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Only top-level descriptions British Columbia. Dept. of Lands
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Department of Lands correspondence outward
Department of Lands correspondence outward
Forest Service lookout photographs
Forest Service lookout photographs
Tweedsmuir Park photographs
Tweedsmuir Park photographs
Alphabetical indexes
Alphabetical indexes
Crown land auctioneers agreements
Crown land auctioneers agreements
Auction sale records
Auction sale records
Correspondence relating to proposed grant of land to the Point Grey School Board
Correspondence relating to proposed grant of land to the Point Grey School Board
Correspondence relating to cancellation of pre-emption applications
Correspondence relating to cancellation of pre-emption applications
Sales book
Sales book
Record book of land examinations and miscellaneous applications
Record book of land examinations and miscellaneous applications
List of lands resumed by the Crown under B.C. Soldiers' Homestead Act, 1916
List of lands resumed by the Crown under B.C. Soldiers' Homestead Act, 1916
Minutes of Executive Council relating to lands and resources for which no approval notices received
Minutes of Executive Council relating to lands and resources for which no approval notices received
Correspondence relating to the Banff-Windermere road and to jurisdiction within Dominion parks
Correspondence relating to the Banff-Windermere road and to jurisdiction within Dominion parks
Correspondence relating to an inquiry about properties at Point Grey
Correspondence relating to an inquiry about properties at Point Grey
Records relating to the University Endowment Lands
Records relating to the University Endowment Lands
Mining licences
Mining licences
Orders-in-Council related to forest management and protection
Orders-in-Council related to forest management and protection
Railway Belt land leases
Railway Belt land leases
Records relating to Whalen Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd.
Records relating to Whalen Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd.
Record book of resumed lands under the Soldiers' Homestead Act, 1916
Record book of resumed lands under the Soldiers' Homestead Act, 1916
Records relating to the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Belt and the Canadian Pacific Railway terminus at Burrard Inlet
Records relating to the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Belt and the Canadian Pacific Railway terminus at Burrard Inlet
Registers of auction land sales held at Vancouver
Registers of auction land sales held at Vancouver
Records relating to auction sales of Prince Rupert land
Records relating to auction sales of Prince Rupert land
Record book of coal, petroleum, and natural gas licences
Record book of coal, petroleum, and natural gas licences
Certificates of purchase
Certificates of purchase
Department of Lands correspondence inward
Department of Lands correspondence inward
Forest Service scale and royalty invoices
Forest Service scale and royalty invoices
Results 1 to 30 of 103