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Bloedel, Stewart & Welch Limited Forests and forestry--British Columbia
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Eric Garman interview : [Nicholson, 1977]

SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Eric Garman : A life in forestry PERIOD COVERED: 1910-1977 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977-03-13 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Family background and early life in England. Family immigrates to Canada, 1911; voyage by boat and train to Vancouver. Job as office boy for importer (Martin & Robertson Ltd.), W.H. Malkin grocery firm, and A. Macdonald & Co., another grocery firm. Service in World War I. Additional education after the war -- UBC. Decision to become a forester. Work for Bloedel, Stewart and Welch. Forestry training in Oregon. Scholarship to Yale University. TRACK 2: Graduation from Yale, 1928, with M.A. in forestry. Marriage, 1935, and children. Forestry jobs: C.D. Orchard; Nass River, 1922; Douglas fir survey; Cowichan Lake forest experimental station; spruce question; jobs after retirement. Awards. Thetis Park Nature Sanctuary. Choirs.

Leonard R. Andrews interview

SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Leonard R. Andrews : the B.C. Forest Branch and the BCLMA, 1912-1960 PERIOD COVERED: 1912-1960 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1961-02-28 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Hired by H.R. MacMillan to work for the B.C. Forest Branch, 1912. U.S. advisors to the Forest Branch: Overton Price, John Lafon, R.E. Benedict. Andrews appointed District Forester in Vernon, 1913. The job of District Forester. Appointing fire wardens. H.R. MacMillan as Chief Forester. Fought in WW I. Returned to Forest Branch in 1918. Andrews becomes District Forester in Vancouver, 1920-25. Andrews was secretary-manager of the B.C. Loggers Association, 1925-27. Went to Bloedel Stewart and Welch at Menzies Bay, 1927. TRACK 2: The BSW camp at Menzies Bay. Andrews ill with TB, 1928. Joined B.C. Lumber Manufacturers Association, 1929. International trade arrangements for lumber. Andrews a member of the trade delegations in the 1930s. During WW II worked for federal Timber Comptroller, 1939-42. Was BCLMA representative in Ottawa, 1942-45. Then became secretary-manager of the BCLMA. Description of Bloedel Stewart and Welch camps, Menzies Bay logging operation, ca. 1927. Details on bunkhouses. Rates of pay. Working conditions. Logging methods. Forest Service personnel. Details on the career of H.R. MacMillan, ca. 1915-19. (End of interview)

Daniel Lawrence McMullan fonds

  • PR-2337
  • Fonds
  • 1928-1946

The fonds consists of three photograph albums created by Donald Lawrence McMullan between 1928 and 1946. The photographs document his work on forest survey teams for both the provincial and federal governments, as well as surveys conducted by logging and railroad companies.

The first two albums contain photographs from several survey jobs, arranged chronologically. They are divided into sections with an introductory page and a cartographic drawing showing where the particular survey took place. The photographs are usually dated with captions and are as follows:
Album 1 (1928-1933)
Amiskwi and Beaverfoot survey, 1928, Forest Service, Dept. of the Interior, Canada
P.G.E. resources survey, 1929, Forest Resources Branch, British Columbia
Preliminary survey of a proposed logging railroad, 1930, Bloedel, Stewart & Welch Ltd. logging company
Elk Forest survey, 1930, British Columbia Forest Service
North Kamloops Survey, 1931, British Columbia Survey Branch
Railway belt survey, 1932, British Columbia Forest Service
Railroad logging operation, 1933, Industrial Timber Mills Ltd.
Album 2 (1934-1939):
Surveys for logging railroads, 1934-1935, UBO Industrial Timber Mills Ltd.
Kettle Forest Survey, 1935, British Columbia Forest Service
E&N Survey, 1936-1937
Harrison Survey, 1939

The third album, created between 1940 and 1946, contains photographs from McMullan's later career and show general forestry activities on Vancouver Island, mainland British Columbia, Yukon and Alaska. Captions and dates are inconsistently applied.

The fonds also includes a copy of McMullan's thesis entitled "The Work of the Surveys Division: British Columbia Forest Service" written in 1932 during McMullan's studies at the University of British Columbia. This thesis is illustrated with five b&w prints and an annotated map. Also included in the fonds is a notice of permanent appointment to the British Columbia civil service dated March 25, 1937 with attached salary schedule and a letter to McMullan dated January 20, 1938 regarding a new classification grading system for Foresters.

McMullan, Daniel Lawrence