The item is an audio recording of an interview with Leo Nimsick.
T3224:0001 track 1: Nimsick discusses his family background: father, mother, move to B.C. from Ontario, birth and childhood in Rossland, brothers and sisters. Recollections of: WW I; post-war years; Russian Revolution; One Big Union; 1920s; Depression; high school and university (UBC). Service Clubs: Knights of Columbus, Eagles. Anecdote: rounding up steers near Rossland. Early work history: various mines, Cominco (Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co.).
Track 2: Conditions in Rossland during the Depression. Early political interests and recollections. Joined Liberal Party, 1930. Quit Liberal Party. Formed first C.C.F. club in Canada, 1932. Influence of: Social Credit, Dr. Lyle Telford (visits Rossland, 1933), Harold Winch. 1933 election: Jack Gordon dumped as Rossland C.C.F. candidate in favour of Vancouverite George Weaver. Rossland C.C.F. affiliates with the provincial organization, April 1933.
T3224:0002 track 1: Mr. Nimsick discusses: influence of unions on Rossland C.C.F. (Western Federation of Miners); affiliation with provincial organization (cont'd); Regina Manifesto; influence of provincial party on Rossland C.C.F. Leo addresses his first meeting in Castlegar, 1933. Nature of the 1933 provincial campaign in Rossland-Trail. Reaction to: outcome of election, Connell, Winches. Discusses the Connell split. Telford prevented from becoming leader. Describes the 1935 federal election (Herridge vs. Esling in the West Kootenays). Leo's involvement in provincial party affairs. More on the Connell split: role of Ernie Winch. Communist influences in the C.C.F.
Track 2: Communist influences in the C.C.F. (cont'd). Social Credit influence. 1937 provincial election: Leo runs against Burns in Rossland-Trail. Cominco's reaction to Leo's candidacy. Leo's reaction to the campaign. Controversy surrounding A.M. Stephen and other expulsions from the C.C.F. Wife's role in the 1937 election campaign. Living conditions during the Depression. Suspension of Nimsick from the C.C.F. (1938 or 1939). 1940 federal election campaign (Herridge vs. Esling again). Leo reinstated in C.C.F. (1944). 1941 provincial election (Herridge elected in Rossland-Trail). 1945 federal election. Herridge controversy and subsequent expulsion of Herridge and Leo from the C.C.F. Herridge elected as People's C.C.F. candidate. Charges of communism levelled against Herridge and Leo. Leo moves to Kimberly.
T3224:0003 track 1: (aside: Leo reinstated 1948). Feud with Harold Winch, ca. 1938. C.C.F. position on WW II. J.S. Woodsworth in Rossland-Trail. Leo's position on World War II. Involvement in municipal politics. Rossland Co-operative Transportation Society.
Track 2: Origins of Herridge-C.C.F. dispute. 1941 provincial election and splits in the C.C.F. National party vs. provincial C.C.F. Reaction to Pattullo and the Coalition government in B.C.
T3224:0004 track 1: Coalition (continued). The Japanese issue: Leo visits an internment camp. The organization of Cominco in Rossland-Trail by the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers. History of unionization in Rossland (Western Federation of Miners).
Track 2: Nature of MMSW's first agreement. Recollection of: Blaylock, Diamond, and Harvey Murphy. Herridge-C.C.F. dispute: Herridge's involvement in provincial politics, the decision to run him federally in Kootenay West over the objections of the provincial caucus.
T3224:0005 track 1: Nimsick discusses: Herridge dispute (cont'd), split with provincial party; Herridge's role in the dispute; accusations of communism levelled against Herridge and Nimsick; the federal party's role in the dispute; Herridge nominated federally; decision to form the People's C.C.F. Leo then transferred to Kimberley. Herridge, Leo and others expelled from C.C.F. Discusses 1945 federal election, 1945 provincial election, and the decision to run People's C.C.F. candidates. Relations between C.C.F. and Labour Progressive Party (LPP). B.C. Federation of Labour involvement in provincial politics (Leo attends first meeting). Coalition government: labour relations and the 1945 provincial election.
Track 2: Leo Nimsick discusses: life in Kimberley, the effect of Douglas victory in Saskatchewan, Harding and Coldwell's roles in repairing rift between C.C.F. and People's C.C.F. Herridge reinstated. General recollections regarding Herridge's career. Nimsick's new job for company: relations with union. Nimsick runs for C.C.F. nomination in Cranbrook and wins. Problems getting provincial executive to accept nomination. Problems relating to expulsion of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers from CLC. Comments on 1949 campaign and Harold Winch.
T3224:0006 track 1: Nimsick discusses: the 1949 provincial election (cont'd); his win and the subsequent recount; campaign tactics and style; Native voters; 1949 C.C.F. caucus; 1949 federal election; story regarding an appendicitis attack. Relations with Cominco (Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company). Relations between C.C.F. and Nimsick. Track 2: Reaction to drift of C.C.F. away from Regina Manifesto. Involvement with and reaction to battle between Steelworkers and Mine, Mill unions in Trail. The 1950 session, the 1950 C.C.F. provincial convention in Penticton, general observations and comments regarding dispute. Nimsick's role in party conflicts and party affairs (as an outsider).
T3224:0007 track 1: Nimsick discusses: disputes and expulsions within C.C.F. (Socialist Fellowship); first session, 1950; recollections of first speeches (call for welfare reform); reaction to legislative traditions; relations with Winch and C.C.F. caucus; relations with Coalition. Description of individual C.C.F. and Coalition members, ca. 1950.
Track 2: Description of individual C.C.F. and Coalition members (cont'd). Hospital insurance issue.