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Only top-level descriptions British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works
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Pre-emption correspondence and applications, Lytton District

  • GR-1150
  • Series
  • 1859-1874

The series consists of correspondence and applications made to the Colonial Dept. of Lands and Works between 1859-1871, and its successor agency, the Provincial Dept. of Lands and Works between 1871-1874 regarding land pre-emptions in the Lytton district.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Sale book of rural lands

  • GR-1040
  • Series
  • 1859

This series contains a sale book of rural lands entitled: October 5th, 1859, Records of lands sold to Sgt. Wm. McColl and Sgt. Major George Cann of the Royal Engineers and a Capt. MacLean, Charles Good and Governor James Douglas (Manson Island lands).

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Account records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works

  • GR-1042
  • Series
  • 1859-1863

Series contains account records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works Lytton. Account of H.M. Ball with Lands and Works Department, 1862-1863; list of horses purchased for the Lytton district by the government, 1860; list of permanent stores of the Lytton department, 1859-1860.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works


  • GR-1055
  • Series
  • 1883-1885

This series includes notes on various inward letters in Lands Dept. vaults, 1883-1885. Contains a brief synopsis of contents of selected letters.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Merchandise accounts and sales register

  • GR-1065
  • Series
  • 1862

Store Book, Boston Bar Waggon (sic) Road, July 1862- November 1862, Rocky Camp (1 vol.). Merchandise accounts and sales register.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Indentures of Conveyance

  • GR-1066
  • Series
  • 1874-1878

Indentures of Conveyance of church lands by the Bishop of British Columbia to Charles Thomas Wood, Archdeacon of Columbia, Henry P. Wright, Archdeacon of Vancouver, and John Foster McCreight; includes lands and church sites at Victoria, Esquimalt, Saanich, Cowichan, Comox, and New Westminster.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Records of the Assistant Land Commissioner and pre-emption certificates

  • GR-1084
  • Series
  • 1884-1887

This series contains the records of the Assistant Land Commissioner, New Westminster, relating to pre-emptions. It includes pre-emption certificates Nos. 1-100, 967-1063, New Westminster District, (2 vols.) Nominal index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Records relating to water projects

  • GR-1131
  • Series
  • 1911

Series contains lists relating to water projects. List of Certificates of Approval for water works, diversions, dams, spillways, etc. issued between 1898 and 1911; includes grantee, date of approval, purpose and nature of grant. List of power, light and water companies, registered or licenced in the province of British Columbia, including those under statute, those with grants of water rights, and those with Certificates of Approval pursuant to the Water Clauses Consolidation Act (1897) and the Water Act (1909).

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Applications to purchase and lease lands in the Bulkley Valley

  • GR-1139
  • Series
  • 1907

This series includes applications to purchase and lease lands in the Bulkley Valley, Skeena district. Includes affidavits and a list of applicants indicating lot numbers, acreage, and purchase price.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence relating to safes and locks at the Parliament Buildings

  • GR-1155
  • Series
  • 1874-1894

This series contains miscellaneous correspondence relating to safes and locks at the Parliament Buildings. It includes a letter to F.M. Rattenbury from M.W. Waitt regarding vault door combinations.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Registers of the Board of Investigation

  • GR-1165
  • Series
  • 1896-1918

This series contains registers of the Board of Investigation, pursuant to the Water Act (3 vols.) Volume 1 is a register of land, water, mining, power and light, and lumber companies incorporated from 1896-1914. The registers are arranged alphabetically by company name and shows date of incorporation, capital, registered address, and file references. They include miscellaneous file references dated 1918. Volume 2 is a register of water claims in the Alberni district from 1905 to 1908, with Board of Investigation file references. Volume 3 is an alphabetical list of companies with water rights claims that are undated.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Register of auction sales of lots

  • GR-1166
  • Series
  • 1889-1894

This series contains a register of auction sales of lots at Esquimalt, Hastings, Lulu Island, New Denver, Nelson, New Westminster, Vancouver, and Victoria. The register shows the name of the purchaser, a legal description, the amount paid and the terms of payment.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Accounts ledger

  • GR-1171
  • Series
  • 1865-1866

This series contains one volume of an accounts ledger, receipts and payments. It also includes a ledger of expenditures for road construction, surveys and explorations, salaries, supplies, etc.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Records relating to the South African War Land Grant Act

  • GR-1173
  • Series
  • 1901-1903

This series contains papers relating to the South African War Land Grant Act. It includes statutes with notations, published nominal rolls of Canadian contingents for special service in the field in South Africa, and lists of applicants for land pursuant to the Act.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Pre-emption records

  • GR-1182
  • Series
  • 1860-1874, 1884

This series contains records relating to pre-emptions in the Cariboo, Lillooet, Lytton and Kootenay Districts recorded by various Gold Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners of Lands and Works. The records consist of correspondence, notices of claim, sketches and affidavits and pertains largely to records in the vicinities of Quesnel, Alexandria, Williams Lake, Lytton and Cache Creek. The series also includes a detailed account of town lot sales at Quesnellemouth held on 13 October 1863 as well as an application for wages due, correspondence on various land disputes, several water records, and proposed leases of government reserves.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Registers of timber leases and royalties

  • GR-1184
  • Series
  • 1872-1913

This series contains registers of timber leases and royalties (7 vols.). The series also consists of registers of leaseholds and licences maintained by the Lands and Works Dept., Victoria and the Timber Inspector, Vancouver; journals of timber lease payments in arrears (1891-1910), and a ledger of timber royalty payments (1908-1913). Volume 7 is oversize.

British Columbia. Office of the Provincial Timber Inspector

Appeal book and judgements

  • GR-1208
  • Series
  • 1906

This series contains an appeal book and judgements of the British Columbia Supreme Court in the case of James S. Emerson, timber dealer v. Robert T. Skinner, Provincial Timber Inspector, regarding the seizure of three booms of cedar under the Timber Manufacturing Act, 1906.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Register of land pre-emptions and other material

  • GR-0514
  • Series
  • 1867-1884

This series consists of one volume entitled "Mr. Morley's Old Book Land Records - List of Squatters on Railway Lands p. 51". The volume is a register of land pre-emptions, certificates of improvement, purchases and transfers, 1867-1879. Entries include a date, pre-emption or certificate number, district name, personal or corporate name, number of acres, range and section or "unsurveyed" and name of land recorder, John. Morley. The districts include Comiaken, Somenos, Quamichan, Cowichan, Shawnigan, and Salt Spring Island, Portland Island, Thetis Island, Pender Island, Mayne Island and Saturna Island. Entries on pages 51-54 list squatters on Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway land, 1877-1884 indicating the date, name, district (includes above plus Chemainus), section and number of acres. There is also a single sheet letter from Chad Wallader Blayney, June 13, 1876, requesting land.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Commission on Allegations of Maladministration in Dept. of Lands and Works, 1898

  • GR-0478
  • Series
  • 1898

This series consists of records of the Commission on Allegations of Maladministration in Dept. of Lands and Works, 1898, including Report of Commissioner George A. Walkem and transcripts of evidence.

British Columbia. Commission on Allegations of Maladministration in Dept. of Lands and Works, 1898

Land sale records

  • GR-0567
  • Series
  • 1858-1868

This series consists of receipt books and miscellaneous land sale records. Records consist largely of receipts for the sale of town lots, suburban and country lands, and unsurveyed rural lands, issued by Assistant Commissioners of Lands and Works for Cariboo District, Lillooet District, Yale District, and New Westminster District. The series also includes land sale records pertaining to Lytton, Seymour, Douglas, Port Moody, Fort Langley, and Similkameen district, and a trading licences receipt book issued by Frank Trevor, Collector at Quesnel.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands

  • GR-1376
  • Series
  • 1885-1907

This series contains records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands, Nicola. The records include a register of water records in the Nicola Water Recording District and a nominal index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Records relating to the South African War Land Grant Act, 1901 and subsequent amendments

  • GR-1396
  • Series
  • 1901-1907

This series contains records relating to the South African War Land Grant Act, 1901 and subsequent amendments. It includes a register of applications (1 volume, oversize) which includes the name of applicant, location of land, and legal description, and Crown Grant number. The series also include 4 volumes of record books of land scrip issued between 1903-1905. The series also contains a descriptive entry written in 1931 by the Dept. of Lands.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

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