- A-00812
- Item
- [19-]
Part of Herbert Carmichael fonds
The item is a b&w photograph of a group of surveyors at a Powell River survey camp.
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Part of Herbert Carmichael fonds
The item is a b&w photograph of a group of surveyors at a Powell River survey camp.
Daniel Lawrence McMullan fonds
The fonds consists of three photograph albums created by Donald Lawrence McMullan between 1928 and 1946. The photographs document his work on forest survey teams for both the provincial and federal governments, as well as surveys conducted by logging and railroad companies.
The first two albums contain photographs from several survey jobs, arranged chronologically. They are divided into sections with an introductory page and a cartographic drawing showing where the particular survey took place. The photographs are usually dated with captions and are as follows:
Album 1 (1928-1933)
Amiskwi and Beaverfoot survey, 1928, Forest Service, Dept. of the Interior, Canada
P.G.E. resources survey, 1929, Forest Resources Branch, British Columbia
Preliminary survey of a proposed logging railroad, 1930, Bloedel, Stewart & Welch Ltd. logging company
Elk Forest survey, 1930, British Columbia Forest Service
North Kamloops Survey, 1931, British Columbia Survey Branch
Railway belt survey, 1932, British Columbia Forest Service
Railroad logging operation, 1933, Industrial Timber Mills Ltd.
Album 2 (1934-1939):
Surveys for logging railroads, 1934-1935, UBO Industrial Timber Mills Ltd.
Kettle Forest Survey, 1935, British Columbia Forest Service
E&N Survey, 1936-1937
Harrison Survey, 1939
The third album, created between 1940 and 1946, contains photographs from McMullan's later career and show general forestry activities on Vancouver Island, mainland British Columbia, Yukon and Alaska. Captions and dates are inconsistently applied.
The fonds also includes a copy of McMullan's thesis entitled "The Work of the Surveys Division: British Columbia Forest Service" written in 1932 during McMullan's studies at the University of British Columbia. This thesis is illustrated with five b&w prints and an annotated map. Also included in the fonds is a notice of permanent appointment to the British Columbia civil service dated March 25, 1937 with attached salary schedule and a letter to McMullan dated January 20, 1938 regarding a new classification grading system for Foresters.
McMullan, Daniel Lawrence
Part of Drewry family fonds
Series includes letters in and out and well as bussiness correspondence, filed books, survey diaries and records relating to survey of the right-of-way of the Cariboo Highway. Also includes approx. 60 letters written to his parents while training for the R.F.C. in Ontario, from the R.M.S. Missanabie en route to England, and in England while a member of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Air Force, 1917-1919.
First Surveyor-General of B.C. : Joseph Trutch
Part of British Columbia Historical Association, Victoria Section fonds
RECORDED: [location unknown], 1971-03-25 SUMMARY: [No content summary available.];
Part of Aluminum Company of Canada fonds
Industrial film. The preliminary survey for the Alcan industrial project at Kitimat, including surveys of the Nechako Basin, Kenney Dam and Kemano power plant sites and Kitimat itself.
The fonds consists of an illustrated diary written in a school exercise book of William Law Ogilby's experience as a chainman on a survey of a portion of the western boundary of the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway Belt on Vancouver Island. A photograph, presumed to have been taken on the survey, depicts Ogilby and two other men at their camp at an unidentified location.
Ogilby, William Law
The fonds consists of personal annual diaries or journals kept by Norman Charles Stewart and a transcript created by Joan Dakers. The original diaries are for the years 1910, 1925, 1928, 1930, 1931, 1933, 1939, 1945, 1947, 1952 (2 v.), 1953 and 1954. These records supplement the official surveyor field books he would have maintained as a BC Land Surveyor working for or with the Surveyor General's department. The transcript includes detailed copies and summaries of diaries from 1910 to 1951. Not all the supplemental information in the original diaries was transcribed.
Stewart, Norman Charles, 1885-1965
The fonds consists of three photo albums created by John Irvine between 1894 and 1910. Many of the photographs are of railway survey campsites and features in Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia and California but some of the earlier photographs are city views of buildings in Ottawa, including the Parliament buildings after the fire in February 1897. The albums are uniform in size and appearance: black, pebbled covers with the "Photographs" embossed in gold on the top left front. The pages, which are stiff gray cardboard, are bound with red cord. The albums measure 18 by 30 cm. The mounted prints vary in size and tone from 7 x 12 cm to 19 x 15 cm, and from b&w to sepia. Nearly all of the photographs have a double white line border drawn around them and almost all are captioned in white ink. Several of the photographs are identified with "Yours truly Jno Irvine" and may be portraits of Irvine himself.
Irvine, John, 1868-1911
Farrow and Thompson lining boat up Upper Swamp River.
Part of John William Clark fonds
"The start of a survey party from Taylor's ranch".
Part of John William Clark fonds
George Vancouver Copley interview : [Roberts, 1975]
SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Experiences of a B.C. land surveyor PERIOD COVERED: 1910-1940 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1975 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Anecdotes about surveying parties with Frank Swannell in the northern interior of British Columbia. Wilderness living and survival techniques. [TRACK 2: blank.];
SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Ranching near Tatla Lake since the 1920s RECORDED: [location unknown], 1967 SUMMARY: An oral history interview with Leonard Butler, who migrated from Spokane to Tatla Lake in the 1920s. Surveying with Frank Swannell. Ranching on the Homathko River. Clearing land and trapping.;
SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Howard D. Dawson : Lardeau Valley 1920-1931 PERIOD COVERED: 1920-1931 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1980-02-14 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Howard D. Dawson established a surveying practice in Kaslo in 1920. Carried out surveys in the Lardeau-Duncan valleys as well as Kootenay Lake and Arrow Lakes regions. Made first surveys of Lardeau Valley for provincial government maps. Describes techniques for map-making. Worked as a mines surveyor from 1911-1920. Mining activity in Kaslo area during the 1920s. Carried out underground surveys. Describes Tom Coleman, cook and packer from Argenta. Describes general topography. Healy's Landing. Accident on way up the Duncan River. TRACK 2: Boating accident on way up the Duncan River. Burns feet. Land slides threatened mineral surveyors in alpine regions. Scaling difficult peak to make triangulation. Slocan. Worked in Sandon area.
The fonds consists of a microfilmed copy of John T.E. Gowlland's log books for the Ganges and the Plumper, including one completed during a survey of Vancouver Island in 1859-1860.
Gowlland, John T. E.
Mabel Kinvig interview : [Houghton, 1978]
CALL NUMBER: T1444:0002 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Mining and ranching RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-03-23 SUMMARY: Oral history interview with Mabel Kinvig. TRACK 1: Description of her father, James Wiggins. Arrival in Horsefly, 1906. Horsefly hydraulic mine, J. Wiggins, caretaker, buildings, Bill Thompson, miner, visitors. TRACK 2: Pioneer ranch at Miocene (B.C.). Building up the ranch. John Wawn. Government surveys. Indian crews. CALL NUMBER: T1444:0003 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Miocene, B.C., and Pioneer Ranch RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-04-21 SUMMARY: Early development of Miocene, B.C. People who stopped at Pioneer ranch. CALL NUMBER: T1444:0004 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-04-28 SUMMARY: [No content summary available for this tape.] CALL NUMBER: T1444:0005 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Home life in the Cariboo RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-05-16 SUMMARY: TRACK 1 & 2: Early home life in the Cariboo: food, canning, fruit, vegetables. CALL NUMBER: T1444:0006 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): The life of her father, James Wiggins RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-05-03 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: The life of her father, James Wiggins: Vancouver, Cariboo, government packer in the North, telegraph linesman in the North. TRACK 2: The life of James Wiggins, continued: Newspaper articles about breaks in telegraph service.
SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Ray Sandy : a life of adventure in the North - a magistrate at Fort St. John, B.C. PERIOD COVERED: 1910-1960 RECORDED: Charlie Lake (B.C.), 1975-11-29 SUMMARY: Emigration from England, 1910. Education. Stewart, B.C., in 1924. Surveying and prospecting. Joining the Provincial Police (Rolla-South Peace River), in 1932. Opening a restaurant and pharmacy in Fort St. John, 1937. Police duties. Indian-white relations. Alaska Highway construction. Magistrate at Fort St. John. Prospecting for gold in the Arctic.
Part of Gary Marcuse fonds
RECORDED: [location unknown], [1978?] SUMMARY: Interview with mountain climber and surveyor Les Churchill. He came to BC from Manitoba for the Columbia River Treaty survey in 1952. He also demonstrates his concertina playing. The interview was recorded for use in Marcuse's radio documentary "Rock and Ice", which aired on CBC Radio's "Between Ourselves".
Part of Lew M. Parry fonds
Out-takes. Career opportunities in the oil industry of western Canada. Shows steps involved in surveying, sounding, scientific testing, site determination, oil well drilling and refining. The film was mainly shot in Alberta, but there are some BC scenes.
Part of Kreg O. Sky fonds
RECORDED: Blind Bay (B.C.), 1984-10 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Outfitted climbing camps for Canadian Alpine Club for over 30 years. Various other climbing parties outfitted. Some camp locations. Swiss climbing guides noted. Conrad Kain had own outfit. Other climbers. Description of topographic survey work, 1923 to 1925, under Harris and Bridgeland. Smithsonian geological expedition (Walcott) in southern Rockies. Started as wrangler, circa 1916, for Walter Nixon. CPR dude trips to Lake of the Hanging Glacier. Supplied prospectors/mines in Purcell Mountains. Guiding territory was upper Kootenay Valley. Madeleine Turner. Jim Boyce. Curly Phillips. Hired local men. Freighting work around Radium Hot Springs. Fire warden for Palliser/Ross rivers area. Packing on Big Bend Highway survey, 1928. Columbia Valley trail. High construction during the Depression. TRACK 2: Locations on west slopes of Rockies. Alpine Club camps. Some backcountry dangers. Sold horse outfit in 1978. Over sixty years of horse work in the mountains. Previous tape recording at Archives of Canadian Rockies, Banff.
Part of Kreg O. Sky fonds
RECORDED: Rocky Mountain House (Alta.), 1983-12 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Trapped with Ray Mustard in 1939. Guided for Waddy Watson, Ed Sherbick, Ray Mustard. Most area outfitters focused on area south of Brazeau River. Outfitting surveys complemented hunting. Previously cooked and packed. Cold Lake military range, 1952. Survey work. Surveyors names. Northern Rockies outfitters; Jim Beattie, Leo Rutledge, Mel Kyllo. Ran big operation, three outfits, 100 horses, Ed Mackenzie and Ed Hitchings helped. Hunting parties, length, sheep main objective, Cariboo closed off. Outfitter requirements detailed (regulations). Some cooks and guides noted. Ray Simpson's green grizzly. Description of Brazeau/Job country, campsites, saddle horse. Good mountain sheep areas identified. TRACK 2: Elk. Pinto and Job (Wilson) Lake fish. Packed throughout the Rockies. 113 day geological party in Monkman area. Natural gas seeps. Sulphur springs. Trapping. Death on MacDonald Creek. A ton ten Mexican hunter. Backcountry curios; totem pole, elk antler pile, telephone line horns. Sold outfit in 1957. Son drowned on the Smoky River in 1952.
Leo Rutledge interview : [Sky, 1983]
Part of Kreg O. Sky fonds
RECORDED: Fort St. John (B.C.), 1983-11 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Guiding in Northern Rockies started in 1920s. First guided for Stan Clark around 1932 on a 42-day hunt. Jim Ross was initial outfitter. Only wealthy American were clients. Gradually worked into outfitting. Guiding supplemented trapping revenue. Details of Curly Phillips' northern canoe trips; Rutledge managed sheep hunting portion. Harry Phillips. Northern Rockies hunting/outfitting expanded after WWII with resultant changes; shorter hunts, float planes, airstrips, poorer quality outfits. Background and rationale for inception of guiding territories in northern Rockies, 1961. TRACK 2: Guides association organized. Other politics of later guiding. Territory covered Prophet River. Indian trails and camps. Description of Tom Wilde. Topographic survey on Wapiti/Narraway Rivers, 1942. Surveys could kill camp meat. Hazard of river fords and fires. General discussion.
Part of Kreg O. Sky fonds
RECORDED: Wilmer (B.C.), 1983-12 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Accounts of hunting grizzly. Snowbound escape from Ice River area via Wolverine Pass. Walter Nixon (father) started packing ore in Parson area, 1907. Was game warden during WWI, political appointment. Gordon Nixon took out survey parties. David started in 1932. Outfit called 2N, was family operation and was sold after WWII. Hunting on Simpson River for moose and grizzly, got three record heads. TRACK 2: Seven point elk. Upper Simpson River had "tame" elk. Built original trail in Simpson Valley. Sir George Simpson's copper tea kettle found. Nixon built a number of other trails. Bill Harrison, Roy McDonald were guides. Some dude trips for CPR resort at Windermere. Packing for Alpine Club camps. Lake of Hanging Glacier. Photo in ice cave. Survey work was good money, climbing parties less so. Packing for surveys on Big Bend Highway. Brother was among those drowned on Kinbasket Lake then. Bugaboos. Nixons helped Conrad Kain. Wintered horses on Police Meadows at Edgewater. Walter Nixon died in 1952.
Part of Kreg O. Sky fonds
RECORDED: Victoria (B.C.), 1984-01 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Came to Canada from Norway in 1927. Trapped and guided out of Valemount from 1929 to 1936. Trap line with Ollie Lebeck, Wood River/Athabasca Pass. Historic Athabasca Trail. Oswald Svendsen. Fortress Lake, 1930. Darryl Zanuck hunting trip on Canoe and Columbia Rivers in 1932 or 1933. Ed Garrett, river guide. Hunters' death. Hunters' names. Guides Art Allen, Chuck Chesser, Oliver Travers, and Ted Abrams, cooks, Eric Swanson. Berg Lake dude rides. Hargreaves brothers. Stan Carr and Mount Robson area. TRACK 2: Topographic surveys, Kinbasket Lake/Canoe River 1936. Frank Swannell. Survey work on Vancouver Island and in the Rockies in 1939. Canadian Army. Relocation to Valemount. Hunting by boat in Canoe River area. Road along Canoe River. Trapping and guiding logistics. Al Huble. Curly Phillip's river boat. Canoe River hot springs.
Part of Kreg O. Sky fonds
RECORDED: Dunster (B.C.), 1983-11 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Father guided hunters out of McBride area, circa 1919. Jack Renshaw was another outfitter. Change of guide regulations, late 1920s. Hunting with riverboats along upper Fraser River. Outdoor Life advertising. Original high trail east of McBride. Beaver (Holmes ) River. Boat hunting cheaper. Used Renshaw's horses. Accounts as a riverboat man on topographic surveys in Northern Rockies, circa 1929. Surveyors. Panned gold during Depression. Horse work for army training schemes during WWII. Some wrangling out of Mt. Robson. Dome Creek guides, Bob Wiley and Slim Fry. [TRACK 2: blank.]
RECORDED: Vancouver (B.C.), 1974-09-09 SUMMARY: Born at Ladysmith; first job in the woods as a surveyor's helper, 1929; Shawnigan Lake Lumber Co.; prospecting for gold in the Peace River/Parsnip River area in 1933; went to Caycuse in 1934; setting chokers; life at camp 6; became a rigger in 1935; description of rigging operation; camp foreman in 1946; change in 1950s to high-lead operations; changes in methods.
Corporation of Land Surveyors of British Columbia Heritage Trust pictorial history project
Part of Corporation of Land Surveyors of the Province of British Columbia fonds
Series consists of 208 photographs depicting the activities of land surveyors in British Columbia in the first half of the twentieth century. Many include detailed annotations on the verso. Most of the photographs are related to photo-topographical surveys, though there are a small number of aerial survey photographs as well. Although surveys throughout B.C. are depicted the highest concentration of photographs deal with the Alberta-British Columbia Boundary Commission of 1913-1924.
The records came from a variety of sources (see custodial history) and are arranged roughly according to survey expedition. Where this could not be determined records are arranged by size and format. Files in this series include the following:
Alberta-British Columbia Boundary Commission photographs
Alberta-British Columbia Boundary Commission photographs
Rocky mountain photographs
Air survey photographs
A.H. Ralf's Travel Bureau photographs
Duncan-Nanaimo survey photographs
Miscellaneous prints
B.C.L.S. mounted photographs
Conuma Peak photographs
Strathcona Provincial Park photographs
H.C. Stewart B.C.L.S.
Miscellaneous prints
Thomson negative
Photograph list and instruction manuals
Corporation of Land Surveyors of the Province of British Columbia
Corporation of Land Surveyors records
Part of Corporation of Land Surveyors of the Province of British Columbia fonds
Professional land surveyors have played a key role in the development of British Columbia. Their work of delineating and describing lands within the province was essential for both orderly settlement and the administration of the province's natural resources. Their work was essential in laying out town sites, surveying roads, railways, and telegraph routes, and in determining international and inter-provincial boundaries. Their concomitant role as explorers, geographers, and naturalists was also important to the province's history. The surveying profession was not strictly regulated in British Columbia until 1891. Before that date, however, the provincial government had recognized a cadre of professional surveyors, many of whom had been involved with such major projects as the 49th Parallel Boundary survey (1857-1862), the Collins Overland Telegraph survey (1864-1867), the CPR surveys (1871-1885) and the Canadian Geological Survey (1871-1908). These surveyors, of considerable experience and proven ability, were entitled to append the initials LS [Land Surveyor] after their names. In April 1891, the Legislative Assembly passed the Provincial Surveyors' Act [54 Vic., c. 17]. Framed by W.S. Gore, the Provincial Surveyor-General, the act was introduced to regulate practitioners. The act established a Board of Examiners, made up of the Surveyor-General and five other surveyors, and set down policies for articling pupils. Thereafter, only surveyors who were approved by the Board were allowed to practice in the province. Authorized surveyors were styled "Provincial Land Surveyors of the Province of British Columbia", they received a numbered commission and seal and were entitled to append the initials PLS after their names. The act also incorporated a governing body, the Association of Provincial Land Surveyors, for the profession. The PLS group of surveyors eventually numbered eighty-five members. However, the Association was relatively weak and in 1905 it was replaced by the Corporation of Lands Surveyors of the Province of British Columbia. The corporation was established under new legislation, the Provincial Land Surveyors' Act, 1905 [5 Ed.7, c.7] which strengthened the management of the profession. A new Board of Examiners was formed and, as before, only surveyors who were recognized by the Board were entitled to practice in the province. Those so recognized were designated by the initials BCLS. Although the Provincial Surveyors' Act has since been amended, the Corporation of Lands Surveyors continues to be the governing body of the profession. Includes records of the Association of Provincial Land Surveyors (1890-1905) and its successor, the Corporation of Land Surveyors (1905-1983). Records include Board of Examiners and Board of Management minutes, oaths of office and allegiance, letterbooks and financial reports. Also included are the biographical files of almost two hundred deceased BCLS members. The files contain summaries of the surveyors' careers and, in many cases, a considerable amount of genealogical information.
Corporation of Land Surveyors of the Province of British Columbia
G.S. Andrews interview : [Chambers, 1974]
Part of Ruth M. Chambers fonds
RECORDED: [location unknown], 1974-02-13 SUMMARY: History of Pine Pass. Andrews' journey through Pine Pass in 1924. Story of John Bennett's ill-fated journey through Pine Pass in 1930. Origin of the name Bennett Creek.;
The fonds consists of correspondence, journals, drafts of his "Search in the North", as well as an autobiography, short stories, poetry and photographs.
Blanchet, Guy Houghton, 1884-1966
Part of Ernest Harold Burgess fonds
Diary of survey of west coast of Vancouver Island (1926), with transcript and elaboration by the author (1970); identification cards. Photos transferred to Visual Records. Pamphlets transferred to BC Archives Library.