This series consists of land use committee files created by the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources from 1981-1986. These copies of the committee files were created and used by the representative from the Ministry’s Petroleum Resources Division. The series includes records of three committees: the Ministry wide Land Use Committee as well as two subordinate committees, the Land Use Coordinating Committee and the Omineca-Peace Regional Resource Management Committee (RRMC).
The records cover a wide variety of issues. The primary objective of the committees was to establish a ministry position for presentation to the Environment and Land Use Committee (ELUC) of Cabinet. This included the creation of a ministry wide land use policy and procedures.
Other issues referenced in the series include: the review and approval of land use projects, including energy or mining projects within the ministry and providing feedback on projects from other ministries such as forest uses or the creation of new parks; creation of protocol agreements with other ministries to address conflicting land use requirements; reviewing the provincial land use strategy; investigating legal issues such as surface and sub-surface rights; reviewing recreation corridors and changes to parks; and establishing mine guidelines.
Records include meeting minutes, agendas, correspondence, reports, research, cabinet submissions, policy documents, and maps. Many of the records are copies sent to all committee members for reference.
The records are arranged by committee, then chronologically by meeting date. The records were transferred under one time schedule number 880193.
British Columbia. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (1978-1996)