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Agriculture--British Columbia
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Arthur Parmiter interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-02-04 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Parmiter recounts coming to Ladner in 1874; his father's involvement in coal mining in the Queen Charlotte Islands; early Ladner; the family farm; other residents; early roads; transportation; early farming; Vancouver; cattle; growing oats and hay; Pemberton's farm; sloughs; canneries; Deas Cannery; Canoe Pass; recreation; floods; dykes; flood boxes; his work at the Standard Cannery on the Skeena River; fishing and farming in Ladner; winters; ice skating; roads; dances. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Arthur Swenson interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-05-15 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Swenson talks about his father [Paul Swenson] who came to Westham Island in 1881 from Sweden, and later managed the British American and Canoe Pass Canneries and bought a farm on Westham; Island in 1886. Mr. Swenson discuses the bridge to the island in 1909; early family history; local Indians; anecdotes about his father and family; Tamboline Slough on Westham Island; history of the Ladner/Delta area; the sturgeon banks; farming; development; Canoe Pass; early settlers of Westham Island and dyke construction. TRACK 2: Mr. Swenson continues discussing dyke construction on Westham Island; Chinese labour; farming; canneries; fishermen; ethnic groups in the area; Japanese; inducements for fishermen to join a cannery; Icelandic immigrants; Finnish immigrants; getting fish to the canneries; local characters; strikes; Count [Alvo von] Alvensleben; Tsawwassen Reserve; raising sugar beet seed.

Harry Weaver interview

CALL NUMBER: T1657:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-05-02 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Weaver recounts his parents' arrival in Vancouver from Cheshire; England in 1887; his grandfather [Woodward] was already living in BC; his family later moved to Delta in 1894. He discuss;es early life on the family farm; schooling; game; draining and preparation of the land; mud shoes for the horses; ploughing; soil conditions; drinking water; crops; Brackman and Ker; transportation; ;roads; schooling; other settlers; the McKee family; farm produce; West Delta settlement; flooding and dyking. TRACK 2 Mr. Weaver continues his discussion about the dredging operation; the Oliver Slough; the Great Northern Railway; Old Man Morgan; recollections of John Oliver; fish trapping; picnics at Blackie's Spit; Frank Burns; early settlers; Old Man Morgan; John Woodward; logging in the area.

CALL NUMBER: T1657:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-05-02 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Weaver talks about the roads in the area; weather conditions; mosquitoes; Butler's Corner; Tom Ladner's property; threshing work; [pause]; local incidents. [TRACK 2: blank.]

William McClughan interview

CALL NUMBER: T0755:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-02-19 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Bill McClughan relates some amusing early incidents from Langley; family history about his father, Samuel McClughan, who came from Ireland to Ontario, then Fort Langley in 1877; life of earl;y settlers; clearing land; the log cabin; homesteading; hunting; fishing; crops; fruit; steamboat travel. TRACK 2: Bill McClughan continues with recollections about steamboat travel; childhood memories; schooling; chores; driving oxen; clothing; churches and preachers; Reverend Bell; Reverend Dunn; peddlers and stores; description of Port Kells; Barnston Island; interesting characters.;

CALL NUMBER: T0755:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-02-19 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Bill McClughan continues with stories about interesting characters; MacLartey; the Chinese labourer on the farm; the BC Electric Railway and surveying for the line; agricultural land and soil; conditions in Langley. [TRACK 2: blank.]

George Dinsmore interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-02-08 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Dinsmore recounts his parents' arrival in BC in 1888; his move to Elgin in 1891; purchase of property in Surrey in 1902. Mr. Dinsmore talks about the land; dyking; bog-shoes for horses; wells; water supply; taxes; subdivision of agricultural land; agricultural costs; Mud Bay; land conditions in the area; flooding; dyking the land; bogs; clearing land; drainage problems. TRACK 2: Mr. Dinsmore continues his discussion about drainage and development; the history of drainage problems; steamboats; lift bridges; Nicomen River; Serpentine River; fishing; local characters; New Westminster Market; schooling; early roads; Hadden's Mill; V.V. & E. [Vancouver; Victoria and Eastern Railway]; railway routes.

Neptune Grimmer interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1965-10-04 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Neptune "Nep" Grimmer recalls his life on Pender Island. His father, Washington Grimmer, was born in London, England, grew up in Australia, and came to BC in 1877. He then worked in the Cariboo with sheep before settling on Pender in 1882 and marrying Elizabeth Auchterlonie in 1885. Neptune Grimmer describes some of the early island settlers, including David Hope, Mr. Buckley, the Hope family, the Auchterlonie family, and the Davison family. He describes the type of small boats used for transportation; fishing and farming on the island; and his parents operation of a guest house; from 1910 to 1920. Neptune Grimmer was born in a boat while crossing Navy Channel; his older sister was the first white child born on Pender. He recalls childhood activities; schooling and the family; farm. In 1908 he attended the Agricultural College at Guelph; the family exhibited at the local agricultural fairs and supplied cream to the Salt Spring Creamery. He describes the evolution of farming on the island from sheep to dairy and later beef cattle. There is discussion of the early fruit farming and land settlement on the island. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Donald New interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1965-10-06 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Donald New describes how his family moved to BC from England in about 1913; worked on a Mayne Island farm; his sister taught at a school on Mayne; worked for the Heck family; description; of the hotel at Miners Bay; Point Comfort Hotel; adaptation to BC life; how he worked in Victoria and was in the military in Nanaimo; did not go overseas in WWI; labour programs in Nanaimo; worked for a short time at Stave Falls; family moved to Galiano in 1915; selection of property on Galiano; agricultural possibilities described and pioneer families. TRACK 2: Three humorous anecdotes; Galiano postmasters; Mr. New as a postmaster until 1960; Englishness and "false Englishness" of early settlers; life of women and the relative lack of isolation.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Walton interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1969 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Walton recalls when he came to Hornby Island in 1946. He discusses how islanders make their living; farming; logging; fishing; tourism; comparison of old and new times on Hornby Island; electricity on the island; relationship with the BC Government; subdivision; need for local control; preserving island life and parkland. TRACK 2: Mrs. Walton discusses what she likes about Hornby Island. She speaks about her work as a nurse; the Red Cross outpost; the islander's co-operative spirit; the Ratepayer's Association; subdivision; art colony; pollution; poor logging practices; noise;.

Moya Bond interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1968 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mrs. Bond recalls her family's early years on Hornby Island, and their farming and seed growing business on two hundred acres. She discusses the quality of life on Hornby; the new subdivisions; changes; water problems; logging; diatomite; fossils. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Walter Prescott interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1965-08-10 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Prescott recalls his coming to Alberni by automobile in 1907 to take the position of Royal Bank manager; his first impressions of the community, and the reasons he decided to stay. He discusses the boom years in Alberni from 1907 to 1913; the start of the railway in 1911; logging; mills; subdivision; World War I; Port Alberni; first settlement in Alberni; Alberni Land Company; Captain Stamp; mills; Gilbert Sproat; and Anderson's Mill from 1860 to 1864. Mr. Prescott recounts his career in banking; his transfer to Vancouver at the age of nineteen; his impressions of Alberni; farming in the area; dairy farming; and pre-World War I. TRACK 2: Mr. Prescott continues his discussion about Alberni; residents; land clearing; vegetation; logging; Indian reserve; Bob Roberts; potlatches; working for the bank; first bank in Alberni and Port Alberni; his employment in timber transactions; early settlers and the community centre.

Edward Cox interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1965-08-08 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Cox recounts his family coming to Alberni; his grandfather worked at the Cape Beale Lighthouse in 1879; his father was the first Provincial Policeman in Alberni; his mother's father [Kirkpatrick] was the first blacksmith and came to Alberni in 1886. He describes Indian ceremonial dances he witnessed performed at Alberni in the longhouses; he discusses Indian culture and language. He recalls Alberni mills and logging the town; and schooling. TRACK 2: Mr. Cox continues his recollections about Alberni; transportation; the stage; railway; water transportation; doctors; miners; policing; automobiles; roads; Port Alberni; early settlers; and farming. He recalls his work on the CPR ships that went from Alberni to Victoria, stopping at Port Renfrew and Clo-oose. He talks about the telegraph trail and station at Bamfield; the wreck of the "Carelmapu"; stopping at Ucluelet and Clayoquot; the whaling stations.

District Agriculturist memoranda

  • GR-1813
  • Series
  • 1930

Copy of a memorandum (undated) to P.D. Walker, Deputy Provincial Secretary, from Rodney DeLisle, District Agriculturalist (Columbia-Kootenay), describing his visit to Colony Farm at the Provincial Mental Hospital (Essondale), Alexandra Ranch at Tranquille Sanatorium and the Provincial Industrial School for Boys at Port Coquitlam in 1930.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary

Inspector of Dykes administrative records

  • GR-0972
  • Series
  • 1874-1981

This series consists of indexes to records relating to dyking and drainage held by the Inspector Office, Surrey, B.C. Records include subject file lists of correspondence regarding dyking districts and general administration, 1871-1881; index of maps, plans, topographical maps, etc. regarding dykes and dyking rights-of-way; index of engineers' drawings, Fraser Valley Dyking Board. These file lists and indexes were created between 1974 and 1981, but they make reference to records dating from 1871 to 1981.

British Columbia. Office of the Inspector of Dykes

Inspector of Fruit Pests letterbook

  • GR-0413
  • Series
  • 1908-1909

36 page letter book from the Inspector of Fruit Pests, 1908-1909.

British Columbia. Dept. of Agriculture. Inspector of Fruit Pests

Dairy Branch minute books and other material

  • GR-0510
  • Series
  • 1894-1932

This series consists of records of the Dairy Branch. Records include minute books, 1894-1910, correspondence, reports, account books, receipts and subscriptions of the Dairymen's Association of British Columbia, and Dairymen's and Live Stock Association of British Columbia.

British Columbia. Dairy Branch

Riverland irrigated farms

The item is a composite print of a promotional film from 1955-1956. It describes Riverland Irrigated Farms, a BC Electric-sponsored agricultural project to irrigate dry bench lands beside the Fraser River near Lillooet. It shows the planning, clearing, ploughing, planting and irrigation of a demonstration farm, construction of the irrigation system, farm operation and livestock facilities. It also includes an interview with BCE president Dal Grauer.

Vancouver diamond jubilee

The item is a composite print of a promotional film made in 1947. It shows the celebrations marking Vancouver's 60th anniversary to provide a framework for a short history and description of the city. Jubilee events include parades, a pageant at Timber Bowl in Stanley Park, First Nations dancing and the induction of the Governor-General (Viscount Alexander) as an honorary Kwakiutl chief. There are historical photographs which show Vancouver's early development.

Contemporary footage reveals various aspects of the city: skyline, public buildings and street scenes including Marine Building, harbour and shipyards, False Creek CPR yards and roundhouse, Lion's Gate and Burrard bridges, Vancouver airport, bus and streetcar systems, Police and Fire departments, Kitsilano Beach, Stanley Park, Bowen Island, boating, sailing, Sun Salmon Derby etc. It also includes footage of regional industries: logging, mining, smelting, fishing, farming, hydro-electric sites.

Prophecy of the Peace : [short version]

The item is a release print of an industrial film, made in 1964-1965. It show the continuing construction of Portage Mountain dam on the Peace River. Includes: re-enactments of the region's history (Indigenous people, Alexander Mackenzie's journeys, fur trade & homesteading); local farming; dam construction; the 5-mile conveyor built to carry earth fill to build the dam; activities in and around Prince George; the Endako Mine; etc.

[Booth Collection -- B.C. places] : [footage and out-takes]

Footage. 12 reels of film (varying in length from 20 to 100 feet) showing different locations. Vancouver Airport, where crowd greets a Lancastrian aircraft [133, 102A]; English Bay sailing [102A]; Whytecliff Lodge (Horseshoe Bay) seaside resort activities [108]; Alpine Inn at Christina Lake [18]; Jones Lake fishing and mountaineering [209]; Cherry Creek cattle round-up [94]; Merritt sawmills, businesses and nearby coalmine "Middlebora" [45]; Harrison Lake Sasquatch celebration [120A]; haying at The Willows farm (Fraser Valley?) [58]; Coldstream Ranch (?) dairy cattle [14C]; Okanagan Lake sternwheeler "Sicamous" at Penticton and shots of Incola Hotel (pre-1935), and Westbank-to-Kelowna car ferry [175]; Herbert Arm (?) government dock and nearby mountaineering, wild flowers, and a semi-abandoned mine [103A-B).

Jersey breeders of Vancouver Island

The item is a b&w film documentary from 1936. "Jersey breeders convene for a day trip to the Cowichan Valley to meet with other breeders and visit a Jersey farm in the Valley. There are good shots of cars on the Brentwood-Mill Bay ferry, driving on and off. A group of breeders and a barn full of Jersey cows. Cloth banner: 'Welcome from Cowichan Jersey Cattle Club.' Pan across farm, perhaps just south of Duncan, to banner over the driveway. Shots of Jersey bulls. Breeders having a glass of beer. Shots of Jersey cows and breeders. Ladies at farmhouse -- a long buffet table. Breeders eating. A little girl with a big cake." (Colin Browne)

A day with the Okanagan poultry inspector

The item is a b&w documentary film from ca. 1928. "The Poultry Inspector from the British Columbia Department of Agriculture visits Rose Comb Red Farm and inspects their hens, chicks, cows, pigs and bees. He also visits a Boy's and Girl's Poultry Club in Grindrod, where the school principal has been instrumental in establishing such clubs. Later he visits another mixed farm and looks over 600 Barred Rock chicks. He marks and culls the 'slow featherers' and Looks over the pigs and cows. There is also a [long shot] of the 40-acre orchard." (Colin Browne)

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