patients. Additional records include agreements with the Canadian Pacific Railway for use of hospital land; records marking hospital events and anniversaries; provincial Mental Health Services business management monthly reports; and other miscellaneous records.

  5. Riverview replacement records. Includes plans, reports and other records related to the changing makeup of mental health services on the Riverview lands. Beginning in the 1970s, the role of the hospitals began to be assessed and plans were developed to downsize, consolidate, replace or close various facilities. These records document that process. Contains various reports, planning documents and records of consultation with stakeholders.

  6. Annual reports. Covers a wide range of years. There are reports for the Asylum for the Insane, New Westminster from 1882-1885; BC Mental Health Hospitals Annual Reports (under several names) from 1901-1972, plus some later years; and federal government Annual Report of Mental Institutions for the Dominion Bureau of Statistics from 1932-1960.

Pathological master file photographs

  • GR-3420
  • Series
  • 1946-1967

The series, called the pathological master file, consists of ca. 1483 photographs and their card index file created by the Mental Health Services between 1946 and 1967. The photographs consist mostly of black and white prints and 4 x 5 acetate negatives. There are also a few colour negatives and transparencies and 2 glass negatives.

The photographs are of the patients at Crease Clinic, Essondale and Woodlands School and document adults and children with various conditions, both physical and mental. There are whole body shots as well as close up's of specific conditions and injuries. In addition there are numerous photographs of brain samples to illustrate the pathology. The photographs have been numbered and the prints are filed within the card index, which is arranged alphabetically by condition. There is a card for each file which identifies the patient, date the photograph(s) were taken and the condition. The negatives are arranged separately by file number. There are also some unnumbered and unidentified photographs. The negatives are in containers 890935-0008 and 0009 and the prints and card file are in containers 890935-0011 and 0012.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary

Photograph album : Mental Health Services

  • GR-3673
  • Series
  • [ca. 1920-1940]

The series consists of a photograph album created by the Dept. of the Provincial Secretary sometime between 1920 and 1940. The album contains 215 black and white prints of varying sizes showing the buildings, grounds and patients at the Public Hospital for the Insane at New Westminster, Essondale and Colony Farm. The photographs are captioned but not dated.

Several of the exterior shots of the buildings and grounds were taken by professional photographers and have been connected together to show panoramas. There are also exterior photos of farm activities and labour performed by patients. The majority of the photographs are of the patients themselves. These photographs illustrate various pathological types that were treated at the hospitals. They include men, women and children; shown as individuals and in groups.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary

Photographs and other visual material

This series consists of photographs, negatives, slides and architectural drawings created by various provincial mental health institutions from 1901 to 2002. These records regard the following institutions: New Westminster Provincial Asylum (later Public Hospital for the Insane or Provincial Hospital for the Insane), Essondale (later Riverview), Home for the Aged Coquitlam (later Valleyview), Home for the Aged Terrace (later Skeenaview), Home for the Aged Vernon (later Dellview), Crease Clinic, Colony Farm, Colquitz, Woodlands School, Tranquille and other medical facilities. Most records were created by the Essondale or Riverview Hospital Audio Visual Department.

Photos, negatives and slides cover a broad range of subjects which may overlap with or relate to other series of mental health photos at the archives. There are three broad categories of subjects: photos of institutions, pathological photos, and staff and patient photos. Images from these categories may all be intermingled together and specific subjects may be duplicated over multiple media types.

Photos of institutions include interior and exterior images of the buildings, facilities and grounds. This includes the construction and renovation of facilities. Most publicly operated mental health facilities in the Province are represented, as well as some additional medical facilities.

Pathological photos include images of adults and children with various mental and physical conditions or injuries, including full body shots and close ups. This includes close ups of human anatomy, dissections and brain samples. There are also images demonstrating various medical treatments patients underwent.

Staff and patient photos cover many aspects of daily patient and employee life. Many of the images document public events at the hospitals such as sports days, parties, dances, parades, graduations, opening ceremonies and other events. Additional subjects include patient leisure activities; recreational therapy; occupational therapy such as woodworking and sewing; patient care; hospital services such as laundry, food series, pharmacy and dentist; a variety of patient and volunteer programs; patients working at colony farm; staff demonstrating their work; passport style headshots of patients and staff; and group photos of staff from as early as the opening of the hospital.

Each media type is organized separately. They are represented by the following subseries:

  1. Photographs. Most photos date from the 1940s to 1970s, though altogether they range from the early 1900s to early 2000s. Almost all photographs are black and white, but some later ones are in colour. There are duplicates and copies of some images throughout the collection.

Each photograph will include varying amounts of information on its back. Some photos are unlabeled and include no information. Photos may be labelled with numbers, descriptions and/or dates. Many are stamped with Audio Visual Department, Mental Health Services, Essondale or Riverview. Some photos indicate the folder they were originally stored in and are labelled with an item number. These numbers likely relate to the organizational structure used by the Audio Visual Department and may correspond with the organization of other Mental Health Services photographs in the Archive’s holdings. It appears that when, or before, these photos were collected by the Riverview Historical Society they were removed from this organizational system and filed alphabetically by subject. The files are currently arranged alphabetically in two groups (one for each accession number).

  1. Large format photographs and albums. There are some large format prints and framed photos which were on display in the hospitals or Historical Society building. These photos are of patients and staff, including an early group photo of staff. These may be prints of older photos. There are also large scale prints of furniture sketches for the for the "Provincial Mental Hospital Mount Coquitlam", likely the Male Chronic Building.

Of the photo albums, three of them include similar photos of the interior and exterior of the Male Chronic Building, the first hospital built at Essondale, around its opening in 1913. The fourth album includes early portraits of patients labeled as having been diagnosed with Dementia Praecox, the original name given to Schizophrenia Kraepelin.

  1. Negatives. Most negatives are stored in their original envelopes, unless they required rehousing. Envelopes contain images related to a specific topic and may be labelled with a title, date and four digit number. Negative envelopes are arranged chronologically by this number up to number 3160. Many envelope numbers are missing. Negatives in container 972114-0009 were transferred separately but appear to have numbers which fit into this numbering system. Some envelopes are unlabeled or are missing some information. Envelopes may also include some associated photographic prints.

  2. Slides. Slides date from 1949 to the 1980s. They have been arranged into several groups based on the numbers written on individual slides. Slides are arranged chronologically by this number, or their date if they were not numbered. Note that there may be gaps in numbering. Slides in file boxes 3 and 4 have a variety of numbering systems, no numbers or only contain a date. They contain similar subject matter to A, B and P slides in the other file boxes. Numbers with A and B prefixes include images of institutions, staff and patients. Numbers with P prefixes document pathological images.

  3. Architectural plans. Plans date from 1920 to the 1980s. They cover Crease Clinic, Valleyview and other buildings on the Riverview/Essondale site at various points in time. There is also a master list of the Provincial Mental Hospital cemetery.

Photographs of institutions operated by the Mental Health Services

  • GR-3419
  • Series
  • 1948-1967

The series consists of approximately 5250 black and white photographic negatives taken by Mental Health Services between 1948 and 1967. The negatives are acetate and are mostly in a 4 x 5 format with some 35 mm. There are 62 black and white prints interfiled with the negatives.

The photographs are of various British Columbia mental health institutions including the Boys Industrial School, Colony Farm, Colquitz Mental Home (Saanich), the Home for the Aged in Vernon and in Terrace, Woodlands School, Essondale (Coquitlam) and the Crease Clinic.

The photographs depict the grounds and buildings (both internal and external views) of the mental health institutions as well as photographs of construction and equipment. There are photographs of staff and patients involved in a variety of activities including medical treatments, events, ceremonies, leisure activities and other programs.

The negative files are arranged numerically in seven boxes: 1-657, 658-1004, 1005-1135, 1136-1242, 1245-1325, 1326-1409 and 1410-1499.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary

Policy administration manual and other material

  • GR-0620
  • Series
  • ca. 1930-1940

This series consists of a manual containing memoranda, correspondence and forms pertaining to the administration of policy by officials in the Provincial Secretary's Department, 1940-1950.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary

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