Sound archives



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  • Sound Recording Database SMIDDEV_SR_SUBJECT_HEADINGS.

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Sound archives

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Sound archives

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Sound archives

6 Archival description results for Sound archives

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B.C. folk songs, no. 1

SUMMARY: This episode is part one of a two-part documentary about British Columbian folk music and traditions. It comprises an interview with folk music collector Phil Thomas, and recordings of several people ;singing folk songs.;

B.C. folk songs, no. 2

SUMMARY: This episode is part two of a two-part documentary about British Columbian folk music and traditions. It comprises an interview with folk music collector Phil Thomas, and recordings of several people ;singing folk songs.;

Canadian Aural/Oral History Conference, Simon Fraser University, 1974

CALL NUMBER: T1379:0001 - 0002 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Aural History in British Columbia Studies RECORDED: Burnaby (B.C.), 1974-10-18 SUMMARY: A panel discussion on oral history research as it relates to the study of British Columbia. The panelists are: Margaret Andrews, Imbert Orchard, Derek Reimer, Phil Thomas, and Barry Truax. CALL NUMBER: T1379:0003 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Education Panel RECORDED: Burnaby (B.C.), 1974-10-18 SUMMARY: A panel discussion on the use of oral history materials in primary and secondary schools. The panelists are: Shirley Cox, Charlie Hou, Lilian McIntosh, and Allen Specht. CALL NUMBER: T1379:0004 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Historians Panel RECORDED: Burnaby (B.C.), 1974-10-18 SUMMARY: A panel discussion by academic historians on the use of oral history. The panelists are: George Cook (SFU), Jack Granatstein (York), David Millar (York), and Gordon Wilson (Capilano College). Tape begins with the official welcome from Professor Dallas Smythe, Chairman of the Communications Studies Department, Simon Fraser University. CALL NUMBER: T1379:0005 - 0007 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): [Broadcasters Panel] RECORDED: Burnaby (B.C.), 1974-10-18 SUMMARY: No transcript is available for these three tapes. Presumably they include the Broadcasters Panel, a discussion of sound documentaries based on oral history materials. Robin Woods of the CBC Archives chaired this panel, which featured Elspeth Chisholm, Anita Gordon and Imbert Orchard. CALL NUMBER: T1379:0008 - 0009 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Authors Panel RECORDED: Burnaby (B.C.), 1973-10-19 SUMMARY: A panel discussion by Canadian authors on the use of oral history in their non-fiction books. The panelists are: Barry Broadfoot, James Gray, Imbert Orchard, and Peter Stursberg. CALL NUMBER: T1379:0010 - 0012 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): [Canadian Aural/Oral History : Regional Projects] RECORDED: Burnaby (B.C.), 1973-10-19 SUMMARY: No transcript is available for these three tapes. Presumably they include the panel discussions on aural history projects in Eastern Canada and Western Canada. The Eastern representatives included: Dr. Donald F. Campbell (College of Cape Breton); Gregg Finley (New Brunswick Museum); Bruno Jean (Universite Laval); Jean Morrison (McGill University); and Dr. John Widdowson (Memorial University of Newfoundland). The Western representatives included: Dr. James Boutilier (Royal Roads Military College); W.J. Langlois (Provincial Archives of British Columbia); Jane McCracken (Manitoba Museum of Man and; Nature); Jean Morrison (Thunder Bay Labour History Project); and Trevor Powell (Saskatchewan Archives).

Island this week : B.C. Archives

The item is a video recording of a CKVU tv magazine episode. The series "Island this week" was a Sunday program that focused on people, events and activities on Vancouver Island. This episode includes a feature about the Sound and Moving Image Unit and the Visual Records Unit at the BC Archives.

Recording techniques for oral history interviews

The item is a sound recording of a program discussing various aspects of interview recording techniques: recording equipment, tape stock, how to achieve satisfactory sound quality, recording speeds, interviewing styles, tape identification and summaries, tape preservation, and maintenance of recording equipment.