The series contains the executive correspondence, including briefing notes, of Land and Water British Columbia Inc. (LWBC). LWBC was a Crown Corporation reporting to the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management starting in 2002 when the previous British Columbia Assets and Land Corporation was renamed. In 2005, the functions and responsibilities of Land and Water British Columbia Inc. were transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. As per the records in this series, the new Ministry continued to refer to the office responsible as LWBC during and for a time after the transition process.
Land and Water British Columbia were responsible for managing Crown land leases, tenure applications, grants and sales related to land owned by the Provincial Government. They also managed water resources, including water licenses and allocations. As such, the records in this series mainly deal with questions from developers, local governments, etc. regarding the process of their applications, the possibility to buy leased land, proposals for development, meeting requests or other related issues. There are also briefing notes and correspondence between the Corporation/BC Government and First Nations groups regarding the consultation process in relation to their land title rights.
British Columbia. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands