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Correspondence files related to administration of government agencies

  • GR-1774
  • Series
  • 1917-1936

This series consists of correspondence related to the administration of government agencies and government agents created by the Department of Finance and its predecessor, the Treasury Department from 1917-1936. Records relate to the following government agencies : 150 Mile House, Alberni, Anyox, Ashcroft, Atlin, Barkerville, Cariboo district, Clayoquot, Clinton, Cranbrook, Cumberland, Duncan, Fairview, Fernie, Fort Fraser, Fort George, Golden, Grand Forks, Greenwood, Hope, Kamloops, Kaslo, Lillooet, Merritt, Nakusp, Nanaimo, Nelson, New Denver, New Westminster, Penticton, Pouce Coupe, Prince Rupert, Quatsino, Queen Charlotte Islands, Quesnel, Revelstoke, Rossland, Salmon Arm, Smithers, Stewart, Telegraph Creek, Vancouver, Vernon, Williams Lake, Wilmer.

British Columbia. Treasury Dept.

Cariboo Government Agent correspondence and other material

  • GR-0216
  • Series
  • 1860-1938

The series consists of records created by the Government Agent and the Gold Commissioner of the Cariboo District, between 1860 and 1938. It includes correspondence inward and outward; court, mining, land, financial and administrative records.

British Columbia. Gold Commissioner (Cariboo)

Correspondence and other material

  • GR-0629
  • Series
  • 1883-1896

This series consists of correspondence, a draft of the British Pacific Railway Act, minutes, notes on proceedings and reports of the Legislative Committee on Private Members' Bills.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary

BC Government photographs

  • GR-3441
  • Series
  • 1963-1973

The series consists of ca. 4300 b&w and colour photographic prints and negatives taken between 1963 and 1973. Most were taken by the Government Photographic Branch but a few prints were taken by various commercial photographers and are stamped with their names. The photographs cover all areas of BC and show the construction of bridges, highways, public housing, universities, hospitals, public buildings such as mental hospitals and government buildings, ferries & terminals, regional colleges and public schools. There are also photographs of municipalities, resource and industrial photographs and transportation photographs. The photographs were collected by Hugh Ferguson of the Dept. of Finance for an unknown reason.

British Columbia. Dept. of Finance

Miscellaneous provincial treasury financial records

  • GR-4170
  • Series
  • 1869-1948

This series consists of 41 volumes of financial records likely created by the Provincial Treasury and Department of Finance from 1869-1948. The majority of records are waste books, journals, ledgers and cash books. However they may not be labelled clearly as such. Other types of records include day books, memoranda, authorities, promissory notes, blotters, form K, form J and other account books. The titles of each volume in the file list are transcribed directly from the cover or front page of the volume. Title information in [square brackets] is estimated or inferred by the archivist. The records document the financial transactions and balances of the provincial government in all aspects of its operations and functions.

Waste books are rough account book in which transactions are recorded as they occur. Waste book entries are often transferred to day books prior to summary in journals and ledgers. These transactions are entered chronologically by date and are arranged under various accounts. The accounts may be the type of expense, or the name of the office in which the transaction relates to. Information may be entered under the following headings: date, related journal page, amount and total. Only some books include a description of individual services or items of a transaction.

Journals are a type of financial record used in double entry book keeping to separate transactions into debits or credits. They are an intermediary record used to reorganize the chronological entries in rough day books or waste books into specific accounts, before they are ultimately copied into a ledger book. Information may be entered under the following headings: amount, associated ledger folio number, associated waste book page, date, a description of the transaction, and if the transaction was a debit or credit. The end of each year includes a sheet summarizing the balances for various accounts.

Ledger books are financial records in which each transaction is entered under a particular account or subject as a debit or a credit. The information may have been copied from a related daybook or journal before being sorted and copied into the ledger. Accounts can include anything that is a source of government income or expenditure. Account names may be indexed. Information may be entered under the following headings: date, related journal page, description of the transaction, and the amount. Debit transactions are recorded on the left side of a folio and credits on the right side.

Cash books list receipts and payments in date order and are used to determine total assets at any given time. Information may be entered under the following headings: date of receipt or payment, number of voucher; name of the person or department making or receiving the payment; reason for payment or receipt; amount received or paid; the heading under which the entry was recorded in the related waste book; and the waste book page number. Cash books may be referred to as collectorate books or records of receipts and payments.

British Columbia. Dept. of Finance and Agriculture

Records of the Probate and Succession Duties Branch

  • GR-1775
  • Series
  • 1914-1932

Records of the Probate and Succession Duties Branch consisting of procedural memoranda, inter-departmental correspondence from the Departmental Solicitor (Office of the Attorney General) re estates, points of law, etc., newspaper clippings.

British Columbia. Dept. of Finance

Kelowna Supreme Court suitors' fund cash book

  • GR-2458
  • Series
  • 1925-1965

Series consists of a Kelowna Supreme Court suitors' fund cash book for Sep 1925 to Mar 1965 (pp. 10-121) and details of suitors' funds transferred to and made by the Treasury Department (later the Department of Finance) from 1928 to 1949 (pp. 394-399).

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kelowna)

Lillooet Government Agent correspondence and other material

  • GR-0224
  • Series
  • 1859-1950

The series consists of records created by the Lillooet Government Agent between 1859 and 1950. It includes correspondence inward and outward, mining, water and financial records. It also includes counterfoil books of Mineral Act (Form B) record of a mineral claim, placer mining leases-indentures correspondence and Cariboo Wagon Road toll records. Some records also relate to the nearby Clinton Government Agency.

British Columbia. Government Agent (Lillooet)

Report to the Minister of Finance by the Civil and Hydraulic Engineer

  • GR-1023
  • Series
  • 1916

Series consists of a report to the Minister of Finance of the Province of British Columbia on the Physical and Financial conditions of irrigation projects in the Vernon and Kelowna Districts, created by A.R. Mackenzie, Civil and Hydraulic Engineer. 2 parts.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Records of Premier John H. Turner

  • GR-1197
  • Series
  • 1893-1897

This series contains official correspondence, reports, and related papers of Premier John H. Turner. Records include correspondence pertaining to provincial railway charters (1893-1897), agriculture, and mining; also includes B.C. Agent-General's Report (1895), applications for employment, and miscellaneous letters.

Papers in this series are those of the Honourable John Herbert Turner (1833-1923), premier of British Columbia from 4 March 1895 to 8 August 1898. Since Turner's administration was characterized by rapid industrial development (notably in railways, mining, and agriculture), and by no little political controversy, his official papers are especially valuable.

Most of the reports and correspondence in GR-1197 originated while Turner was the province's chief minister and, as such, they have been included in the archive's collection of Premier's Papers. As will be seen, though, some of the papers pertain to Turner's tenure as Minister of Finance and Agriculture, a portfolio he held from 1887 to 1898.

GR-1197 may be regarded as a supplement to GR-0441 (British Columbia - Premier: 1883-1933), Series II, volumes 2-13, which also contains official correspondence of Premier Turner. Researchers may find that Volume 354 of GR-0441 (Index to Official Correspondence, 1895-1897) will assist them in locating other related records.

British Columbia. Premier

Treasury Department general correspondence files

  • GR-1773
  • Series
  • 1913-1938

This series consists of general correspondence files from the Treasury Department, and its successor the Department of Finance. The records cover the period from 1913-1938.

Correspondence from 1913-1924 is arranged by file number. Each letter has a unique number applied to it including the last two digits of the year received, and a number (e.g. 335/1916 is letter 335 received in the year 1916).

Correspondence from the 1920s to 1938 is arranged alphabetically by the name of the correspondent.

British Columbia. Treasury Dept.

Public Health Officer correspondence

  • GR-0132
  • Series
  • 1898-1957

The series consists of correspondence of the Provincial Health Officer, subsequently the Deputy Minister of Health, and the Director of the Division of Public Health Engineering relating to water supplies and sewer systems for municipalities in British Columbia. The records cover the period 1898 to 1957. The series also includes correspondence with the Minister of Finance, H. Anscomb (1948-1950) in box 11, files 3-18.

British Columbia. Dept. of Health and Welfare