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Archives discrete item collection Coast Salish
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George Draney interview : [Brower, 1983]
George Draney interview : [Brower, 1983]
Translations of Vancouver Island treaties
Translations of Vancouver Island treaties
Success in struggle: the Squamish people and Kitsilano Indian Reserve No. 6. / William J. Zaharoff
Success in struggle: the Squamish people and Kitsilano Indian Reserve No. 6. / William J. Zaharoff
Plant taxonomic systems and ethnobotany of three contemporary Indian groups of the Pacific Northwest (Haida, Bella Coola, and Lillooet) / Nancy Jean Turner
Plant taxonomic systems and ethnobotany of three contemporary Indian groups of the Pacific Northwest (Haida, Bella Coola, and Lillooet) / Nancy Jean Turner
Archaeological investigations at the flood and pipeline sites, near Hope, British Columbia / Georg Henning Von Krogh
Archaeological investigations at the flood and pipeline sites, near Hope, British Columbia / Georg Henning Von Krogh
Morphophonemic properties of Cowichan actual aspect / Michael Kevin Jones
Morphophonemic properties of Cowichan actual aspect / Michael Kevin Jones
Modern spirit dancing of Northern Puget Sound / Joyce Annabel Wike
Modern spirit dancing of Northern Puget Sound / Joyce Annabel Wike
Women, poverty, and housing: some consequences of hinterland status for a Coast Salish Indian reserve in metropolitan Canada / Marjorie Ruth Mitchell
Women, poverty, and housing: some consequences of hinterland status for a Coast Salish Indian reserve in metropolitan Canada / Marjorie Ruth Mitchell
Agnes Edgar interview, June 1976
Agnes Edgar interview, June 1976
Songhees agreement for removal to Cadboro Bay
Songhees agreement for removal to Cadboro Bay
Rock art of the Coast Salish Territory: an analysis of style, form and function / Joy Florence Bell
Rock art of the Coast Salish Territory: an analysis of style, form and function / Joy Florence Bell
Excavations at Esquimalt Lagoon: a contribution to Straits Salish pre-history / Richard William Blacklaws
Excavations at Esquimalt Lagoon: a contribution to Straits Salish pre-history / Richard William Blacklaws
The underwater archaeology of Straits Salish reef-netting / Norman Alexander Easton
The underwater archaeology of Straits Salish reef-netting / Norman Alexander Easton
An integrated approach to studying settlement systems on the Northwest coast: the Nuxalk of Bella Coola, B.C. / Dana Sue Lepofsky
An integrated approach to studying settlement systems on the Northwest coast: the Nuxalk of Bella Coola, B.C. / Dana Sue Lepofsky
The Songhees land transfer, Victoria, 1911 / Stuart Charles Berry
The Songhees land transfer, Victoria, 1911 / Stuart Charles Berry
Louis Miranda interviews, 1979
Louis Miranda interviews, 1979
Coast Salish ceremonial life: status and identity in a modern village / John Edward Michael Kew
Coast Salish ceremonial life: status and identity in a modern village / John Edward Michael Kew
Cowichan petition
Cowichan petition
The ceremony attending the transfer of the Songheese Reserve to the Provincial Government April 4...
The ceremony attending the transfer of the Songheese Reserve to the Provincial Government April 4th, 1911
All Hallows' School. Yale.
All Hallows' School. Yale.
A study of the impact of modern life on a Canadian Indian Band / Claudia Louise Lewis
A study of the impact of modern life on a Canadian Indian Band / Claudia Louise Lewis
Bella Coola ceremony and art / Margaret A. Stott
Bella Coola ceremony and art / Margaret A. Stott
A linguistic and ethnohistoric approach to Bella Coola prehistory / James Winston Ellis Baker
A linguistic and ethnohistoric approach to Bella Coola prehistory / James Winston Ellis Baker