Songhees agreement for removal to Cadboro Bay
- F/52/So5
- Item
- 1881
Item consists of one handwritten document addressed to the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs (I.W. Powell) and signed by members of Songhees First Nation. It is dated February 7, 1881. The signatories are: Chish; Koo-lai-mult; Koo-lai-sa lue; Hul tsai mult; Quoss l sits; Whe-nook; Lipp; Sala-hala-noo; Louis (Noo-noo-wha-nuk); Ai-Whin; Ka-wai-tsim; Qua-mi-ai; Hoo-tihwi-ai; Shoto-hoom; Henry (Sauk); Tomaikh; Tse-al-ton; Tchillack; Hltahulto; Tshenal klum; Teeai[t or l]ou; Se-ol-sut; Shil-uh (Jimmy); Yallelth; Dick (Hai-tsa-kanum).