- MS-0190
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The item is a photocopy of a typed essay by Harriett Evelyn Amy (Doull) Esselmont titled "Right Reverend A.J. Doull, First Bishop of the Diocese of Kootenay, 1914-1933."
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The item is a photocopy of a typed essay by Harriett Evelyn Amy (Doull) Esselmont titled "Right Reverend A.J. Doull, First Bishop of the Diocese of Kootenay, 1914-1933."
The item is a photocopy of a diary kept by Mrs. Edward Bailey in 1910 of a journey to Cranbrook from Banff and of a visit in Cranbrook.
Nelson, B.C.; Sample Letterheads.
Samples of letterheads of business firms in Nelson. Collected by Mrs. Reginald H. Dill, Nelson.
Nelson, B.C.; Sample Letterheads
Kootenay Gold Mines, 1914-1932. Nelson.
Notice of a special meeting of shareholders to consider liquidator's report. Financial statement (summary), May 1914 - January 1932.
Kootenay Gold Mines, 1914-1932. Nelson
The file contains a typescript copy of an account by Robert M. Rylatt titled "Leaves from my diary: two years with the Canadian Pacific Railroad survey, Rocky Mountain Division." It consists of an account of the author's experiences with "S" party, C.P.R. survey, under Walter Moberly, summer 1871 to summer 1873, in vicinity of Howse and Yellowhead Passes.
Family history of William Lloyd Affleck and Boyd Campbell Affleck; biographies of Gustavus Blin Wright and Dr. David La Bau.
"A history of Yoho National Park, Field, B.C."
Loaned for copying by F.M. Woodward, Special Collections, University of British Columbia, 1976.
Yoho National Park
The Pass: biography of a district, renewed, and a town, long gone / Leslie H. Brown
The item consists of a typescript copy of "The Pass: biography of a district, renewed, and a town, long gone by H. Leslie Brown of Ottawa. It is a history of the Crowsnest Pass. There is also a microfilm copy.
Biography of Joseph Colebrook Harris
Biography of Joseph Colebrook Harris, New Denver area rancher, dairy farmer and essayist, prepared by his son.
Manuscript of history of Slocan.
Presented by Mrs. Cooper, Slocan, 1976.
Born 1902 - like Johnny Walker, still going strong / Arthur G. Builder
The item is a 38 page autobiography by Arthur G. Builder titled "Born 1902 - like Johnny Walker, still going strong". Mr. Builder emigrated from England to Canada in 1923, worked at various jobs in the Kootenays, Vancouver and Port Coquitlam and the Okanagan, and in Nova Scotia. He served in the Canadian army in England during World War II and spent much of his time in England until 1973 when he returned first to the Okanagan and then to Victoria.
The file consists of the reminiscences of Frederick William Adolph who operated a lumber mill at Baynes Lake in the Kootenay district in the early twentieth century; photocopy of marriage certificate, 1861, of Frederick Adolph and Margaret Lamont, parents of F.W. Adolph and genealogical notes by Valerie Adolph.
Presented by Valerie Adolph, Delta, 1979.
"Extracts from letters written home from British Columbia, 1900-1907", by Harold T. Nation from Cranbrook and Fort Steele where he worked at various jobs including surveying. Edited transcripts made by his son, Philip Nation.
Typescript loaned for copying by Lt. Colonel Philip Nation, Kingston, Ontario, 1980.
Nation Family. England
Biographies of employees of the Canadian Pacific Railway, British Columbia Lake and River Service
Biographies of employees of the Canadian Pacific Railway, British Columbia Lake and River Service; St. Andrews By-The-Lake Church, Willow Point, by Evelyn N. Applewhaite, 1938 (Kootenay Manuscript Series #1); John Adam Watson of Watson, B.C. (Kootenay Manuscript Series #3).
British Columbia Southern Railway Co.
Draft of general instructions to the Chief of party on British Columbia Southern Railway Company explorations and surveys, issued by the Chief Timber Ranger. Typescript with amendments handwritten in red ink.
Donated to BC Forest Service Museum in 1953 by A.J. Ross, BCFS Ranger at Creston; received by Provincial Archives of British COlumbia [now B.C. Archives] from Project 87 in 1982.
British Columbia Southern Railway Co.
Windermere, B.C. General Store.
Journal of an unidentified store [indexed at front].
Loaned for copying by S. Robertson, Fort Steele; who obtained original from H.E. Richardson, Victoria.
Windermere, B.C. General Store
The Kootenay gold rush: the placer decade, 1863-1872 / John Willis Christian
The item is a copy of a thesis on microfilm by John Willis Christian, entitled "The Kootenay gold rush: the placer decade, 1863-1872." v, 193 leaves: maps. Thesis (Ph.D.), Washington State University, 1967. Bibliography: leaves 180-191.
The item is a microfilm copy of a thesis by Christopher J. Turnbull titled "Archaeology and ethnohistory of the Arrow Lakes, Southeastern British Columbia." 1973. 305 leaves: illus., maps. Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Calgary, 1973. Bibliography: leaves 172-189.
The item is a copy of a 1976 thesis on microfiche by Stuart Bruce Backerman. It is called "Social impacts of large scale development projects. Case study: Hugh Keenleyside dam construction. 1975." ix, 91 leaves: maps, tables. Thesis (M.A.), University of British Columbia, 1975. Vita. Bibliography: leaves 75-78. Canadian theses on microfiche, 25097.
Tool kits and activity areas at site DhPt 10A in the Kootenay river valley / Robert George Whitlam
Tool kits and activity areas at site DhPt 10A in the Kootenay river valley. 1974. ix, 103 leaves: figs., maps, tables. Thesis (M.A.), University of Victoria, 1974. Vita. Bibliography: leaves 37-39. Canadian theses on microfiche, 29060.
Report of the Royal Flush group of mineral claims
The file contains mining engineer Charles Moore's examination and report of the Royal Flush group of mineral claims (Telegraph, Royal Flush, Anaconda and the United Verde mineral claims) in the Nelson Mining Division of the West Kootenay District of British Columbia (original and copy).
"Nothing Down": stories of hardrock mining / Cyprian Douglas N. Taylor
The file contains "Nothing Down": stories of hardrock mining. It is a collection of articles based on author Cyprian Douglas Taylor's experiences as a miner, mining engineer, and mine manager in B.C., the Yukon and Ontario.
1-6, "Nothing Down: the story of hardrock mining in the 1920s and 1930s
7, A contract leasing system for mining properties
8, A history of mining development in the Dawson Range
9, The saga of Jack Meloy
10, The construction of mining camps in the North
11, Kennecott, Alaska, a guide to high grade copper deposits
12, report on the Kootenay Florence Mine. Illustrated with photographs and with paintings by Margaret Taylor (Mrs. C.D.N. Taylor).
A revised version of parts II and III, with letters from Ralph Perry and Ralph Diamond, testifying to the accuracy of the stories was presented by the author in January 1986, and is included as folder 2.
Happiness is remembering / Freeda Brunswick Hume Bolton
The item is a copy of the reminiscences of Freeda Bolton, entitled "Happiness is remembering." It includes memories of growing up in Nelson before the First World War; biographical information on her parents, John Fred Hume and Lydia Jane Irvine Hume. Illustrated with numerous photographs.
The impacts of hydro-dams on forestry in southeastern British Columbia / Gerard Szaraz
The item is a microfiche copy of a thesis by Gerard Szaraz titled "The Impacts of Hydro-Dams on Forestry in Southeastern British Columbia." xiv, 211 leaves, figs., maps, tables. Thesis (M.Sc.), University of British Columbia, 1981. Vita. Bibliography: leaves 195-203. Canadian theses on microfiche, 56742.
The item is a microfiche copy of a thesis by Andrew Shadrack titled "A study in the development of the political economy of the Slocan Valley in British Columbia: a response to the Slocan Valley Community Forest Management Project." v, 167 leaves: map, tables. Thesis (M.A.), University of Regina, 1981. Bibliography: leaves 154-164. Canadian theses on microfiche, 55872.
Letters regarding the McBride cup
The file contains a letter to W.D. MacDonald from T.A. Love, 1954 re the McBride Cup, instituted in 1913 for the interior hockey championship. It also includes a letter from W.D. MacDonald, 1985, presenting the T.A. Love letter to the Provincial Archives of British Columbia and giving additional information on the McBride cup and on his own family background.
The file consists of typescript articles by Mr. Richardson on Windermere district where he grew up: "Back to Windermere in search of employment" about his experiences as a graderman on the highway through Kootenay Park in the 1930s; "Windermere's only author" about Arthur Murray Chisholm; and "Pioneering family history in British Columbia" written in response to a Provincial Museum/National Museum of Man request for information on day to day activities in the home, 1900-1930; two short articles, on Christmas and on a steamboat excursion, Golden to Sam's Landing.
A history of the Cranbrook district in East Kootenay / Sylvia Lettice Thrupp
The item is a typescript copy of a thesis by Sylvia Lettice Thrupp titled "A history of the Cranbrook district in East Kootenay." ii, 110 p. Theses (M.A.), University of British Columbia, 1929. Bibliography: p 105-110.
A history of the West Kootenay District in British Columbia / Mollie E. Cottingham
The item is a typescript copy of a thesis by Mollie E. Cottingham titled "A history of the West Kootenay District in British Columbia." vi, 407 p: maps, tables. Thesis (M.A.), University of British Columbia, 1947. Bibliography: p 376-387.
British Columbia : of their doings their by one of them
The item is a large, illustrated volume titled "British Columbia: of their doings there by one of them" by Frederick D. Williams. The volume contains a manuscript account of a journey from London, England to Vancouver B.C. and back between August 28 and October 6, 1897. Williams landed in New York and travelled by train through Chicago and Spokane to Nelson where he and his party took the Kootenay Lake steamer to Kaslo and the train to Sandon and then on up to Nakusp and Revelstoke, Kamloops and Vancouver.
The volume has been illustrated by glued in photographs, magazine prints, maps, menus, passenger lists and programs.