The fonds consists of records generated by Gerald Smedley Andrews in Victoria and other parts of British Columbia and Canada, and overseas, in pursuit of his personal, wartime, professional and volunteer activities from about 1903 to 2005.
These activities include those of teacher; lecturer; researcher; author; historian; geographer; traveler; artist; photographer; genealogist; linguist; surveyor; engineer; forester; expert in aerial survey photography, mapping and photogrammetry and member of numerous amateur and professional associations and organizations.
The fonds consists predominantly of personal records but also includes records from Andrews' positions with the British Columbia government, including Chief Engineer of the Air Surveys Division, and Surveyor General and Director of the Surveys and Mapping Branch. The records cover a wide range of subjects but particularly relate to surveying (including aerial survey photography, mapping and photogrammetry) and surveyors, and the history and geography of British Columbia. The fonds include correspondence, research notes, lists, publications, newspaper articles and clippings, over 14,000 photographs, financial records, legal documents, tax assessments, membership cards, membership directories, nominal rolls, newsletters, minutes, financial reports, by-laws, annual reports, texts of speeches, questionnaires, memoranda, a patent application, invitations, resumes, graphs, diagrams, calculations, manuals, technical information, programmes, essays, manuscript drafts, grant applications, job applications, orders of service, texts of speeches, essays, drawings and other artwork.
The fonds also includes three videotaped cable television interviews with Andrews (1982-1985). a home video interview with Andrews and over 300 maps and plans.