The series consists of records created by the Game Commission (1920-1957), the Fish and Game Branch (1957-1966), and the Fish and Wildlife Branch (1966-1977) relating to game, wildlife and fisheries management and conservation; environmental protection and habitat improvement; the administration of fish, trapping, and game laws; ecological and scientific investigations; water license applications and stream obstruction reports; flood control, pollution and protection of stream and river habitat; predator and rodent control; hunting, sports fisheries, outdoor recreation, and parks; Branch policy and administration.
The files contain correspondence, annual reports, manuals, memoranda and special reports and include correspondence with conservation and environmental groups, fish and game clubs, professional organizations of conservation officers, and other agencies of government.
The series also includes a subject file index (see box 2) and an index of orders-in-council relating to game enforcement, 1885-1968; hatchery records of the Cultus Lake, Smith Falls, and Lloyds Creek hatcheries of the Fish Culture Service, administered by the Canada Dept. of Marine and Fisheries (1920-1938) and the B.C. Came Commission (1938-1949).
British Columbia. Game Commission