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Victoria (B.C.) British Columbia--Militia With digital objects
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Old exhibition grounds, Heywood Avenue, Victoria, B.C. showing soldiers drilling. Building in bac...
Old exhibition grounds, Heywood Avenue, Victoria, B.C. showing soldiers drilling. Building in background: Agricultural Hall, built 1884. Used as a barracks by "C" Battery
Camp of Victoria Rifles.  August 1870
Camp of Victoria Rifles. August 1870
Hayne's Band, Victoria
Hayne's Band, Victoria
Part of Professor Haynes band in camp on Beacon Hill, 1882 [sic], Victoria, B.C.
Part of Professor Haynes band in camp on Beacon Hill, 1882 [sic], Victoria, B.C.
Victoria Pioneer Rifle Corps, also known at the time as Sir James Douglas' Coloured Regiment
Victoria Pioneer Rifle Corps, also known at the time as Sir James Douglas' Coloured Regiment