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Irrigation--British Columbia
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Correspondence and other material

  • GR-1008
  • Series
  • 1920-1924

This series contains records from the Water Rights Branch and includes correspondence, memos, and miscellaneous notes and papers regarding irrigation pumps.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch


  • GR-1010
  • Series
  • 1974

This series contains correspondence files relating to water rights and water resources administration.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Records relating to draft bill

  • GR-1130
  • Series
  • 1913

This series contains records relating to draft bill, an Act respecting Public Irrigation Corporations. Includes draft of bill with index and column notations and a memorandum entitled "Report on a public irrigation corporation bill, accompanying and explaining the revised draft by H.W. Grunsky of the Water Rights Branch together with letters on the same subject by Dr. S. Forties and F. Adams of the Irrigation Investigation Branch of the United States Department of Agriculture," submitted to the Minister of Lands.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Records relating to water projects

  • GR-1131
  • Series
  • 1911

Series contains lists relating to water projects. List of Certificates of Approval for water works, diversions, dams, spillways, etc. issued between 1898 and 1911; includes grantee, date of approval, purpose and nature of grant. List of power, light and water companies, registered or licenced in the province of British Columbia, including those under statute, those with grants of water rights, and those with Certificates of Approval pursuant to the Water Clauses Consolidation Act (1897) and the Water Act (1909).

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Plans, engineers' reports, and statistical information

  • GR-0338
  • Series
  • 1914

This series consists of diverse material concerning irrigated and irrigable lands in British Columbia from the Water Rights Branch. Volume 1 contains plot plans, engineers reports, orders, and statistical information,. Volume 2 contains only statistical information.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Irrigation report

  • GR-0368
  • Series
  • 1911

"Report on irrigation conditions of British Columbia and recommendations for the initiation of government work on irrigation investigations," by Prof. B.A. Etcheverry, commissioned by the Dept. of Lands.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch


  • GR-1289
  • Series
  • 1922-1954

This series contains copies of Hydro-electric progress reports in Canada, issued by Canada, Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Water Resources Division and its predecessor agencies. This mimeographed progress report highlights projects under development in British Columbia and the other provinces.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Commission on Dyking, Drainage and Irrigation (1946)

  • GR-0680
  • Series
  • 1946

This series consists of the records of the Commission on Dyking, Drainage and Irrigation (1946). Records include transcripts of proceedings, exhibits, report, subject files and correspondence.

British Columbia. Commission on Dyking, Drainage and Irrigation (1946)

Reports on water management and power projects

  • GR-1427
  • Series
  • 1941-1978

This series contains special studies and reports on water management, power projects and related topics.

British Columbia. Water Management Branch

Royal Commission Investigating the fruit industry (and inter-related conditions) of the districts territorially known as the Okanagan, Kootenay and Kettle River (1930)

  • GR-0904
  • Series
  • 1929-1930

This series consists of records of the Royal Commission Investigating the Fruit Industry (and interrelated conditions) of the Districts Territorially Known as the Okanagan, Kootenay, and Kettle River of the Province of British Columbia, 1929-1930. Commission records consist of correspondence and the report.

Royal Commission Investigating the Fruit Industry (and interrelated conditions) of the Districts Territorially Known as the Okanagan, Kootenay, and Kettle River of the Province of British Columbia

Agriculture today : reel 1, part 2

The item consists of a reel of 16 mm film which includes the following items:
D. At Cawston, an entire unprofitable apricot orchard is cut down. The cut trees are shredded and dispersed as mulch. At Revelstoke, three deep wells are being drilled to provide water for irrigation and domestic use.
E. Orchard scenes.
F. The golden nematode, a pest of tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants, infested Vancouver Island in 1965. The plant protection of the federal Department of Agriculture eradicated the threat using quarantine, soil preparation and fumigation.
G. The federal Department of Agriculture's national potato-breeding program. At a research station in Fredericton, researchers select the best varieties for each region of Canada.

Agriculture today : reel 20, part 1

The item consists of a reel of 16 mm film which includes the following:
Tractor pulling irrigation pipes in orchard. Sprinklers at work. Controlling growth of fruit trees for effective watering [?]. Horses, barn, old steam tractor, corral. River, cattle, corral. People gathering at ranch house. A field day; presentation of prizes from Southern Interior Stockmen's Association and B.C. Livestock Producers Co-Op Association. People at indoor meeting.

Agriculture today : reel 29, part 2

The item consists of a reel of 16 mm film which includes the following:
C. The Kamloops area is well-suited for raising beef cattle. Bill Hubbard [?] of the federal agricultural research station at Kamloops explains how to increase hay production on a "three-cut" basis; the right variety of forage; soil preparation, fertilizer, watering. Irrigation and sprinkler system. Cutting and stacking. (00:05:50)
D. Showing bulls. An indoor cattle auction. Sign: "Kelowna Ranches". Showing a bull. Auctioneers and bidders. Sign: "Polled Herefords". Bull in outdoor corral. (00:11:17)

Agriculture today : reel 28, part 1

The item consists of a reel of 16 mm film which includes the following:

  1. Sorting apples; fruit processing machines. Laboratory for research on preparation of fruit products, new equipment, and packaging. Label: "Sun-Rype Sliced Fresh Peaches". Apple-peeling machine. Apple pulp press. Grinder. Sign: "Barkwills Ltd. Fruit Processors". View of plant. Peach canning operation, including processing machinery and boxing. Boxes marked "Royal City Peaches Halved" and "Brentwood Peaches Sliced".
  2. Automatic sprinkling system: control panel; sprinkler heads in operation. Various orchard sprinkler systems.

Growing Canadian apples

The item is an instructional film in two reels:
"Part One deals with the initial stages of growing and training an apple tree, and shows the steps taken from cross-pollination to seed selection and on to budding, pruning and top working. Part Two begins with bridge grafting and then shows entomologists in the laboratory studying insects that attack fruit trees. The various life stages of the codling moth are examined and explained. A horse-drawn spray unit moves through an orchard in British Columbia. The need for three and four applications of spray are explained and the stages at which it must be done. Scene of a spray and dust manufacturing plant. Blossom time in Quebec. Cultivating around the bottom of the trees to prevent the moisture being sapped by weeds. A grass mulch around the base of trees. Wire protectors around the trunk to discourage mice from eating the bark. Scenes of irrigation works in British Columbia, showing sluices, flumes, etc., costing about $14.00 per acre-foot. Thinning fruit in July, remaining apples left about six inches apart. Ripe apple in sunlight. Much of this film was shot on an experimental farm, probably in Ottawa." (Colin Browne)

Agriculture today : reel 20, part 2

The item consists of a reel of 16 mm film which includes the following:
Measuring depth and weight of snow for water resource estimates. Use of measuring equipment. Taking stream-flow measurements from a bridge. A wooden flume system; escaping water. Building a new asbestos-cement pipeline. Opening a dam. Testing water from a hand pump. Checking outdoor instruments. Man climbing down a manhole.

R.E. Gamman interview

CALL NUMBER: T0322:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-11-15 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Robert E. Gamman recalls life in the Okanagan; 1908 to 1914. He describes how he came to the Okanagan in 1908 via the U.S.; odd jobs in Vernon; trapping; J.M. Robinson and Naramata; land dealings; irrigation; life as a greenhorn in a cabin; the man who lent him the cabin; "real men"; a story of a man who froze to death on a trail; Nahun Landing; trapping in the Monashee area; the story of how he came to Naramata; work there and surveying. TRACK 2: Mr. Gamman describes early days in Naramata; survey work in the South Okanagan; an encounter with wild cattle; Mrs. Kruger and her boys; hospitality then as compared to today; Okanagan Falls; packing into Camp McKinney; the story of Arnott, who had owned the site of Kaleden, and his partner Bill Hines; their ranch; other characters; a visit from a game warden regarding deer; and the town of Fairview.

CALL NUMBER: T0322:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-11-15 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Gamman describes surveying and the construction of the Kettle Valley Railway; accidents; survey work; work in Northern BC; surveying the watershed of Deadman River; an anecdote about the; beginning of World War I; Kelowna and remittance men, including one who pretended to own a ranch; a description of Kelowna; Vernon; bad debts back then; other people such as Tommy Wilmot and Paddy Acland; early days in Penticton; Naramata; more on J.M. Robinson who was "a real pioneer"; early growth in Naramata and irrigation. TRACK 2: Mr. Gamman tells stories of people in Naramata; development ;in Naramata over World War I; land between there and Penticton; his own early life there; the Green family of Green Mountain; a story about getting locked up overnight in Kelowna; various odd jobs such as prospecting and pruning trees.

Walter Wright interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-11 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Walter Wright recalls Summerland from 1909 to 1915. He describes coming from Ontario in 1909; a description of what Summerland was like when he arrived; problems with irrigation; people ;who were brought to the valley by J.M. Robinson; the character of people who came to the area; stories about Tom Kelly and Sam McGee, who allegedly knew Robert W. Service, and inspired a story; Major Hutton; the Gartrell family; Harry Dunston and his bride; speaker's club in Summerland; public works; the Baptist college and its effect on the community, including sports; the history of the college building above the town. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Chief Hydrographer correspondence

  • GR-0836
  • Series
  • 1911-1912

This series consists of letterbook copies of correspondence outward from the Chief Hydrographer regarding water surveys, irrigation projects, dams, etc. Includes nominal index.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Working papers and other material

  • GR-1284
  • Series
  • 1951-1954

This series contains working papers, drafts and photographs, 1951-1954, used in the preparation of the illustrated "Water Powers, British Columbia, Canada", 1954 edition which was published by the Department of Lands and Forests, Water Rights Branch, Victoria.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Public Utilities Commission Engineering Dept. records

  • GR-1160
  • Series
  • 1943-1972

This series contains the records of the Engineering Department. Included are correspondence, memoranda, reports, appraisals and investigations of the Chief Engineer and the Investigations Auditor. The records relate to applications for public utilities (water, gas, and electric) and their construction, expansion and operation, including applications for rate revisions, extension of natural gas and electric distribution lines, and improvements in sub-station transmission systems and municipal water supplies. There is a 1943 report on rates and service of the B.C. Electric Railway Company and miscellaneous files on cemeteries. This unit includes records relating to the application of B.C. Hydro and Power Authority, Gulf of Georgia Transmission Co., and others for a natural gas pipeline to Vancouver Island and Powell River, consisting of correspondence, briefs and exhibits presented at the 1972 hearings, and supplementary data.

British Columbia. Public Utilities Commission

F.H. "Tommy" Wilmot interview

CALL NUMBER: T1088:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-11-11 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. F.H. "Tommy" Wilmot discusses his father's travels and life in the Vernon area from 1890 to 1914. He begins by describing the Middleton family; Wilmot's father; polo matches; a story of; his father crossing the prairies by cart; ranching near Pincher Creek; Victoria and the Cowichan area; more about family and how they returned to England; how his father was persuaded to come to the Okanagan; he came to Coldstream in 1905; sports; ranchers in Alberta; a story about Billy Humphries; his mother; Policeman Clarkson; polo grounds and race tracks. TRACK 2: Mr. Wilmot continues by discussing raising ponies; Pat Burns and the Calgary girl's polo team; the pony business; polo in the Okanagan; his first impressions of the valley in 1905; Coldstream compared to then as to now; Hayden; recollections of Vernon; the pace in those days; sports; social life; the cordwood and ice business; young Englishmen; the country club; banker G.A. Henderson of the Bank of Montreal; Judge Spinks; ;Shorty Mardsen.;

CALL NUMBER: T1088:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-11-11 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Wilmot describes the year-round in the orchards; more on the sports played; impressions of Price Ellison; George Anderson; W.C. Ricardo; the slump on Coldstream after WWI; a story about Ricardo and Dr. Morris; Ricardo's cart; a description of Ricardo; Dr. Morris; work as an electrician; a man shot in a dispute over irrigation water; a story of the sale of Postill Ranch and cattle; Indians; general comments about Indians; and the Douglas Lake Cattle Company polo team. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Boyd Affleck interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-09-08 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Boyd Campbell Affleck came to the Kootenay/Arrow Lakes region in 1907 from Ontario. He took up a surveying job near Nakusp. He discusses settlers and speculators. He describes Fruitva;le in 1907; the development; the early settlers. Then he discusses irrigation and then more on Fruitvale; the impact of WWI on the region; fruit grown; a picnic in the 1930s; settlers; clearing land; and the Fruitvale town site. Mr. Affleck settled near Fruitvale in 1918; lost his hand and was forced back into survey work. He surveyed the town of Salmo. He offers an anecdote about the red light ladies of Erie and then offers more about Fruitvale; the impact of the Trail smelter; and recalls the forest fire of 1939. TRACK 2: Mr. Affleck continues with more on the forest fire. Then he dis;cusses the Trail smelter; effects on fruit farms; Columbia Gardens and survey work at Nelson. He offers more on Fruitvale and Nelson in 1907; transportation; the rivalry between the CPR and GN boats.; He tells a story of how Kaslo tried to steal the Nelson Board of Trade in the 1890s. He discusses the Fruitvale power system in the 1920s; Nelson City Light. He describes the rivalry between West Kootenay Power and Light, and Nelson City Light.

Results 1 to 30 of 61